Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Client loans by sector (CZK+FC)

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.03.2020 258 301.60
Min 31.01.1993 591.40

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.07.2020 230 800.30 232 475.20 -1 674.90 -0.72% 243 213.80 -12 413.50 -5.10%
30.06.2020 232 475.20 233 151.90 - 676.70 -0.29% 250 900.90 -18 425.70 -7.34%
31.05.2020 233 151.90 235 962.60 -2 810.70 -1.19% 244 357.30 -11 205.40 -4.59%
30.04.2020 235 962.60 258 301.60 -22 339.00 -8.65% 239 533.40 -3 570.80 -1.49%
31.03.2020 258 301.60 247 382.10 10 919.50 4.41% 238 056.60 20 245.00 8.50%
29.02.2020 247 382.10 240 658.00 6 724.10 2.79% 233 128.40 14 253.70 6.11%
31.01.2020 240 658.00 213 367.50 27 290.50 12.79% 223 141.40 17 516.60 7.85%
31.12.2019 213 367.50 230 426.00 -17 058.50 -7.40% 206 292.30 7 075.20 3.43%
30.11.2019 230 426.00 238 396.90 -7 970.90 -3.34% 235 522.40 -5 096.40 -2.16%
31.10.2019 238 396.90 234 552.10 3 844.80 1.64% 237 456.90 940.00 0.40%
30.09.2019 234 552.10 239 886.80 -5 334.70 -2.22% 253 927.90 -19 375.80 -7.63%
31.08.2019 239 886.80 243 213.80 -3 327.00 -1.37% 250 735.40 -10 848.60 -4.33%
31.07.2019 243 213.80 250 900.90 -7 687.10 -3.06% 250 836.80 -7 623.00 -3.04%
30.06.2019 250 900.90 244 357.30 6 543.60 2.68% 242 288.20 8 612.70 3.55%
31.05.2019 244 357.30 239 533.40 4 823.90 2.01% 232 774.80 11 582.50 4.98%
30.04.2019 239 533.40 238 056.60 1 476.80 0.62% 232 709.30 6 824.10 2.93%
31.03.2019 238 056.60 233 128.40 4 928.20 2.11% 243 956.50 -5 899.90 -2.42%
28.02.2019 233 128.40 223 141.40 9 987.00 4.48% 235 198.10 -2 069.70 -0.88%
31.01.2019 223 141.40 206 292.30 16 849.10 8.17% 229 954.80 -6 813.40 -2.96%
31.12.2018 206 292.30 235 522.40 -29 230.10 -12.41% 193 281.90 13 010.40 6.73%
30.11.2018 235 522.40 237 456.90 -1 934.50 -0.81% 224 512.80 11 009.60 4.90%
31.10.2018 237 456.90 253 927.90 -16 471.00 -6.49% 235 167.10 2 289.80 0.97%
30.09.2018 253 927.90 250 735.40 3 192.50 1.27% 248 453.50 5 474.40 2.20%
31.08.2018 250 735.40 250 836.80 - 101.40 -0.04% 244 510.90 6 224.50 2.55%
31.07.2018 250 836.80 242 288.20 8 548.60 3.53% 241 372.40 9 464.40 3.92%
30.06.2018 242 288.20 232 774.80 9 513.40 4.09% 233 212.00 9 076.20 3.89%
31.05.2018 232 774.80 232 709.30 65.50 0.03% 233 224.50 - 449.70 -0.19%
30.04.2018 232 709.30 243 956.50 -11 247.20 -4.61% 239 091.20 -6 381.90 -2.67%
31.03.2018 243 956.50 235 198.10 8 758.40 3.72% 228 593.60 15 362.90 6.72%
