Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Total in sectoral breakdown of holders - all currencies

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{aliapage.main_sql.name}} ... Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 30.06.2017 462 453.60
Min 31.01.2003 953.50

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.07.2020 415 505.30 417 834.40 -2 329.10 -0.56% 440 584.80 -25 079.50 -5.69%
30.06.2020 417 834.40 423 856.40 -6 022.00 -1.42% 439 476.20 -21 641.80 -4.92%
31.05.2020 423 856.40 425 856.70 -2 000.30 -0.47% 438 223.40 -14 367.00 -3.28%
30.04.2020 425 856.70 439 136.70 -13 280.00 -3.02% 429 126.60 -3 269.90 -0.76%
31.03.2020 439 136.70 435 181.60 3 955.10 0.91% 426 748.40 12 388.30 2.90%
29.02.2020 435 181.60 433 960.40 1 221.20 0.28% 428 763.50 6 418.10 1.50%
31.01.2020 433 960.40 430 275.40 3 685.00 0.86% 423 599.50 10 360.90 2.45%
31.12.2019 430 275.40 435 154.80 -4 879.40 -1.12% 420 747.50 9 527.90 2.26%
30.11.2019 435 154.80 447 868.00 -12 713.20 -2.84% 421 080.70 14 074.10 3.34%
31.10.2019 447 868.00 448 056.20 - 188.20 -0.04% 419 481.20 28 386.80 6.77%
30.09.2019 448 056.20 442 738.60 5 317.60 1.20% 413 898.70 34 157.50 8.25%
31.08.2019 442 738.60 440 584.80 2 153.80 0.49% 417 210.30 25 528.30 6.12%
31.07.2019 440 584.80 439 476.20 1 108.60 0.25% 417 644.20 22 940.60 5.49%
30.06.2019 439 476.20 438 223.40 1 252.80 0.29% 413 762.50 25 713.70 6.21%
31.05.2019 438 223.40 429 126.60 9 096.80 2.12% 413 045.00 25 178.40 6.10%
30.04.2019 429 126.60 426 748.40 2 378.20 0.56% 412 441.10 16 685.50 4.05%
31.03.2019 426 748.40 428 763.50 -2 015.10 -0.47% 414 445.40 12 303.00 2.97%
28.02.2019 428 763.50 423 599.50 5 164.00 1.22% 414 594.80 14 168.70 3.42%
31.01.2019 423 599.50 420 747.50 2 852.00 0.68% 413 889.70 9 709.80 2.35%
31.12.2018 420 747.50 421 080.70 - 333.20 -0.08% 411 651.30 9 096.20 2.21%
30.11.2018 421 080.70 419 481.20 1 599.50 0.38% 457 330.70 -36 250.00 -7.93%
31.10.2018 419 481.20 413 898.70 5 582.50 1.35% 460 855.50 -41 374.30 -8.98%
30.09.2018 413 898.70 417 210.30 -3 311.60 -0.79% 457 875.60 -43 976.90 -9.60%
31.08.2018 417 210.30 417 644.20 - 433.90 -0.10% 457 604.20 -40 393.90 -8.83%
31.07.2018 417 644.20 413 762.50 3 881.70 0.94% 461 955.60 -44 311.40 -9.59%
30.06.2018 413 762.50 413 045.00 717.50 0.17% 462 453.60 -48 691.10 -10.53%
31.05.2018 413 045.00 412 441.10 603.90 0.15% 460 969.90 -47 924.90 -10.40%
30.04.2018 412 441.10 414 445.40 -2 004.30 -0.48% 459 222.50 -46 781.40 -10.19%
31.03.2018 414 445.40 414 594.80 - 149.40 -0.04% 454 377.20 -39 931.80 -8.79%
28.02.2018 414 594.80 413 889.70 705.10 0.17% 450 296.30 -35 701.50 -7.93%
