Selected Items of the Other Investments by Sectors and Maturity - ekonomika ČNB
Aktualizace dat Selected Items of the Other Investments by Sectors and Maturity v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB
Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data
poslední hodnoty.ASSETS (in millions of USD)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total | 167 062.70 | 162 229.30 | 2.98% | 141 107.80 | 18.39% |
IND2 Direct investment abroad | 19 607.30 | 20 563.50 | -4.65% | 19 303.20 | 1.58% |
IND3 Direct investment abroad - equity capital | 20 994.80 | 20 807.30 | 0.90% | 18 416.10 | 14.00% |
IND4 Direct investment abroad - other capital | -1 387.50 | - 243.80 | 469.11% | 887.10 | - 256.41% |
IND5 Portfolio investment - total | 28 360.90 | 27 268.90 | 4.00% | 23 683.10 | 19.75% |
IND6 Portfolio investment - equity securities | 12 845.40 | 12 025.00 | 6.82% | 9 750.70 | 31.74% |
IND7 Portfolio investment - debt securities | 15 515.50 | 15 243.90 | 1.78% | 13 932.40 | 11.36% |
IND8 Financial derivatives | 3 377.80 | 2 958.10 | 14.19% | 2 965.50 | 13.90% |
IND9 Other investment - total | 56 698.30 | 53 934.70 | 5.12% | 51 523.90 | 10.04% |
IND10 Other investment - long-term - total | 21 241.70 | 21 488.30 | -1.15% | 18 733.40 | 13.39% |
IND11 Other investment - long-term - CNB | 218.80 | 218.70 | 0.05% | 210.50 | 3.94% |
IND12 Other investment - long-term - commercial banks | 18 820.40 | 19 041.70 | -1.16% | 16 328.90 | 15.26% |
IND13 Other investment - long-term -government | 1 541.80 | 1 572.30 | -1.94% | 1 609.90 | -4.23% |
IND14 Other investment - long-term - other sectors | 660.80 | 655.50 | 0.81% | 584.10 | 13.13% |
IND15 Other investment - short- term - total | 35 456.60 | 32 446.30 | 9.28% | 32 790.50 | 8.13% |
IND16 Other investment - short- term - CNB | 42.10 | 18.10 | 132.60% | 27.30 | 54.21% |
IND17 Other investment - short- term - commercial banks | 11 578.00 | 11 293.50 | 2.52% | 12 837.60 | -9.81% |
IND18 Other investment - short- term - comercial banks -gold and foreign exchange | 8 486.70 | 8 247.10 | 2.91% | 8 212.50 | 3.34% |
IND19 Other investment - short- term - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND20 Other investment - short- term - other sectors | 23 836.60 | 21 134.80 | 12.78% | 19 925.50 | 19.63% |
IND21 NB reserves | 59 018.40 | 57 504.00 | 2.63% | 43 632.10 | 35.26% |
IND22 NB reserves - gold | 452.20 | 445.90 | 1.41% | 437.90 | 3.27% |
IND23 NB reserves - SDR | 1 161.60 | 1 161.20 | 0.03% | 1 129.50 | 2.84% |
IND24 NB reserves - Reserve position in the Fund | 758.60 | 747.20 | 1.53% | 700.80 | 8.25% |
IND25 NB reserves - Foreign Assets | 51 299.00 | 52 728.70 | -2.71% | 37 813.20 | 35.66% |
IND26 NB reserves - Other reserve assets | 5 346.90 | 2 421.10 | 120.85% | 3 550.80 | 50.58% |
LIABILITIES (in millions of USD)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total | 249 671.50 | 247 815.20 | 0.75% | 236 309.90 | 5.65% |
IND2 Direct investment in the Czech Republic - Total | 137 349.90 | 136 559.10 | 0.58% | 135 343.30 | 1.48% |
IND3 Direct investment in the Czech Republic - equity capitall | 124 970.90 | 126 924.90 | -1.54% | 122 496.80 | 2.02% |
IND4 Direct investment in the Czech Republic - other capital | 12 379.00 | 9 634.30 | 28.49% | 12 846.50 | -3.64% |
IND5 Portfolio investment - total | 48 309.20 | 51 462.00 | -6.13% | 45 495.00 | 6.19% |
IND6 Portfolio investment - equity securities | 8 443.00 | 8 597.70 | -1.80% | 6 887.50 | 22.58% |
IND7 Portfolio investment - debt securities | 39 866.20 | 42 864.30 | -6.99% | 38 607.60 | 3.26% |
IND8 Financial derivatives | 3 724.60 | 4 225.30 | -11.85% | 4 006.00 | -7.02% |
IND9 Other investment - total | 60 287.70 | 55 568.80 | 8.49% | 51 465.60 | 17.14% |
IND10 Other investment - long-term - total | 24 908.30 | 25 948.60 | -4.01% | 25 577.80 | -2.62% |
IND11 Other investment - long-term - CNB | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND12 Other investment - long-term - commercial banks | 4 870.00 | 4 979.80 | -2.20% | 4 680.10 | 4.06% |
IND13 Other investment - long-term - government | 6 059.40 | 6 357.20 | -4.68% | 6 106.10 | -0.76% |
IND14 Other investment - long-term - other sectors | 13 979.00 | 14 611.60 | -4.33% | 14 791.70 | -5.49% |
IND15 Other investment - short - term - total | 35 379.40 | 29 620.20 | 19.44% | 25 887.80 | 36.66% |
IND16 Other investment - short - term - CNB | 35.60 | 77.70 | -54.18% | 235.30 | -84.87% |
IND17 Other investment - short - term - commercial banks | 25 155.80 | 18 745.30 | 34.20% | 16 149.60 | 55.77% |
IND18 Other investment - short - term - government | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 143.10 | - |
IND19 Other investment - short - term - other sectors | 10 188.00 | 10 797.30 | -5.64% | 9 359.80 | 8.85% |
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total | -82 608.80 | -85 586.00 | -3.48% | -95 202.10 | -13.23% |
Loans by Sectors and Maturity |
Loans by Sectors and Maturity in millions of CZK |
Loans by Sectors and Maturity in millions of EUR |
Loans by Sectors and Maturity in millions of USD |
Total (65 hodnot, 30.06.2014) |
Podobné sestavy
Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD
Selected Items of the Other Investments by Sectors and Maturity
ČNB - ekonomika, časové řady
- Mzdy - průměrná mzda
- HDP - Hrubý domácí produkt
- Inflace - meziroční změny
- Nezaměstnanost a volná pracovní místa
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pondělí 16.9.2024 05:05:39