28.02.2018 235 198.10 229 954.80 5 243.30 2.28% 217 635.70 17 562.40 8.07%
31.01.2018 229 954.80 193 281.90 36 672.90 18.97% 210 887.40 19 067.40 9.04%
31.12.2017 193 281.90 224 512.80 -31 230.90 -13.91% 188 272.30 5 009.60 2.66%
30.11.2017 224 512.80 235 167.10 -10 654.30 -4.53% 195 988.60 28 524.20 14.55%
31.10.2017 235 167.10 248 453.50 -13 286.40 -5.35% 189 274.90 45 892.20 24.25%
30.09.2017 248 453.50 244 510.90 3 942.60 1.61% 194 592.80 53 860.70 27.68%
31.08.2017 244 510.90 241 372.40 3 138.50 1.30% 187 624.40 56 886.50 30.32%
31.07.2017 241 372.40 233 212.00 8 160.40 3.50% 185 728.90 55 643.50 29.96%
30.06.2017 233 212.00 233 224.50 -12.50 -0.01% 188 194.90 45 017.10 23.92%
31.05.2017 233 224.50 239 091.20 -5 866.70 -2.45% 179 033.40 54 191.10 30.27%
30.04.2017 239 091.20 228 593.60 10 497.60 4.59% 167 504.70 71 586.50 42.74%
31.03.2017 228 593.60 217 635.70 10 957.90 5.03% 165 417.00 63 176.60 38.19%
28.02.2017 217 635.70 210 887.40 6 748.30 3.20% 163 367.70 54 268.00 33.22%
31.01.2017 210 887.40 188 272.30 22 615.10 12.01% 161 595.60 49 291.80 30.50%
31.12.2016 188 272.30 195 988.60 -7 716.30 -3.94% 158 703.20 29 569.10 18.63%
30.11.2016 195 988.60 189 274.90 6 713.70 3.55% 161 093.00 34 895.60 21.66%
31.10.2016 189 274.90 194 592.80 -5 317.90 -2.73% 159 604.80 29 670.10 18.59%
30.09.2016 194 592.80 187 624.40 6 968.40 3.71% 152 018.80 42 574.00 28.01%
31.08.2016 187 624.40 185 728.90 1 895.50 1.02% 145 941.00 41 683.40 28.56%
31.07.2016 185 728.90 188 194.90 -2 466.00 -1.31% 145 205.90 40 523.00 27.91%
30.06.2016 188 194.90 179 033.40 9 161.50 5.12% 139 741.60 48 453.30 34.67%
31.05.2016 179 033.40 167 504.70 11 528.70 6.88% 144 008.70 35 024.70 24.32%
30.04.2016 167 504.70 165 417.00 2 087.70 1.26% 144 385.80 23 118.90 16.01%
31.03.2016 165 417.00 163 367.70 2 049.30 1.25% 144 627.20 20 789.80 14.37%
29.02.2016 163 367.70 161 595.60 1 772.10 1.10% 146 244.50 17 123.20 11.71%
31.01.2016 161 595.60 158 703.20 2 892.40 1.82% 148 003.20 13 592.40 9.18%
31.12.2015 158 703.20 161 093.00 -2 389.80 -1.48% 148 717.00 9 986.20 6.71%
30.11.2015 161 093.00 159 604.80 1 488.20 0.93% 144 663.50 16 429.50 11.36%
31.10.2015 159 604.80 152 018.80 7 586.00 4.99% 146 254.60 13 350.20 9.13%
30.09.2015 152 018.80 145 941.00 6 077.80 4.16% 133 982.60 18 036.20 13.46%
31.08.2015 145 941.00 145 205.90 735.10 0.51% 134 382.80 11 558.20 8.60%
31.07.2015 145 205.90 139 741.60 5 464.30 3.91% 134 783.80 10 422.10 7.73%