31.01.2018 413 889.70 411 651.30 2 238.40 0.54% 446 160.10 -32 270.40 -7.23%
31.12.2017 411 651.30 457 330.70 -45 679.40 -9.99% 444 080.70 -32 429.40 -7.30%
30.11.2017 457 330.70 460 855.50 -3 524.80 -0.76% 442 008.50 15 322.20 3.47%
31.10.2017 460 855.50 457 875.60 2 979.90 0.65% 437 837.80 23 017.70 5.26%
30.09.2017 457 875.60 457 604.20 271.40 0.06% 442 532.40 15 343.20 3.47%
31.08.2017 457 604.20 461 955.60 -4 351.40 -0.94% 438 554.80 19 049.40 4.34%
31.07.2017 461 955.60 462 453.60 - 498.00 -0.11% 439 577.30 22 378.30 5.09%
30.06.2017 462 453.60 460 969.90 1 483.70 0.32% 433 970.00 28 483.60 6.56%
31.05.2017 460 969.90 459 222.50 1 747.40 0.38% 439 742.50 21 227.40 4.83%
30.04.2017 459 222.50 454 377.20 4 845.30 1.07% 436 205.60 23 016.90 5.28%
31.03.2017 454 377.20 450 296.30 4 080.90 0.91% 429 751.50 24 625.70 5.73%
28.02.2017 450 296.30 446 160.10 4 136.20 0.93% 426 338.20 23 958.10 5.62%
31.01.2017 446 160.10 444 080.70 2 079.40 0.47% 429 472.40 16 687.70 3.89%
31.12.2016 444 080.70 442 008.50 2 072.20 0.47% 429 775.80 14 304.90 3.33%
30.11.2016 442 008.50 437 837.80 4 170.70 0.95% 416 512.70 25 495.80 6.12%
31.10.2016 437 837.80 442 532.40 -4 694.60 -1.06% 413 392.60 24 445.20 5.91%
30.09.2016 442 532.40 438 554.80 3 977.60 0.91% 440 627.60 1 904.80 0.43%
31.08.2016 438 554.80 439 577.30 -1 022.50 -0.23% 433 587.00 4 967.80 1.15%
31.07.2016 439 577.30 433 970.00 5 607.30 1.29% 429 902.20 9 675.10 2.25%
30.06.2016 433 970.00 439 742.50 -5 772.50 -1.31% 427 299.50 6 670.50 1.56%
31.05.2016 439 742.50 436 205.60 3 536.90 0.81% 419 756.00 19 986.50 4.76%
30.04.2016 436 205.60 429 751.50 6 454.10 1.50% 414 679.90 21 525.70 5.19%
31.03.2016 429 751.50 426 338.20 3 413.30 0.80% 392 937.20 36 814.30 9.37%
29.02.2016 426 338.20 429 472.40 -3 134.20 -0.73% 388 048.50 38 289.70 9.87%
31.01.2016 429 472.40 429 775.80 - 303.40 -0.07% 385 397.40 44 075.00 11.44%
31.12.2015 429 775.80 416 512.70 13 263.10 3.18% 384 035.50 45 740.30 11.91%
30.11.2015 416 512.70 413 392.60 3 120.10 0.75% 379 700.40 36 812.30 9.70%
31.10.2015 413 392.60 440 627.60 -27 235.00 -6.18% 369 262.60 44 130.00 11.95%
30.09.2015 440 627.60 433 587.00 7 040.60 1.62% 362 968.90 77 658.70 21.40%
31.08.2015 433 587.00 429 902.20 3 684.80 0.86% 362 300.10 71 286.90 19.68%
31.07.2015 429 902.20 427 299.50 2 602.70 0.61% 361 716.60 68 185.60 18.85%
30.06.2015 427 299.50 419 756.00 7 543.50 1.80% 352 834.70 74 464.80 21.10%
31.05.2015 419 756.00 414 679.90 5 076.10 1.22% 350 782.80 68 973.20 19.66%
30.04.2015 414 679.90 392 937.20 21 742.70 5.53% 353 593.40 61 086.50 17.28%
