Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{aliapage.main_sql.name}} ... Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 30.09.2015 100 875.80
Min 30.04.2002 9 043.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.07.2020 38 665.10 40 037.90 -1 372.80 -3.43% 64 321.50 -25 656.40 -39.89%
30.06.2020 40 037.90 42 247.30 -2 209.40 -5.23% 66 181.20 -26 143.30 -39.50%
31.05.2020 42 247.30 42 580.70 - 333.40 -0.78% 67 501.90 -25 254.60 -37.41%
30.04.2020 42 580.70 53 990.70 -11 410.00 -21.13% 61 544.90 -18 964.20 -30.81%
31.03.2020 53 990.70 49 202.90 4 787.80 9.73% 61 551.10 -7 560.40 -12.28%
29.02.2020 49 202.90 48 888.30 314.60 0.64% 67 159.70 -17 956.80 -26.74%
31.01.2020 48 888.30 49 300.40 - 412.10 -0.84% 64 256.40 -15 368.10 -23.92%
31.12.2019 49 300.40 49 646.60 - 346.20 -0.70% 62 901.00 -13 600.60 -21.62%
30.11.2019 49 646.60 63 036.50 -13 389.90 -21.24% 73 392.20 -23 745.60 -32.35%
31.10.2019 63 036.50 63 840.50 - 804.00 -1.26% 74 492.60 -11 456.10 -15.38%
30.09.2019 63 840.50 64 765.80 - 925.30 -1.43% 74 150.20 -10 309.70 -13.90%
31.08.2019 64 765.80 64 321.50 444.30 0.69% 75 566.60 -10 800.80 -14.29%
31.07.2019 64 321.50 66 181.20 -1 859.70 -2.81% 75 199.10 -10 877.60 -14.46%
30.06.2019 66 181.20 67 501.90 -1 320.70 -1.96% 76 470.90 -10 289.70 -13.46%
31.05.2019 67 501.90 61 544.90 5 957.00 9.68% 75 822.70 -8 320.80 -10.97%
30.04.2019 61 544.90 61 551.10 -6.20 -0.01% 77 625.30 -16 080.40 -20.72%
31.03.2019 61 551.10 67 159.70 -5 608.60 -8.35% 77 283.00 -15 731.90 -20.36%
28.02.2019 67 159.70 64 256.40 2 903.30 4.52% 77 189.50 -10 029.80 -12.99%
31.01.2019 64 256.40 62 901.00 1 355.40 2.15% 76 744.90 -12 488.50 -16.27%
31.12.2018 62 901.00 73 392.20 -10 491.20 -14.29% 77 815.70 -14 914.70 -19.17%
30.11.2018 73 392.20 74 492.60 -1 100.40 -1.48% 85 276.70 -11 884.50 -13.94%
31.10.2018 74 492.60 74 150.20 342.40 0.46% 89 776.10 -15 283.50 -17.02%
30.09.2018 74 150.20 75 566.60 -1 416.40 -1.87% 90 649.50 -16 499.30 -18.20%
31.08.2018 75 566.60 75 199.10 367.50 0.49% 92 450.20 -16 883.60 -18.26%
31.07.2018 75 199.10 76 470.90 -1 271.80 -1.66% 92 423.00 -17 223.90 -18.64%
30.06.2018 76 470.90 75 822.70 648.20 0.85% 96 871.00 -20 400.10 -21.06%
31.05.2018 75 822.70 77 625.30 -1 802.60 -2.32% 97 787.20 -21 964.50 -22.46%
30.04.2018 77 625.30 77 283.00 342.30 0.44% 99 754.00 -22 128.70 -22.18%
31.03.2018 77 283.00 77 189.50 93.50 0.12% 97 218.50 -19 935.50 -20.51%
28.02.2018 77 189.50 76 744.90 444.60 0.58% 93 039.10 -15 849.60 -17.04%
31.01.2018 76 744.90 77 815.70 -1 070.80 -1.38% 93 023.80 -16 278.90 -17.50%
31.12.2017 77 815.70 85 276.70 -7 461.00 -8.75% 93 122.00 -15 306.30 -16.44%
30.11.2017 85 276.70 89 776.10 -4 499.40 -5.01% 90 516.30 -5 239.60 -5.79%