30.06.2015 139 741.60 144 008.70 -4 267.10 -2.96% 132 190.90 7 550.70 5.71%
31.05.2015 144 008.70 144 385.80 - 377.10 -0.26% 129 661.40 14 347.30 11.07%
30.04.2015 144 385.80 144 627.20 - 241.40 -0.17% 125 503.50 18 882.30 15.05%
31.03.2015 144 627.20 146 244.50 -1 617.30 -1.11% 124 236.40 20 390.80 16.41%
28.02.2015 146 244.50 148 003.20 -1 758.70 -1.19% 117 002.80 29 241.70 24.99%
31.01.2015 148 003.20 148 717.00 - 713.80 -0.48% 115 752.00 32 251.20 27.86%
31.12.2014 148 717.00 144 663.50 4 053.50 2.80% 119 740.40 28 976.60 24.20%
30.11.2014 144 663.50 146 254.60 -1 591.10 -1.09% 117 795.70 26 867.80 22.81%
31.10.2014 146 254.60 133 982.60 12 272.00 9.16% 116 539.30 29 715.30 25.50%
30.09.2014 133 982.60 134 382.80 - 400.20 -0.30% 118 450.80 15 531.80 13.11%
31.08.2014 134 382.80 134 783.80 - 401.00 -0.30% 118 488.50 15 894.30 13.41%
31.07.2014 134 783.80 132 190.90 2 592.90 1.96% 120 184.10 14 599.70 12.15%
30.06.2014 132 190.90 129 661.40 2 529.50 1.95% 118 127.10 14 063.80 11.91%
31.05.2014 129 661.40 125 503.50 4 157.90 3.31% 115 219.90 14 441.50 12.53%
30.04.2014 125 503.50 124 236.40 1 267.10 1.02% 113 663.00 11 840.50 10.42%
31.03.2014 124 236.40 117 002.80 7 233.60 6.18% 118 378.60 5 857.80 4.95%
28.02.2014 117 002.80 115 752.00 1 250.80 1.08% 119 050.10 -2 047.30 -1.72%
31.01.2014 115 752.00 119 740.40 -3 988.40 -3.33% 119 040.60 -3 288.60 -2.76%
31.12.2013 119 740.40 117 795.70 1 944.70 1.65% 116 362.80 3 377.60 2.90%
30.11.2013 117 795.70 116 539.30 1 256.40 1.08% 112 240.00 5 555.70 4.95%
31.10.2013 116 539.30 118 450.80 -1 911.50 -1.61% 111 864.60 4 674.70 4.18%
30.09.2013 118 450.80 118 488.50 -37.70 -0.03% 111 706.70 6 744.10 6.04%
31.08.2013 118 488.50 120 184.10 -1 695.60 -1.41% 110 821.10 7 667.40 6.92%
31.07.2013 120 184.10 118 127.10 2 057.00 1.74% 113 326.40 6 857.70 6.05%
30.06.2013 118 127.10 115 219.90 2 907.20 2.52% 115 071.90 3 055.20 2.65%
31.05.2013 115 219.90 113 663.00 1 556.90 1.37% 114 244.60 975.30 0.85%
30.04.2013 113 663.00 118 378.60 -4 715.60 -3.98% 112 174.60 1 488.40 1.33%
31.03.2013 118 378.60 119 050.10 - 671.50 -0.56% 114 768.50 3 610.10 3.15%
28.02.2013 119 050.10 119 040.60 9.50 0.01% 113 194.90 5 855.20 5.17%
31.01.2013 119 040.60 116 362.80 2 677.80 2.30% 113 871.10 5 169.50 4.54%
31.12.2012 116 362.80 112 240.00 4 122.80 3.67% 117 011.10 - 648.30 -0.55%
30.11.2012 112 240.00 111 864.60 375.40 0.34% 114 830.40 -2 590.40 -2.26%
31.10.2012 111 864.60 111 706.70 157.90 0.14% 114 137.90 -2 273.30 -1.99%