31.03.2015 392 937.20 388 048.50 4 888.70 1.26% 349 481.50 43 455.70 12.43%
28.02.2015 388 048.50 385 397.40 2 651.10 0.69% 347 534.30 40 514.20 11.66%
31.01.2015 385 397.40 384 035.50 1 361.90 0.35% 345 371.10 40 026.30 11.59%
31.12.2014 384 035.50 379 700.40 4 335.10 1.14% 350 508.20 33 527.30 9.57%
30.11.2014 379 700.40 369 262.60 10 437.80 2.83% 350 759.20 28 941.20 8.25%
31.10.2014 369 262.60 362 968.90 6 293.70 1.73% 344 819.40 24 443.20 7.09%
30.09.2014 362 968.90 362 300.10 668.80 0.18% 343 689.90 19 279.00 5.61%
31.08.2014 362 300.10 361 716.60 583.50 0.16% 338 364.80 23 935.30 7.07%
31.07.2014 361 716.60 352 834.70 8 881.90 2.52% 333 943.10 27 773.50 8.32%
30.06.2014 352 834.70 350 782.80 2 051.90 0.58% 336 458.70 16 376.00 4.87%
31.05.2014 350 782.80 353 593.40 -2 810.60 -0.79% 324 011.10 26 771.70 8.26%
30.04.2014 353 593.40 349 481.50 4 111.90 1.18% 319 927.90 33 665.50 10.52%
31.03.2014 349 481.50 347 534.30 1 947.20 0.56% 321 208.80 28 272.70 8.80%
28.02.2014 347 534.30 345 371.10 2 163.20 0.63% 318 907.70 28 626.60 8.98%
31.01.2014 345 371.10 350 508.20 -5 137.10 -1.47% 314 512.10 30 859.00 9.81%
31.12.2013 350 508.20 350 759.20 - 251.00 -0.07% 312 365.60 38 142.60 12.21%
30.11.2013 350 759.20 344 819.40 5 939.80 1.72% 317 799.00 32 960.20 10.37%
31.10.2013 344 819.40 343 689.90 1 129.50 0.33% 314 009.90 30 809.50 9.81%
30.09.2013 343 689.90 338 364.80 5 325.10 1.57% 313 028.90 30 661.00 9.79%
31.08.2013 338 364.80 333 943.10 4 421.70 1.32% 316 462.30 21 902.50 6.92%
31.07.2013 333 943.10 336 458.70 -2 515.60 -0.75% 320 279.10 13 664.00 4.27%
30.06.2013 336 458.70 324 011.10 12 447.60 3.84% 319 954.60 16 504.10 5.16%
31.05.2013 324 011.10 319 927.90 4 083.20 1.28% 314 915.60 9 095.50 2.89%
30.04.2013 319 927.90 321 208.80 -1 280.90 -0.40% 310 882.40 9 045.50 2.91%
31.03.2013 321 208.80 318 907.70 2 301.10 0.72% 307 643.90 13 564.90 4.41%
28.02.2013 318 907.70 314 512.10 4 395.60 1.40% 306 815.10 12 092.60 3.94%
31.01.2013 314 512.10 312 365.60 2 146.50 0.69% 307 939.20 6 572.90 2.13%
31.12.2012 312 365.60 317 799.00 -5 433.40 -1.71% 307 653.50 4 712.10 1.53%
30.11.2012 317 799.00 314 009.90 3 789.10 1.21% 305 075.20 12 723.80 4.17%
31.10.2012 314 009.90 313 028.90 981.00 0.31% 302 037.30 11 972.60 3.96%
30.09.2012 313 028.90 316 462.30 -3 433.40 -1.08% 307 812.60 5 216.30 1.69%
31.08.2012 316 462.30 320 279.10 -3 816.80 -1.19% 304 829.80 11 632.50 3.82%
31.07.2012 320 279.10 319 954.60 324.50 0.10% 303 041.70 17 237.40 5.69%
30.06.2012 319 954.60 314 915.60 5 039.00 1.60% 304 232.40 15 722.20 5.17%
31.05.2012 314 915.60 310 882.40 4 033.20 1.30% 302 553.60 12 362.00 4.09%