31.10.2017 89 776.10 90 649.50 - 873.40 -0.96% 90 346.80 - 570.70 -0.63%
30.09.2017 90 649.50 92 450.20 -1 800.70 -1.95% 96 273.10 -5 623.60 -5.84%
31.08.2017 92 450.20 92 423.00 27.20 0.03% 93 124.90 - 674.70 -0.72%
31.07.2017 92 423.00 96 871.00 -4 448.00 -4.59% 95 338.10 -2 915.10 -3.06%
30.06.2017 96 871.00 97 787.20 - 916.20 -0.94% 92 367.60 4 503.40 4.88%
31.05.2017 97 787.20 99 754.00 -1 966.80 -1.97% 98 767.00 - 979.80 -0.99%
30.04.2017 99 754.00 97 218.50 2 535.50 2.61% 99 730.50 23.50 0.02%
31.03.2017 97 218.50 93 039.10 4 179.40 4.49% 97 101.10 117.40 0.12%
28.02.2017 93 039.10 93 023.80 15.30 0.02% 97 406.00 -4 366.90 -4.48%
31.01.2017 93 023.80 93 122.00 -98.20 -0.11% 96 951.60 -3 927.80 -4.05%
31.12.2016 93 122.00 90 516.30 2 605.70 2.88% 98 342.40 -5 220.40 -5.31%
30.11.2016 90 516.30 90 346.80 169.50 0.19% 98 897.50 -8 381.20 -8.47%
31.10.2016 90 346.80 96 273.10 -5 926.30 -6.16% 98 990.80 -8 644.00 -8.73%
30.09.2016 96 273.10 93 124.90 3 148.20 3.38% 100 875.80 -4 602.70 -4.56%
31.08.2016 93 124.90 95 338.10 -2 213.20 -2.32% 98 355.90 -5 231.00 -5.32%
31.07.2016 95 338.10 92 367.60 2 970.50 3.22% 97 780.40 -2 442.30 -2.50%
30.06.2016 92 367.60 98 767.00 -6 399.40 -6.48% 98 700.90 -6 333.30 -6.42%
31.05.2016 98 767.00 99 730.50 - 963.50 -0.97% 99 418.60 - 651.60 -0.66%
30.04.2016 99 730.50 97 101.10 2 629.40 2.71% 99 901.50 - 171.00 -0.17%
31.03.2016 97 101.10 97 406.00 - 304.90 -0.31% 84 832.50 12 268.60 14.46%
29.02.2016 97 406.00 96 951.60 454.40 0.47% 84 405.90 13 000.10 15.40%
31.01.2016 96 951.60 98 342.40 -1 390.80 -1.41% 85 472.90 11 478.70 13.43%
31.12.2015 98 342.40 98 897.50 - 555.10 -0.56% 86 074.40 12 268.00 14.25%
30.11.2015 98 897.50 98 990.80 -93.30 -0.09% 83 236.50 15 661.00 18.82%
31.10.2015 98 990.80 100 875.80 -1 885.00 -1.87% 77 097.90 21 892.90 28.40%
30.09.2015 100 875.80 98 355.90 2 519.90 2.56% 73 169.80 27 706.00 37.87%
31.08.2015 98 355.90 97 780.40 575.50 0.59% 72 164.50 26 191.40 36.29%
31.07.2015 97 780.40 98 700.90 - 920.50 -0.93% 73 053.70 24 726.70 33.85%
30.06.2015 98 700.90 99 418.60 - 717.70 -0.72% 65 757.40 32 943.50 50.10%
31.05.2015 99 418.60 99 901.50 - 482.90 -0.48% 68 082.10 31 336.50 46.03%
30.04.2015 99 901.50 84 832.50 15 069.00 17.76% 70 172.10 29 729.40 42.37%
31.03.2015 84 832.50 84 405.90 426.60 0.51% 72 441.40 12 391.10 17.10%
28.02.2015 84 405.90 85 472.90 -1 067.00 -1.25% 71 722.00 12 683.90 17.68%
31.01.2015 85 472.90 86 074.40 - 601.50 -0.70% 72 428.80 13 044.10 18.01%
31.12.2014 86 074.40 83 236.50 2 837.90 3.41% 72 214.20 13 860.20 19.19%
30.11.2014 83 236.50 77 097.90 6 138.60 7.96% 72 933.40 10 303.10 14.13%
31.10.2014 77 097.90 73 169.80 3 928.10 5.37% 66 638.40 10 459.50 15.70%
30.09.2014 73 169.80 72 164.50 1 005.30 1.39% 66 512.10 6 657.70 10.01%