30.09.2012 111 706.70 110 821.10 885.60 0.80% 115 395.50 -3 688.80 -3.20%
31.08.2012 110 821.10 113 326.40 -2 505.30 -2.21% 113 557.10 -2 736.00 -2.41%
31.07.2012 113 326.40 115 071.90 -1 745.50 -1.52% 116 019.50 -2 693.10 -2.32%
30.06.2012 115 071.90 114 244.60 827.30 0.72% 115 251.10 - 179.20 -0.16%
31.05.2012 114 244.60 112 174.60 2 070.00 1.85% 114 298.50 -53.90 -0.05%
30.04.2012 112 174.60 114 768.50 -2 593.90 -2.26% 115 357.80 -3 183.20 -2.76%
31.03.2012 114 768.50 113 194.90 1 573.60 1.39% 115 152.30 - 383.80 -0.33%
29.02.2012 113 194.90 113 871.10 - 676.20 -0.59% 114 354.20 -1 159.30 -1.01%
31.01.2012 113 871.10 117 011.10 -3 140.00 -2.68% 116 107.60 -2 236.50 -1.93%
31.12.2011 117 011.10 114 830.40 2 180.70 1.90% 118 433.40 -1 422.30 -1.20%
30.11.2011 114 830.40 114 137.90 692.50 0.61% 117 376.90 -2 546.50 -2.17%
31.10.2011 114 137.90 115 395.50 -1 257.60 -1.09% 116 228.00 -2 090.10 -1.80%
30.09.2011 115 395.50 113 557.10 1 838.40 1.62% 113 948.90 1 446.60 1.27%
31.08.2011 113 557.10 116 019.50 -2 462.40 -2.12% 120 538.30 -6 981.20 -5.79%
31.07.2011 116 019.50 115 251.10 768.40 0.67% 120 488.10 -4 468.60 -3.71%
30.06.2011 115 251.10 114 298.50 952.60 0.83% 123 987.50 -8 736.40 -7.05%
31.05.2011 114 298.50 115 357.80 -1 059.30 -0.92% 123 267.80 -8 969.30 -7.28%
30.04.2011 115 357.80 115 152.30 205.50 0.18% 125 329.40 -9 971.60 -7.96%
31.03.2011 115 152.30 114 354.20 798.10 0.70% 117 380.10 -2 227.80 -1.90%
28.02.2011 114 354.20 116 107.60 -1 753.40 -1.51% 120 739.70 -6 385.50 -5.29%
31.01.2011 116 107.60 118 433.40 -2 325.80 -1.96% 123 857.90 -7 750.30 -6.26%
31.12.2010 118 433.40 117 376.90 1 056.50 0.90% 129 812.80 -11 379.40 -8.77%
30.11.2010 117 376.90 116 228.00 1 148.90 0.99% 134 216.30 -16 839.40 -12.55%
31.10.2010 116 228.00 113 948.90 2 279.10 2.00% 136 207.40 -19 979.40 -14.67%
30.09.2010 113 948.90 120 538.30 -6 589.40 -5.47% 136 888.90 -22 940.00 -16.76%
31.08.2010 120 538.30 120 488.10 50.20 0.04% 138 091.80 -17 553.50 -12.71%
31.07.2010 120 488.10 123 987.50 -3 499.40 -2.82% 144 290.80 -23 802.70 -16.50%
30.06.2010 123 987.50 123 267.80 719.70 0.58% 148 628.30 -24 640.80 -16.58%
31.05.2010 123 267.80 125 329.40 -2 061.60 -1.64% 148 720.50 -25 452.70 -17.11%
30.04.2010 125 329.40 117 380.10 7 949.30 6.77% 150 858.50 -25 529.10 -16.92%
31.03.2010 117 380.10 120 739.70 -3 359.60 -2.78% 146 514.90 -29 134.80 -19.89%
28.02.2010 120 739.70 123 857.90 -3 118.20 -2.52% 148 893.40 -28 153.70 -18.91%
