Balance of Payments (Cummulation of Quarters»Main Indicators) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Balance of Payments (Cummulation of Quarters»Main Indicators) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Balance of Payments in millions of CZK

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 1 - Current account - balance 74 618.90 -16 962.20 - 539.91% 40 423.20 84.59%
IND2 1 - Current account - credit 1 136 158.50 4 646 832.10 -75.55% 1 147 644.00 -1.00%
IND3 1 - Current account - debit 1 061 539.60 4 663 794.30 -77.24% 1 107 220.80 -4.13%
IND4 1.1 - Goods and services - balance 106 791.70 340 514.60 -68.64% 106 818.90 -0.03%
IND5 1.1 - Goods and services - exports 1 035 674.50 4 271 279.70 -75.75% 1 062 861.40 -2.56%
IND6 1.1 - Goods and services - imports 928 882.80 3 930 765.00 -76.37% 956 042.50 -2.84%
IND7 1.2 - Primary income-balance -16 509.30 - 324 435.60 -94.91% -41 359.30 -60.08%
IND8 1.2 - Primary income-credit 79 442.40 282 664.00 -71.90% 73 293.10 8.39%
IND9 1.2 - Primary income-debit 95 951.70 607 099.60 -84.19% 114 652.40 -16.31%
IND10 1.3 - Secondary income - balance -15 663.40 -33 041.20 -52.59% -25 036.40 -37.44%
IND11 1.3 - Secondary income - credit 21 041.60 92 888.40 -77.35% 11 489.50 83.14%
IND12 1.3 - Secondary income - debit 36 705.00 125 929.60 -70.85% 36 525.80 0.49%
IND13 2 - Capital account - balance 19 854.80 30 222.60 -34.30% -2 551.20 - 878.25%
IND14 2 - Capital account - credit 30 215.80 106 298.20 -71.57% 11 313.80 167.07%
IND15 2 - Capital account - debit 10 361.00 76 075.60 -86.38% 13 865.00 -25.27%
IND16 3 - Financial account - net 111 147.60 44 557.30 149.45% 41 380.30 168.60%
IND17 3 - Financial account - assets 94 583.90 194 055.30 -51.26% 69 404.90 36.28%
IND18 3 - Financial account - liabilities -16 563.70 149 498.00 - 111.08% 28 024.60 - 159.10%
IND19 3.1 - Direct investment - net - 641.00 -60 967.70 -98.95% -4 499.10 -85.75%
IND20 3.1 - Direct investment - assets 64 415.70 152 662.40 -57.81% 64 182.50 0.36%
IND21 3.1 - Direct investment - liabilities 65 056.70 213 630.10 -69.55% 68 681.50 -5.28%
IND22 3.2 - Portfolio investment - net -39 179.80 - 117 647.10 -66.70% - 148 003.40 -73.53%
IND23 3.2 - Portfolio investment - assets -29 357.00 -17 054.40 72.14% -3 880.20 656.58%
IND24 3.2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities 9 822.80 100 592.70 -90.23% 144 123.20 -93.18%
IND25 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net 20 347.10 1 042.70 1 851.39% -1 661.00 -1 324.99%
IND26 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets -29 052.60 -28 518.40 1.87% -8 951.10 224.57%
IND27 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities -49 399.70 -29 561.10 67.11% -7 290.10 577.63%
IND28 3.4 - Other investment - net 120 116.80 111 909.30 7.33% 196 061.30 -38.73%
IND29 3.4 - Other investment - assets 78 073.30 -23 254.40 - 435.74% 18 571.30 320.40%
IND30 3.4 - Other investment - liabilities -42 043.50 - 135 163.70 -68.89% - 177 490.00 -76.31%
IND31 3.5 - Reserve assets - net 10 504.60 110 220.10 -90.47% - 517.60 -2 129.48%
IND32 3.5 - Reserve assets - assets 10 504.60 110 220.10 -90.47% - 517.60 -2 129.48%
IND34 4.3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance 94 473.70 13 260.40 612.45% 37 872.00 149.46%
IND35 4.4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net 111 147.60 44 557.30 149.45% 41 380.30 168.60%
IND36 4.5 - Net errors and omissions - net 16 673.90 31 296.90 -46.72% 3 508.30 375.27%