30.04.2012 310 882.40 307 643.90 3 238.50 1.05% 304 490.70 6 391.70 2.10%
31.03.2012 307 643.90 306 815.10 828.80 0.27% 304 012.10 3 631.80 1.19%
29.02.2012 306 815.10 307 939.20 -1 124.10 -0.36% 299 675.30 7 139.80 2.38%
31.01.2012 307 939.20 307 653.50 285.70 0.09% 296 585.50 11 353.70 3.83%
31.12.2011 307 653.50 305 075.20 2 578.30 0.85% 296 118.20 11 535.30 3.90%
30.11.2011 305 075.20 302 037.30 3 037.90 1.01% 295 723.10 9 352.10 3.16%
31.10.2011 302 037.30 307 812.60 -5 775.30 -1.88% 298 790.30 3 247.00 1.09%
30.09.2011 307 812.60 304 829.80 2 982.80 0.98% 298 782.10 9 030.50 3.02%
31.08.2011 304 829.80 303 041.70 1 788.10 0.59% 299 346.80 5 483.00 1.83%
31.07.2011 303 041.70 304 232.40 -1 190.70 -0.39% 298 012.50 5 029.20 1.69%
30.06.2011 304 232.40 302 553.60 1 678.80 0.55% 296 699.40 7 533.00 2.54%
31.05.2011 302 553.60 304 490.70 -1 937.10 -0.64% 301 199.10 1 354.50 0.45%
30.04.2011 304 490.70 304 012.10 478.60 0.16% 307 461.20 -2 970.50 -0.97%
31.03.2011 304 012.10 299 675.30 4 336.80 1.45% 295 506.30 8 505.80 2.88%
28.02.2011 299 675.30 296 585.50 3 089.80 1.04% 295 024.60 4 650.70 1.58%
31.01.2011 296 585.50 296 118.20 467.30 0.16% 294 905.10 1 680.40 0.57%
31.12.2010 296 118.20 295 723.10 395.10 0.13% 293 790.50 2 327.70 0.79%
30.11.2010 295 723.10 298 790.30 -3 067.20 -1.03% 291 699.90 4 023.20 1.38%
31.10.2010 298 790.30 298 782.10 8.20 0.00% 289 224.30 9 566.00 3.31%
30.09.2010 298 782.10 299 346.80 - 564.70 -0.19% 280 979.80 17 802.30 6.34%
31.08.2010 299 346.80 298 012.50 1 334.30 0.45% 277 358.70 21 988.10 7.93%
31.07.2010 298 012.50 296 699.40 1 313.10 0.44% 277 896.70 20 115.80 7.24%
30.06.2010 296 699.40 301 199.10 -4 499.70 -1.49% 275 070.30 21 629.10 7.86%
31.05.2010 301 199.10 307 461.20 -6 262.10 -2.04% 277 924.40 23 274.70 8.37%
30.04.2010 307 461.20 295 506.30 11 954.90 4.05% 279 698.10 27 763.10 9.93%
31.03.2010 295 506.30 295 024.60 481.70 0.16% 270 813.50 24 692.80 9.12%
28.02.2010 295 024.60 294 905.10 119.50 0.04% 260 131.00 34 893.60 13.41%
31.01.2010 294 905.10 293 790.50 1 114.60 0.38% 270 620.00 24 285.10 8.97%
31.12.2009 293 790.50 291 699.90 2 090.60 0.72% 269 462.10 24 328.40 9.03%
30.11.2009 291 699.90 289 224.30 2 475.60 0.86% 270 855.70 20 844.20 7.70%
31.10.2009 289 224.30 280 979.80 8 244.50 2.93% 272 629.40 16 594.90 6.09%
30.09.2009 280 979.80 277 358.70 3 621.10 1.31% 267 028.10 13 951.70 5.22%
31.08.2009 277 358.70 277 896.70 - 538.00 -0.19% 258 805.20 18 553.50 7.17%
31.07.2009 277 896.70 275 070.30 2 826.40 1.03% 254 082.90 23 813.80 9.37%
30.06.2009 275 070.30 277 924.40 -2 854.10 -1.03% 248 933.20 26 137.10 10.50%
31.05.2009 277 924.40 279 698.10 -1 773.70 -0.63% 249 335.20 28 589.20 11.47%