31.01.2010 123 857.90 129 812.80 -5 954.90 -4.59% 154 473.60 -30 615.70 -19.82%
31.12.2009 129 812.80 134 216.30 -4 403.50 -3.28% 150 832.10 -21 019.30 -13.94%
30.11.2009 134 216.30 136 207.40 -1 991.10 -1.46% 153 136.10 -18 919.80 -12.35%
31.10.2009 136 207.40 136 888.90 - 681.50 -0.50% 155 309.70 -19 102.30 -12.30%
30.09.2009 136 888.90 138 091.80 -1 202.90 -0.87% 158 405.50 -21 516.60 -13.58%
31.08.2009 138 091.80 144 290.80 -6 199.00 -4.30% 157 655.30 -19 563.50 -12.41%
31.07.2009 144 290.80 148 628.30 -4 337.50 -2.92% 160 754.60 -16 463.80 -10.24%
30.06.2009 148 628.30 148 720.50 -92.20 -0.06% 158 926.90 -10 298.60 -6.48%
31.05.2009 148 720.50 150 858.50 -2 138.00 -1.42% 153 837.70 -5 117.20 -3.33%
30.04.2009 150 858.50 146 514.90 4 343.60 2.96% 148 138.80 2 719.70 1.84%
31.03.2009 146 514.90 148 893.40 -2 378.50 -1.60% 145 040.60 1 474.30 1.02%
28.02.2009 148 893.40 154 473.60 -5 580.20 -3.61% 143 246.20 5 647.20 3.94%
31.01.2009 154 473.60 150 832.10 3 641.50 2.41% 143 919.40 10 554.20 7.33%
31.12.2008 150 832.10 153 136.10 -2 304.00 -1.50% 147 117.90 3 714.20 2.52%
30.11.2008 153 136.10 155 309.70 -2 173.60 -1.40% 139 280.10 13 856.00 9.95%
31.10.2008 155 309.70 158 405.50 -3 095.80 -1.95% 135 330.00 19 979.70 14.76%
30.09.2008 158 405.50 157 655.30 750.20 0.48% 123 247.90 35 157.60 28.53%
31.08.2008 157 655.30 160 754.60 -3 099.30 -1.93% 119 858.90 37 796.40 31.53%
31.07.2008 160 754.60 158 926.90 1 827.70 1.15% 119 919.30 40 835.30 34.05%
30.06.2008 158 926.90 153 837.70 5 089.20 3.31% 114 709.90 44 217.00 38.55%
31.05.2008 153 837.70 148 138.80 5 698.90 3.85% 108 465.30 45 372.40 41.83%
30.04.2008 148 138.80 145 040.60 3 098.20 2.14% 105 378.90 42 759.90 40.58%
31.03.2008 145 040.60 143 246.20 1 794.40 1.25% 104 794.50 40 246.10 38.40%
29.02.2008 143 246.20 143 919.40 - 673.20 -0.47% 103 641.40 39 604.80 38.21%
31.01.2008 143 919.40 147 117.90 -3 198.50 -2.17% 99 853.30 44 066.10 44.13%
31.12.2007 147 117.90 139 280.10 7 837.80 5.63% 99 754.00 47 363.90 47.48%
30.11.2007 139 280.10 135 330.00 3 950.10 2.92% 94 302.80 44 977.30 47.69%
31.10.2007 135 330.00 123 247.90 12 082.10 9.80% 97 344.90 37 985.10 39.02%
30.09.2007 123 247.90 119 858.90 3 389.00 2.83% 98 654.70 24 593.20 24.93%
31.08.2007 119 858.90 119 919.30 -60.40 -0.05% 96 257.40 23 601.50 24.52%
31.07.2007 119 919.30 114 709.90 5 209.40 4.54% 96 949.10 22 970.20 23.69%
30.06.2007 114 709.90 108 465.30 6 244.60 5.76% 97 320.10 17 389.80 17.87%