31.08.2014 72 164.50 73 053.70 - 889.20 -1.22% 63 345.80 8 818.70 13.92%
31.07.2014 73 053.70 65 757.40 7 296.30 11.10% 63 342.40 9 711.30 15.33%
30.06.2014 65 757.40 68 082.10 -2 324.70 -3.41% 68 130.80 -2 373.40 -3.48%
31.05.2014 68 082.10 70 172.10 -2 090.00 -2.98% 61 401.90 6 680.20 10.88%
30.04.2014 70 172.10 72 441.40 -2 269.30 -3.13% 58 006.60 12 165.50 20.97%
31.03.2014 72 441.40 71 722.00 719.40 1.00% 57 866.70 14 574.70 25.19%
28.02.2014 71 722.00 72 428.80 - 706.80 -0.98% 57 728.60 13 993.40 24.24%
31.01.2014 72 428.80 72 214.20 214.60 0.30% 57 399.80 15 029.00 26.18%
31.12.2013 72 214.20 72 933.40 - 719.20 -0.99% 56 581.10 15 633.10 27.63%
30.11.2013 72 933.40 66 638.40 6 295.00 9.45% 58 073.50 14 859.90 25.59%
31.10.2013 66 638.40 66 512.10 126.30 0.19% 53 324.20 13 314.20 24.97%
30.09.2013 66 512.10 63 345.80 3 166.30 5.00% 51 661.90 14 850.20 28.74%
31.08.2013 63 345.80 63 342.40 3.40 0.01% 52 816.10 10 529.70 19.94%
31.07.2013 63 342.40 68 130.80 -4 788.40 -7.03% 55 445.60 7 896.80 14.24%
30.06.2013 68 130.80 61 401.90 6 728.90 10.96% 55 926.40 12 204.40 21.82%
31.05.2013 61 401.90 58 006.60 3 395.30 5.85% 55 965.60 5 436.30 9.71%
30.04.2013 58 006.60 57 866.70 139.90 0.24% 52 737.90 5 268.70 9.99%
31.03.2013 57 866.70 57 728.60 138.10 0.24% 52 954.50 4 912.20 9.28%
28.02.2013 57 728.60 57 399.80 328.80 0.57% 50 689.10 7 039.50 13.89%
31.01.2013 57 399.80 56 581.10 818.70 1.45% 51 578.40 5 821.40 11.29%
31.12.2012 56 581.10 58 073.50 -1 492.40 -2.57% 53 704.20 2 876.90 5.36%
30.11.2012 58 073.50 53 324.20 4 749.30 8.91% 51 084.30 6 989.20 13.68%
31.10.2012 53 324.20 51 661.90 1 662.30 3.22% 48 945.50 4 378.70 8.95%
30.09.2012 51 661.90 52 816.10 -1 154.20 -2.19% 49 034.60 2 627.30 5.36%
31.08.2012 52 816.10 55 445.60 -2 629.50 -4.74% 48 770.80 4 045.30 8.29%
31.07.2012 55 445.60 55 926.40 - 480.80 -0.86% 49 021.90 6 423.70 13.10%
30.06.2012 55 926.40 55 965.60 -39.20 -0.07% 49 187.00 6 739.40 13.70%
31.05.2012 55 965.60 52 737.90 3 227.70 6.12% 49 539.90 6 425.70 12.97%
30.04.2012 52 737.90 52 954.50 - 216.60 -0.41% 48 598.50 4 139.40 8.52%
31.03.2012 52 954.50 50 689.10 2 265.40 4.47% 48 484.60 4 469.90 9.22%
29.02.2012 50 689.10 51 578.40 - 889.30 -1.72% 46 595.30 4 093.80 8.79%
31.01.2012 51 578.40 53 704.20 -2 125.80 -3.96% 46 417.50 5 160.90 11.12%
31.12.2011 53 704.20 51 084.30 2 619.90 5.13% 49 816.40 3 887.80 7.80%
30.11.2011 51 084.30 48 945.50 2 138.80 4.37% 47 242.80 3 841.50 8.13%
31.10.2011 48 945.50 49 034.60 -89.10 -0.18% 46 159.20 2 786.30 6.04%
30.09.2011 49 034.60 48 770.80 263.80 0.54% 46 245.60 2 789.00 6.03%
31.08.2011 48 770.80 49 021.90 - 251.10 -0.51% 47 385.10 1 385.70 2.92%
31.07.2011 49 021.90 49 187.00 - 165.10 -0.34% 47 034.50 1 987.40 4.23%