30.04.2009 279 698.10 270 813.50 8 884.60 3.28% 248 531.20 31 166.90 12.54%
31.03.2009 270 813.50 260 131.00 10 682.50 4.11% 247 353.70 23 459.80 9.48%
28.02.2009 260 131.00 270 620.00 -10 489.00 -3.88% 253 188.70 6 942.30 2.74%
31.01.2009 270 620.00 269 462.10 1 157.90 0.43% 257 558.60 13 061.40 5.07%
31.12.2008 269 462.10 270 855.70 -1 393.60 -0.51% 254 032.50 15 429.60 6.07%
30.11.2008 270 855.70 272 629.40 -1 773.70 -0.65% 228 389.30 42 466.40 18.59%
31.10.2008 272 629.40 267 028.10 5 601.30 2.10% 216 720.00 55 909.40 25.80%
30.09.2008 267 028.10 258 805.20 8 222.90 3.18% 213 514.30 53 513.80 25.06%
31.08.2008 258 805.20 254 082.90 4 722.30 1.86% 209 864.10 48 941.10 23.32%
31.07.2008 254 082.90 248 933.20 5 149.70 2.07% 200 283.80 53 799.10 26.86%
30.06.2008 248 933.20 249 335.20 - 402.00 -0.16% 198 263.90 50 669.30 25.56%
31.05.2008 249 335.20 248 531.20 804.00 0.32% 191 001.30 58 333.90 30.54%
30.04.2008 248 531.20 247 353.70 1 177.50 0.48% 183 305.60 65 225.60 35.58%
31.03.2008 247 353.70 253 188.70 -5 835.00 -2.30% 181 333.80 66 019.90 36.41%
29.02.2008 253 188.70 257 558.60 -4 369.90 -1.70% 178 318.80 74 869.90 41.99%
31.01.2008 257 558.60 254 032.50 3 526.10 1.39% 174 146.10 83 412.50 47.90%
31.12.2007 254 032.50 228 389.30 25 643.20 11.23% 170 272.90 83 759.60 49.19%
30.11.2007 228 389.30 216 720.00 11 669.30 5.38% 172 450.60 55 938.70 32.44%
31.10.2007 216 720.00 213 514.30 3 205.70 1.50% 168 462.00 48 258.00 28.65%
30.09.2007 213 514.30 209 864.10 3 650.20 1.74% 159 316.10 54 198.20 34.02%
31.08.2007 209 864.10 200 283.80 9 580.30 4.78% 155 690.90 54 173.20 34.80%
31.07.2007 200 283.80 198 263.90 2 019.90 1.02% 153 386.10 46 897.70 30.57%
30.06.2007 198 263.90 191 001.30 7 262.60 3.80% 147 870.50 50 393.40 34.08%
31.05.2007 191 001.30 183 305.60 7 695.70 4.20% 146 274.20 44 727.10 30.58%
30.04.2007 183 305.60 181 333.80 1 971.80 1.09% 146 012.10 37 293.50 25.54%
31.03.2007 181 333.80 178 318.80 3 015.00 1.69% 143 442.30 37 891.50 26.42%
28.02.2007 178 318.80 174 146.10 4 172.70 2.40% 142 539.60 35 779.20 25.10%
31.01.2007 174 146.10 170 272.90 3 873.20 2.27% 139 364.90 34 781.20 24.96%
31.12.2006 170 272.90 172 450.60 -2 177.70 -1.26% 138 641.60 31 631.30 22.82%
30.11.2006 172 450.60 168 462.00 3 988.60 2.37% 132 162.40 40 288.20 30.48%
31.10.2006 168 462.00 159 316.10 9 145.90 5.74% 121 968.50 46 493.50 38.12%
30.09.2006 159 316.10 155 690.90 3 625.20 2.33% 107 968.60 51 347.50 47.56%
31.08.2006 155 690.90 153 386.10 2 304.80 1.50% 106 259.30 49 431.60 46.52%
31.07.2006 153 386.10 147 870.50 5 515.60 3.73% 104 461.40 48 924.70 46.84%