31.05.2007 108 465.30 105 378.90 3 086.40 2.93% 99 435.90 9 029.40 9.08%
30.04.2007 105 378.90 104 794.50 584.40 0.56% 96 678.20 8 700.70 9.00%
31.03.2007 104 794.50 103 641.40 1 153.10 1.11% 97 106.60 7 687.90 7.92%
28.02.2007 103 641.40 99 853.30 3 788.10 3.79% 93 611.20 10 030.20 10.71%
31.01.2007 99 853.30 99 754.00 99.30 0.10% 93 434.00 6 419.30 6.87%
31.12.2006 99 754.00 94 302.80 5 451.20 5.78% 96 931.80 2 822.20 2.91%
30.11.2006 94 302.80 97 344.90 -3 042.10 -3.12% 92 303.60 1 999.20 2.17%
31.10.2006 97 344.90 98 654.70 -1 309.80 -1.33% 93 028.60 4 316.30 4.64%
30.09.2006 98 654.70 96 257.40 2 397.30 2.49% 92 915.90 5 738.80 6.18%
31.08.2006 96 257.40 96 949.10 - 691.70 -0.71% 88 294.80 7 962.60 9.02%
31.07.2006 96 949.10 97 320.10 - 371.00 -0.38% 88 153.20 8 795.90 9.98%
30.06.2006 97 320.10 99 435.90 -2 115.80 -2.13% 88 639.70 8 680.40 9.79%
31.05.2006 99 435.90 96 678.20 2 757.70 2.85% 85 511.90 13 924.00 16.28%
30.04.2006 96 678.20 97 106.60 - 428.40 -0.44% 83 347.30 13 330.90 15.99%
31.03.2006 97 106.60 93 611.20 3 495.40 3.73% 81 520.60 15 586.00 19.12%
28.02.2006 93 611.20 93 434.00 177.20 0.19% 82 296.70 11 314.50 13.75%
31.01.2006 93 434.00 96 931.80 -3 497.80 -3.61% 82 067.50 11 366.50 13.85%
31.12.2005 96 931.80 92 303.60 4 628.20 5.01% 81 126.10 15 805.70 19.48%
30.11.2005 92 303.60 93 028.60 - 725.00 -0.78% 80 062.60 12 241.00 15.29%
31.10.2005 93 028.60 92 915.90 112.70 0.12% 79 451.80 13 576.80 17.09%
30.09.2005 92 915.90 88 294.80 4 621.10 5.23% 78 597.00 14 318.90 18.22%
31.08.2005 88 294.80 88 153.20 141.60 0.16% 80 207.50 8 087.30 10.08%
31.07.2005 88 153.20 88 639.70 - 486.50 -0.55% 83 455.90 4 697.30 5.63%
30.06.2005 88 639.70 85 511.90 3 127.80 3.66% 85 287.30 3 352.40 3.93%
31.05.2005 85 511.90 83 347.30 2 164.60 2.60% 84 853.00 658.90 0.78%
30.04.2005 83 347.30 81 520.60 1 826.70 2.24% 83 580.70 - 233.40 -0.28%
31.03.2005 81 520.60 82 296.70 - 776.10 -0.94% 80 931.60 589.00 0.73%
28.02.2005 82 296.70 82 067.50 229.20 0.28% 78 275.00 4 021.70 5.14%
31.01.2005 82 067.50 81 126.10 941.40 1.16% 79 758.00 2 309.50 2.90%
31.12.2004 81 126.10 80 062.60 1 063.50 1.33% 83 000.40 -1 874.30 -2.26%
30.11.2004 80 062.60 79 451.80 610.80 0.77% 82 782.10 -2 719.50 -3.29%
31.10.2004 79 451.80 78 597.00 854.80 1.09% 77 158.60 2 293.20 2.97%
30.09.2004 78 597.00 80 207.50 -1 610.50 -2.01% 74 588.30 4 008.70 5.37%
31.08.2004 80 207.50 83 455.90 -3 248.40 -3.89% 72 853.00 7 354.50 10.09%
31.07.2004 83 455.90 85 287.30 -1 831.40 -2.15% 72 126.80 11 329.10 15.71%