30.06.2011 49 187.00 49 539.90 - 352.90 -0.71% 40 274.90 8 912.10 22.13%
31.05.2011 49 539.90 48 598.50 941.40 1.94% 38 896.10 10 643.80 27.36%
30.04.2011 48 598.50 48 484.60 113.90 0.23% 37 887.70 10 710.80 28.27%
31.03.2011 48 484.60 46 595.30 1 889.30 4.05% 29 951.40 18 533.20 61.88%
28.02.2011 46 595.30 46 417.50 177.80 0.38% 30 492.40 16 102.90 52.81%
31.01.2011 46 417.50 49 816.40 -3 398.90 -6.82% 30 586.10 15 831.40 51.76%
31.12.2010 49 816.40 47 242.80 2 573.60 5.45% 30 619.50 19 196.90 62.70%
30.11.2010 47 242.80 46 159.20 1 083.60 2.35% 29 940.30 17 302.50 57.79%
31.10.2010 46 159.20 46 245.60 -86.40 -0.19% 29 734.00 16 425.20 55.24%
30.09.2010 46 245.60 47 385.10 -1 139.50 -2.40% 24 781.10 21 464.50 86.62%
31.08.2010 47 385.10 47 034.50 350.60 0.75% 25 173.50 22 211.60 88.23%
31.07.2010 47 034.50 40 274.90 6 759.60 16.78% 24 090.50 22 944.00 95.24%
30.06.2010 40 274.90 38 896.10 1 378.80 3.54% 24 364.70 15 910.20 65.30%
31.05.2010 38 896.10 37 887.70 1 008.40 2.66% 24 558.20 14 337.90 58.38%
30.04.2010 37 887.70 29 951.40 7 936.30 26.50% 31 116.70 6 771.00 21.76%
31.03.2010 29 951.40 30 492.40 - 541.00 -1.77% 28 220.70 1 730.70 6.13%
28.02.2010 30 492.40 30 586.10 -93.70 -0.31% 25 373.30 5 119.10 20.18%
31.01.2010 30 586.10 30 619.50 -33.40 -0.11% 25 036.60 5 549.50 22.17%
31.12.2009 30 619.50 29 940.30 679.20 2.27% 23 336.40 7 283.10 31.21%
30.11.2009 29 940.30 29 734.00 206.30 0.69% 22 439.80 7 500.50 33.42%
31.10.2009 29 734.00 24 781.10 4 952.90 19.99% 24 162.80 5 571.20 23.06%
30.09.2009 24 781.10 25 173.50 - 392.40 -1.56% 24 040.50 740.60 3.08%
31.08.2009 25 173.50 24 090.50 1 083.00 4.50% 21 025.20 4 148.30 19.73%
31.07.2009 24 090.50 24 364.70 - 274.20 -1.13% 19 907.60 4 182.90 21.01%
30.06.2009 24 364.70 24 558.20 - 193.50 -0.79% 19 784.00 4 580.70 23.15%
31.05.2009 24 558.20 31 116.70 -6 558.50 -21.08% 19 648.30 4 909.90 24.99%
30.04.2009 31 116.70 28 220.70 2 896.00 10.26% 19 719.60 11 397.10 57.80%
31.03.2009 28 220.70 25 373.30 2 847.40 11.22% 19 673.60 8 547.10 43.44%
28.02.2009 25 373.30 25 036.60 336.70 1.34% 19 915.30 5 458.00 27.41%
31.01.2009 25 036.60 23 336.40 1 700.20 7.29% 20 754.70 4 281.90 20.63%
31.12.2008 23 336.40 22 439.80 896.60 4.00% 18 608.90 4 727.50 25.40%
30.11.2008 22 439.80 24 162.80 -1 723.00 -7.13% 18 330.40 4 109.40 22.42%
31.10.2008 24 162.80 24 040.50 122.30 0.51% 16 347.70 7 815.10 47.81%
30.09.2008 24 040.50 21 025.20 3 015.30 14.34% 16 909.10 7 131.40 42.17%
31.08.2008 21 025.20 19 907.60 1 117.60 5.61% 17 475.90 3 549.30 20.31%
31.07.2008 19 907.60 19 784.00 123.60 0.62% 16 263.50 3 644.10 22.41%
30.06.2008 19 784.00 19 648.30 135.70 0.69% 16 805.20 2 978.80 17.73%
31.05.2008 19 648.30 19 719.60 -71.30 -0.36% 16 612.10 3 036.20 18.28%