30.06.2006 147 870.50 146 274.20 1 596.30 1.09% 100 950.40 46 920.10 46.48%
31.05.2006 146 274.20 146 012.10 262.10 0.18% 98 460.70 47 813.50 48.56%
30.04.2006 146 012.10 143 442.30 2 569.80 1.79% 89 553.50 56 458.60 63.04%
31.03.2006 143 442.30 142 539.60 902.70 0.63% 89 175.40 54 266.90 60.85%
28.02.2006 142 539.60 139 364.90 3 174.70 2.28% 83 689.60 58 850.00 70.32%
31.01.2006 139 364.90 138 641.60 723.30 0.52% 83 518.00 55 846.90 66.87%
31.12.2005 138 641.60 132 162.40 6 479.20 4.90% 80 122.40 58 519.20 73.04%
30.11.2005 132 162.40 121 968.50 10 193.90 8.36% 80 042.70 52 119.70 65.11%
31.10.2005 121 968.50 107 968.60 13 999.90 12.97% 77 849.20 44 119.30 56.67%
30.09.2005 107 968.60 106 259.30 1 709.30 1.61% 77 494.40 30 474.20 39.32%
31.08.2005 106 259.30 104 461.40 1 797.90 1.72% 82 503.30 23 756.00 28.79%
31.07.2005 104 461.40 100 950.40 3 511.00 3.48% 87 481.10 16 980.30 19.41%
30.06.2005 100 950.40 98 460.70 2 489.70 2.53% 85 839.40 15 111.00 17.60%
31.05.2005 98 460.70 89 553.50 8 907.20 9.95% 86 413.30 12 047.40 13.94%
30.04.2005 89 553.50 89 175.40 378.10 0.42% 91 283.60 -1 730.10 -1.90%
31.03.2005 89 175.40 83 689.60 5 485.80 6.55% 90 121.70 - 946.30 -1.05%
28.02.2005 83 689.60 83 518.00 171.60 0.21% 86 647.20 -2 957.60 -3.41%
31.01.2005 83 518.00 80 122.40 3 395.60 4.24% 84 774.30 -1 256.30 -1.48%
31.12.2004 80 122.40 80 042.70 79.70 0.10% 985.00 79 137.40 8 034.25%
30.11.2004 80 042.70 77 849.20 2 193.50 2.82% 1 085.60 78 957.10 7 273.13%
31.10.2004 77 849.20 77 494.40 354.80 0.46% 1 069.30 76 779.90 7 180.39%
30.09.2004 77 494.40 82 503.30 -5 008.90 -6.07% 1 063.60 76 430.80 7 186.05%
31.08.2004 82 503.30 87 481.10 -4 977.80 -5.69% 1 077.20 81 426.10 7 559.05%
31.07.2004 87 481.10 85 839.40 1 641.70 1.91% 1 050.10 86 431.00 8 230.74%
30.06.2004 85 839.40 86 413.30 - 573.90 -0.66% 1 042.30 84 797.10 8 135.58%
31.05.2004 86 413.30 91 283.60 -4 870.30 -5.34% 1 037.00 85 376.30 8 233.01%
30.04.2004 91 283.60 90 121.70 1 161.90 1.29% 1 030.30 90 253.30 8 759.90%
31.03.2004 90 121.70 86 647.20 3 474.50 4.01% 1 001.20 89 120.50 8 901.37%
29.02.2004 86 647.20 84 774.30 1 872.90 2.21% 983.00 85 664.20 8 714.57%
31.01.2004 84 774.30 985.00 83 789.30 8 506.53% 953.50 83 820.80 8 790.85%
31.12.2003 985.00 1 085.60 - 100.60 -9.27% 1 929.10 - 944.10 -48.94%
30.11.2003 1 085.60 1 069.30 16.30 1.52% 3 431.10 -2 345.50 -68.36%
31.10.2003 1 069.30 1 063.60 5.70 0.54% 3 162.80 -2 093.50 -66.19%
30.09.2003 1 063.60 1 077.20 -13.60 -1.26% 1 741.00 - 677.40 -38.91%
31.08.2003 1 077.20 1 050.10 27.10 2.58% 85 600.10 -84 522.90 -98.74%
31.07.2003 1 050.10 1 042.30 7.80 0.75% 85 600.10 -84 550.00 -98.77%