30.06.2004 85 287.30 84 853.00 434.30 0.51% 73 319.70 11 967.60 16.32%
31.05.2004 84 853.00 83 580.70 1 272.30 1.52% 66 639.50 18 213.50 27.33%
30.04.2004 83 580.70 80 931.60 2 649.10 3.27% 67 761.30 15 819.40 23.35%
31.03.2004 80 931.60 78 275.00 2 656.60 3.39% 63 152.50 17 779.10 28.15%
29.02.2004 78 275.00 79 758.00 -1 483.00 -1.86% 63 664.70 14 610.30 22.95%
31.01.2004 79 758.00 83 000.40 -3 242.40 -3.91% 66 116.30 13 641.70 20.63%
31.12.2003 83 000.40 82 782.10 218.30 0.26% 67 437.60 15 562.80 23.08%
30.11.2003 82 782.10 77 158.60 5 623.50 7.29% 61 973.30 20 808.80 33.58%
31.10.2003 77 158.60 74 588.30 2 570.30 3.45% 59 643.80 17 514.80 29.37%
30.09.2003 74 588.30 72 853.00 1 735.30 2.38% 59 801.70 14 786.60 24.73%
31.08.2003 72 853.00 72 126.80 726.20 1.01% 57 369.40 15 483.60 26.99%
31.07.2003 72 126.80 73 319.70 -1 192.90 -1.63% 58 279.00 13 847.80 23.76%
30.06.2003 73 319.70 66 639.50 6 680.20 10.02% 56 198.50 17 121.20 30.47%
31.05.2003 66 639.50 67 761.30 -1 121.80 -1.66% 56 952.70 9 686.80 17.01%
30.04.2003 67 761.30 63 152.50 4 608.80 7.30% 61 576.10 6 185.20 10.04%
31.03.2003 63 152.50 63 664.70 - 512.20 -0.80% 65 266.40 -2 113.90 -3.24%
28.02.2003 63 664.70 66 116.30 -2 451.60 -3.71% 65 841.40 -2 176.70 -3.31%
31.01.2003 66 116.30 67 437.60 -1 321.30 -1.96% 65 360.50 755.80 1.16%
31.12.2002 67 437.60 61 973.30 5 464.30 8.82% 60 441.20 6 996.40 11.58%
30.11.2002 61 973.30 59 643.80 2 329.50 3.91% 61 027.30 946.00 1.55%
31.10.2002 59 643.80 59 801.70 - 157.90 -0.26% 53 266.70 6 377.10 11.97%
30.09.2002 59 801.70 57 369.40 2 432.30 4.24% 54 190.70 5 611.00 10.35%
31.08.2002 57 369.40 58 279.00 - 909.60 -1.56% 70 678.00 -13 308.60 -18.83%
31.07.2002 58 279.00 56 198.50 2 080.50 3.70% 70 872.90 -12 593.90 -17.77%
30.06.2002 56 198.50 56 952.70 - 754.20 -1.32% 70 565.60 -14 367.10 -20.36%
31.05.2002 56 952.70 61 576.10 -4 623.40 -7.51% 67 520.70 -10 568.00 -15.65%
30.04.2002 61 576.10 65 266.40 -3 690.30 -5.65% 74 636.50 -13 060.40 -17.50%
31.03.2002 65 266.40 65 841.40 - 575.00 -0.87% 72 085.80 -6 819.40 -9.46%
28.02.2002 65 841.40 65 360.50 480.90 0.74% 70 047.60 -4 206.20 -6.00%
31.01.2002 65 360.50 60 441.20 4 919.30 8.14% 67 228.30 -1 867.80 -2.78%
31.12.2001 60 441.20 61 027.30 - 586.10 -0.96% 71 342.50 -10 901.30 -15.28%
30.11.2001 61 027.30 53 266.70 7 760.60 14.57% 69 600.90 -8 573.60 -12.32%
31.10.2001 53 266.70 54 190.70 - 924.00 -1.71% 71 347.90 -18 081.20 -25.34%