30.04.2008 19 719.60 19 673.60 46.00 0.23% 11 596.40 8 123.20 70.05%
31.03.2008 19 673.60 19 915.30 - 241.70 -1.21% 11 758.00 7 915.60 67.32%
29.02.2008 19 915.30 20 754.70 - 839.40 -4.04% 11 960.60 7 954.70 66.51%
31.01.2008 20 754.70 18 608.90 2 145.80 11.53% 12 107.60 8 647.10 71.42%
31.12.2007 18 608.90 18 330.40 278.50 1.52% 11 560.40 7 048.50 60.97%
30.11.2007 18 330.40 16 347.70 1 982.70 12.13% 11 729.10 6 601.30 56.28%
31.10.2007 16 347.70 16 909.10 - 561.40 -3.32% 12 251.30 4 096.40 33.44%
30.09.2007 16 909.10 17 475.90 - 566.80 -3.24% 12 323.60 4 585.50 37.21%
31.08.2007 17 475.90 16 263.50 1 212.40 7.45% 10 901.20 6 574.70 60.31%
31.07.2007 16 263.50 16 805.20 - 541.70 -3.22% 11 094.70 5 168.80 46.59%
30.06.2007 16 805.20 16 612.10 193.10 1.16% 11 125.50 5 679.70 51.05%
31.05.2007 16 612.10 11 596.40 5 015.70 43.25% 10 876.10 5 736.00 52.74%
30.04.2007 11 596.40 11 758.00 - 161.60 -1.37% 11 253.00 343.40 3.05%
31.03.2007 11 758.00 11 960.60 - 202.60 -1.69% 11 718.80 39.20 0.33%
28.02.2007 11 960.60 12 107.60 - 147.00 -1.21% 11 824.80 135.80 1.15%
31.01.2007 12 107.60 11 560.40 547.20 4.73% 11 624.90 482.70 4.15%
31.12.2006 11 560.40 11 729.10 - 168.70 -1.44% 12 189.10 - 628.70 -5.16%
30.11.2006 11 729.10 12 251.30 - 522.20 -4.26% 12 182.90 - 453.80 -3.72%
31.10.2006 12 251.30 12 323.60 -72.30 -0.59% 12 201.10 50.20 0.41%
30.09.2006 12 323.60 10 901.20 1 422.40 13.05% 12 157.20 166.40 1.37%
31.08.2006 10 901.20 11 094.70 - 193.50 -1.74% 12 007.60 -1 106.40 -9.21%
31.07.2006 11 094.70 11 125.50 -30.80 -0.28% 12 346.20 -1 251.50 -10.14%
30.06.2006 11 125.50 10 876.10 249.40 2.29% 12 300.20 -1 174.70 -9.55%
31.05.2006 10 876.10 11 253.00 - 376.90 -3.35% 12 193.90 -1 317.80 -10.81%
30.04.2006 11 253.00 11 718.80 - 465.80 -3.97% 11 653.40 - 400.40 -3.44%
31.03.2006 11 718.80 11 824.80 - 106.00 -0.90% 11 433.60 285.20 2.49%
28.02.2006 11 824.80 11 624.90 199.90 1.72% 11 105.30 719.50 6.48%
31.01.2006 11 624.90 12 189.10 - 564.20 -4.63% 11 437.20 187.70 1.64%
31.12.2005 12 189.10 12 182.90 6.20 0.05% 11 062.50 1 126.60 10.18%
30.11.2005 12 182.90 12 201.10 -18.20 -0.15% 11 526.40 656.50 5.70%
31.10.2005 12 201.10 12 157.20 43.90 0.36% 12 243.00 -41.90 -0.34%
30.09.2005 12 157.20 12 007.60 149.60 1.25% 12 612.70 - 455.50 -3.61%
31.08.2005 12 007.60 12 346.20 - 338.60 -2.74% 13 010.70 -1 003.10 -7.71%
31.07.2005 12 346.20 12 300.20 46.00 0.37% 13 012.40 - 666.20 -5.12%
30.06.2005 12 300.20 12 193.90 106.30 0.87% 12 919.80 - 619.60 -4.80%
31.05.2005 12 193.90 11 653.40 540.50 4.64% 12 811.20 - 617.30 -4.82%
30.04.2005 11 653.40 11 433.60 219.80 1.92% 13 459.30 -1 805.90 -13.42%
31.03.2005 11 433.60 11 105.30 328.30 2.96% 13 268.80 -1 835.20 -13.83%
28.02.2005 11 105.30 11 437.20 - 331.90 -2.90% 12 901.50 -1 796.20 -13.92%