Balance of Payments in millions of EUR

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 1 - Current account - balance 2 730.80 - 655.00 - 516.92% 1 566.80 74.29%
IND2 1 - Current account - credit 41 579.50 181 429.10 -77.08% 44 482.30 -6.53%
IND3 1 - Current account - debit 38 848.70 182 084.10 -78.66% 42 915.50 -9.48%
IND4 1.1 - Goods and services - balance 3 908.20 13 287.50 -70.59% 4 140.30 -5.61%
IND5 1.1 - Goods and services - exports 37 902.10 166 761.30 -77.27% 41 196.20 -8.00%
IND6 1.1 - Goods and services - imports 33 993.90 153 473.80 -77.85% 37 055.90 -8.26%
IND7 1.2 - Primary income-balance - 604.20 -12 663.60 -95.23% -1 603.10 -62.31%
IND8 1.2 - Primary income-credit 2 907.30 11 034.10 -73.65% 2 840.80 2.34%
IND9 1.2 - Primary income-debit 3 511.50 23 697.70 -85.18% 4 443.90 -20.98%
IND10 1.3 - Secondary income - balance - 573.20 -1 278.90 -55.18% - 970.40 -40.93%
IND11 1.3 - Secondary income - credit 770.00 3 633.80 -78.81% 445.30 72.92%
IND12 1.3 - Secondary income - debit 1 343.30 4 912.70 -72.66% 1 415.70 -5.11%
IND13 2 - Capital account - balance 726.60 1 186.90 -38.78% -98.90 - 834.68%
IND14 2 - Capital account - credit 1 105.80 4 166.60 -73.46% 438.50 152.18%
IND15 2 - Capital account - debit 379.20 2 979.70 -87.27% 537.40 -29.44%
IND16 3 - Financial account - net 4 067.60 1 760.70 131.02% 1 603.90 153.61%
IND17 3 - Financial account - assets 3 461.40 7 565.60 -54.25% 2 690.10 28.67%
IND18 3 - Financial account - liabilities - 606.20 5 805.00 - 110.44% 1 086.20 - 155.81%
IND19 3.1 - Direct investment - net -23.50 -2 378.70 -99.01% - 174.40 -86.53%
IND20 3.1 - Direct investment - assets 2 357.40 5 940.80 -60.32% 2 487.70 -5.24%
IND21 3.1 - Direct investment - liabilities 2 380.80 8 319.50 -71.38% 2 662.10 -10.57%
IND22 3.2 - Portfolio investment - net -1 433.80 -4 544.70 -68.45% -5 736.60 -75.01%
IND23 3.2 - Portfolio investment - assets -1 074.40 - 660.90 62.57% - 150.40 614.36%
IND24 3.2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities 359.50 3 883.80 -90.74% 5 586.20 -93.56%
IND25 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net 744.60 45.30 1 543.71% -64.40 -1 256.21%
IND26 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets -1 063.20 -1 111.60 -4.35% - 346.90 206.49%
IND27 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities -1 807.90 -1 156.80 56.28% - 282.60 539.74%
IND28 3.4 - Other investment - net 4 395.90 4 315.50 1.86% 7 599.30 -42.15%
IND29 3.4 - Other investment - assets 2 857.20 - 925.90 - 408.59% 719.80 296.94%
IND30 3.4 - Other investment - liabilities -1 538.60 -5 241.40 -70.65% -6 879.50 -77.64%
IND31 3.5 - Reserve assets - net 384.40 4 323.30 -91.11% -20.10 -2 012.44%
IND32 3.5 - Reserve assets - assets 384.40 4 323.30 -91.11% -20.10 -2 012.44%
IND34 4.3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance 3 457.40 531.90 550.01% 1 467.90 135.53%
IND35 4.4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net 4 067.60 1 760.70 131.02% 1 603.90 153.61%
IND36 4.5 - Net errors and omissions - net 610.20 1 228.80 -50.34% 136.00 348.68%