30.06.2003 1 042.30 1 037.00 5.30 0.51% 85 600.10 -84 557.80 -98.78%
31.05.2003 1 037.00 1 030.30 6.70 0.65% 85 600.10 -84 563.10 -98.79%
30.04.2003 1 030.30 1 001.20 29.10 2.91% 85 600.10 -84 569.80 -98.80%
31.03.2003 1 001.20 983.00 18.20 1.85% 85 600.10 -84 598.90 -98.83%
28.02.2003 983.00 953.50 29.50 3.09% 85 600.10 -84 617.10 -98.85%
31.01.2003 953.50 1 929.10 - 975.60 -50.57% 85 600.10 -84 646.60 -98.89%
31.12.2002 1 929.10 3 431.10 -1 502.00 -43.78% 85 600.10 -83 671.00 -97.75%
30.11.2002 3 431.10 3 162.80 268.30 8.48% 86 156.50 -82 725.40 -96.02%
31.10.2002 3 162.80 1 741.00 1 421.80 81.67% 85 647.10 -82 484.30 -96.31%
30.09.2002 1 741.00 85 600.10 -83 859.10 -97.97% 85 036.80 -83 295.80 -97.95%
31.12.2001 85 600.10 86 156.50 - 556.40 -0.65% 102 094.50 -16 494.40 -16.16%
30.11.2001 86 156.50 85 647.10 509.40 0.59% 100 935.10 -14 778.60 -14.64%
31.10.2001 85 647.10 85 036.80 610.30 0.72% 101 094.50 -15 447.40 -15.28%
30.09.2001 85 036.80 95 908.40 -10 871.60 -11.34% 100 604.50 -15 567.70 -15.47%
31.08.2001 95 908.40 95 940.10 -31.70 -0.03% 99 434.50 -3 526.10 -3.55%
31.07.2001 95 940.10 95 979.70 -39.60 -0.04% 99 095.00 -3 154.90 -3.18%
30.06.2001 95 979.70 95 378.80 600.90 0.63% 93 440.30 2 539.40 2.72%
31.05.2001 95 378.80 101 478.40 -6 099.60 -6.01% 99 663.50 -4 284.70 -4.30%
30.04.2001 101 478.40 101 415.70 62.70 0.06% 100 335.50 1 142.90 1.14%
31.03.2001 101 415.70 101 144.60 271.10 0.27% 99 812.30 1 603.40 1.61%
28.02.2001 101 144.60 101 016.10 128.50 0.13% 99 065.70 2 078.90 2.10%
31.01.2001 101 016.10 102 094.50 -1 078.40 -1.06% 98 567.50 2 448.60 2.48%
31.12.2000 102 094.50 100 935.10 1 159.40 1.15% - - -
30.11.2000 100 935.10 101 094.50 - 159.40 -0.16% - - -
31.10.2000 101 094.50 100 604.50 490.00 0.49% - - -
30.09.2000 100 604.50 99 434.50 1 170.00 1.18% - - -
31.08.2000 99 434.50 99 095.00 339.50 0.34% - - -
31.07.2000 99 095.00 93 440.30 5 654.70 6.05% - - -
30.06.2000 93 440.30 99 663.50 -6 223.20 -6.24% - - -
31.05.2000 99 663.50 100 335.50 - 672.00 -0.67% - - -
30.04.2000 100 335.50 99 812.30 523.20 0.52% - - -
31.03.2000 99 812.30 99 065.70 746.60 0.75% - - -
29.02.2000 99 065.70 98 567.50 498.20 0.51% - - -
31.01.2000 98 567.50 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of holders - CZK)
Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of issuers - CZK)
Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of holders - all currencies)
Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of issuers - all currencies)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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