31.01.2005 11 437.20 11 062.50 374.70 3.39% 13 280.10 -1 842.90 -13.88%
31.12.2004 11 062.50 11 526.40 - 463.90 -4.02% 13 069.50 -2 007.00 -15.36%
30.11.2004 11 526.40 12 243.00 - 716.60 -5.85% 13 572.50 -2 046.10 -15.08%
31.10.2004 12 243.00 12 612.70 - 369.70 -2.93% 9 791.60 2 451.40 25.04%
30.09.2004 12 612.70 13 010.70 - 398.00 -3.06% 9 659.70 2 953.00 30.57%
31.08.2004 13 010.70 13 012.40 -1.70 -0.01% 10 433.10 2 577.60 24.71%
31.07.2004 13 012.40 12 919.80 92.60 0.72% 9 943.20 3 069.20 30.87%
30.06.2004 12 919.80 12 811.20 108.60 0.85% 9 595.70 3 324.10 34.64%
31.05.2004 12 811.20 13 459.30 - 648.10 -4.82% 9 158.40 3 652.80 39.88%
30.04.2004 13 459.30 13 268.80 190.50 1.44% 10 284.50 3 174.80 30.87%
31.03.2004 13 268.80 12 901.50 367.30 2.85% 10 593.90 2 674.90 25.25%
29.02.2004 12 901.50 13 280.10 - 378.60 -2.85% 10 605.40 2 296.10 21.65%
31.01.2004 13 280.10 13 069.50 210.60 1.61% 10 430.00 2 850.10 27.33%
31.12.2003 13 069.50 13 572.50 - 503.00 -3.71% 10 734.00 2 335.50 21.76%
30.11.2003 13 572.50 9 791.60 3 780.90 38.61% 11 016.60 2 555.90 23.20%
31.10.2003 9 791.60 9 659.70 131.90 1.37% 11 003.10 -1 211.50 -11.01%
30.09.2003 9 659.70 10 433.10 - 773.40 -7.41% 10 778.60 -1 118.90 -10.38%
31.08.2003 10 433.10 9 943.20 489.90 4.93% 10 807.00 - 373.90 -3.46%
31.07.2003 9 943.20 9 595.70 347.50 3.62% 10 773.40 - 830.20 -7.71%
30.06.2003 9 595.70 9 158.40 437.30 4.77% 10 143.00 - 547.30 -5.40%
31.05.2003 9 158.40 10 284.50 -1 126.10 -10.95% 11 147.30 -1 988.90 -17.84%
30.04.2003 10 284.50 10 593.90 - 309.40 -2.92% 9 043.00 1 241.50 13.73%
31.03.2003 10 593.90 10 605.40 -11.50 -0.11% 9 357.60 1 236.30 13.21%
28.02.2003 10 605.40 10 430.00 175.40 1.68% 9 614.20 991.20 10.31%
31.01.2003 10 430.00 10 734.00 - 304.00 -2.83% 9 679.70 750.30 7.75%
31.12.2002 10 734.00 11 016.60 - 282.60 -2.57% - - -
30.11.2002 11 016.60 11 003.10 13.50 0.12% - - -
31.10.2002 11 003.10 10 778.60 224.50 2.08% - - -
30.09.2002 10 778.60 10 807.00 -28.40 -0.26% - - -
31.08.2002 10 807.00 10 773.40 33.60 0.31% - - -
31.07.2002 10 773.40 10 143.00 630.40 6.22% - - -
30.06.2002 10 143.00 11 147.30 -1 004.30 -9.01% - - -
31.05.2002 11 147.30 9 043.00 2 104.30 23.27% - - -
30.04.2002 9 043.00 9 357.60 - 314.60 -3.36% - - -
31.03.2002 9 357.60 9 614.20 - 256.60 -2.67% - - -
28.02.2002 9 614.20 9 679.70 -65.50 -0.68% - - -
31.01.2002 9 679.70 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies (Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies)
Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies (Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Debt securities issued (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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