Balance of Payments in millions of USD

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 1 - Current account - balance 2 991.60 - 637.60 - 569.20% 1 760.00 69.98%
IND2 1 - Current account - credit 45 550.20 202 977.60 -77.56% 49 967.10 -8.84%
IND3 1 - Current account - debit 42 558.60 203 615.10 -79.10% 48 207.10 -11.72%
IND4 1.1 - Goods and services - balance 4 281.40 14 897.80 -71.26% 4 650.80 -7.94%
IND5 1.1 - Goods and services - exports 41 521.60 186 562.00 -77.74% 46 275.80 -10.27%
IND6 1.1 - Goods and services - imports 37 240.20 171 664.20 -78.31% 41 625.00 -10.53%
IND7 1.2 - Primary income-balance - 661.90 -14 112.90 -95.31% -1 800.70 -63.24%
IND8 1.2 - Primary income-credit 3 185.00 12 346.20 -74.20% 3 191.10 -0.19%
IND9 1.2 - Primary income-debit 3 846.80 26 459.10 -85.46% 4 991.80 -22.94%
IND10 1.3 - Secondary income - balance - 628.00 -1 422.50 -55.85% -1 090.10 -42.39%
IND11 1.3 - Secondary income - credit 843.60 4 069.40 -79.27% 500.20 68.65%
IND12 1.3 - Secondary income - debit 1 471.60 5 491.90 -73.20% 1 590.30 -7.46%
IND13 2 - Capital account - balance 796.00 1 333.00 -40.28% - 111.10 - 816.47%
IND14 2 - Capital account - credit 1 211.40 4 672.20 -74.07% 492.60 145.92%
IND15 2 - Capital account - debit 415.40 3 339.20 -87.56% 603.70 -31.19%
IND16 3 - Financial account - net 4 456.10 2 078.30 114.41% 1 801.60 147.34%
IND17 3 - Financial account - assets 3 792.00 8 483.80 -55.30% 3 021.80 25.49%
IND18 3 - Financial account - liabilities - 664.10 6 405.50 - 110.37% 1 220.20 - 154.43%
IND19 3.1 - Direct investment - net -25.70 -2 652.80 -99.03% - 195.90 -86.88%
IND20 3.1 - Direct investment - assets 2 582.50 6 633.80 -61.07% 2 794.40 -7.58%
IND21 3.1 - Direct investment - liabilities 2 608.20 9 286.60 -71.91% 2 990.30 -12.78%
IND22 3.2 - Portfolio investment - net -1 570.80 -5 126.90 -69.36% -6 443.90 -75.62%
IND23 3.2 - Portfolio investment - assets -1 177.00 - 725.40 62.26% - 168.90 596.86%
IND24 3.2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities 393.80 4 401.50 -91.05% 6 275.00 -93.72%
IND25 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net 815.70 59.60 1 268.62% -72.30 -1 228.22%
IND26 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets -1 164.80 -1 241.00 -6.14% - 389.70 198.90%
IND27 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities -1 980.50 -1 300.60 52.28% - 317.40 523.98%
IND28 3.4 - Other investment - net 4 815.70 4 953.40 -2.78% 8 536.30 -43.59%
IND29 3.4 - Other investment - assets 3 130.10 -1 028.50 - 404.34% 808.60 287.10%
IND30 3.4 - Other investment - liabilities -1 685.60 -5 981.90 -71.82% -7 727.70 -78.19%
IND31 3.5 - Reserve assets - net 421.10 4 845.00 -91.31% -22.50 -1 971.56%
IND32 3.5 - Reserve assets - assets 421.10 4 845.00 -91.31% -22.50 -1 971.56%
IND34 4.3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance 3 787.60 695.40 444.66% 1 648.90 129.70%
IND35 4.4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net 4 456.10 2 078.30 114.41% 1 801.60 147.34%
IND36 4.5 - Net errors and omissions - net 668.50 1 382.90 -51.66% 152.70 337.79%
Balance of Payments in millions of EUR
1 - Current account - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Current account - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Current account - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - exports (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - imports (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - assets (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - liabilities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - liabilities
3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Net errors and omissions - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Balance of Payments in millions of CZK
1 - Current account - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Current account - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Current account - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - exports (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - imports (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - assets (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - liabilities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - liabilities
3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Net errors and omissions - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Balance of Payments in millions of USD
1 - Current account - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Current account - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Current account - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - exports (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Goods and services - imports (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Primary income-debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Secondary income - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - credit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Capital account - debit (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - assets (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial account - liabilities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1 - Direct investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Other investment - liabilities (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - assets (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - liabilities
3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
5 - Net errors and omissions - net (109 hodnot, 31.03.2020)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Balance of payments (External sector)
Balance of Payments (Balance of payments statistics (BPM 6))
Balance of Payments (Main Indicators)
Balance of Payments (Main Indicators)
Balance of Payments (Main Indicators)
Balance of Payments (Main Indicators)
Balance of payments (Balance of payments)
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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Banky a Bankomaty

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Směnárny - Euro, Dolar

Práce - Volná místa

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Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


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