30.09.2001 54 190.70 70 678.00 -16 487.30 -23.33% 69 953.20 -15 762.50 -22.53%
31.08.2001 70 678.00 70 872.90 - 194.90 -0.27% 70 365.30 312.70 0.44%
31.07.2001 70 872.90 70 565.60 307.30 0.44% 89 435.00 -18 562.10 -20.75%
30.06.2001 70 565.60 67 520.70 3 044.90 4.51% 90 137.20 -19 571.60 -21.71%
31.05.2001 67 520.70 74 636.50 -7 115.80 -9.53% 100 173.00 -32 652.30 -32.60%
30.04.2001 74 636.50 72 085.80 2 550.70 3.54% 98 626.90 -23 990.40 -24.32%
31.03.2001 72 085.80 70 047.60 2 038.20 2.91% 94 957.40 -22 871.60 -24.09%
28.02.2001 70 047.60 67 228.30 2 819.30 4.19% 56 903.80 13 143.80 23.10%
31.01.2001 67 228.30 71 342.50 -4 114.20 -5.77% 54 892.00 12 336.30 22.47%
31.12.2000 71 342.50 69 600.90 1 741.60 2.50% 55 936.10 15 406.40 27.54%
30.11.2000 69 600.90 71 347.90 -1 747.00 -2.45% 56 903.50 12 697.40 22.31%
31.10.2000 71 347.90 69 953.20 1 394.70 1.99% 58 635.00 12 712.90 21.68%
30.09.2000 69 953.20 70 365.30 - 412.10 -0.59% 57 648.20 12 305.00 21.34%
31.08.2000 70 365.30 89 435.00 -19 069.70 -21.32% 57 260.00 13 105.30 22.89%
31.07.2000 89 435.00 90 137.20 - 702.20 -0.78% 57 198.70 32 236.30 56.36%
30.06.2000 90 137.20 100 173.00 -10 035.80 -10.02% 71 273.40 18 863.80 26.47%
31.05.2000 100 173.00 98 626.90 1 546.10 1.57% 61 782.50 38 390.50 62.14%
30.04.2000 98 626.90 94 957.40 3 669.50 3.86% 60 341.40 38 285.50 63.45%
31.03.2000 94 957.40 56 903.80 38 053.60 66.87% 59 643.60 35 313.80 59.21%
29.02.2000 56 903.80 54 892.00 2 011.80 3.67% 57 807.60 - 903.80 -1.56%
31.01.2000 54 892.00 55 936.10 -1 044.10 -1.87% 57 807.00 -2 915.00 -5.04%
31.12.1999 55 936.10 56 903.50 - 967.40 -1.70% 59 645.60 -3 709.50 -6.22%
30.11.1999 56 903.50 58 635.00 -1 731.50 -2.95% 67 072.00 -10 168.50 -15.16%
31.10.1999 58 635.00 57 648.20 986.80 1.71% 66 010.90 -7 375.90 -11.17%
30.09.1999 57 648.20 57 260.00 388.20 0.68% 63 549.80 -5 901.60 -9.29%
31.08.1999 57 260.00 57 198.70 61.30 0.11% 62 483.80 -5 223.80 -8.36%
31.07.1999 57 198.70 71 273.40 -14 074.70 -19.75% 59 629.40 -2 430.70 -4.08%
30.06.1999 71 273.40 61 782.50 9 490.90 15.36% 62 106.80 9 166.60 14.76%
31.05.1999 61 782.50 60 341.40 1 441.10 2.39% 60 444.10 1 338.40 2.21%
30.04.1999 60 341.40 59 643.60 697.80 1.17% 58 554.80 1 786.60 3.05%
31.03.1999 59 643.60 57 807.60 1 836.00 3.18% 56 290.00 3 353.60 5.96%
28.02.1999 57 807.60 57 807.00 0.60 0.00% 54 868.10 2 939.50 5.36%
31.01.1999 57 807.00 59 645.60 -1 838.60 -3.08% 57 044.00 763.00 1.34%
31.12.1998 59 645.60 67 072.00 -7 426.40 -11.07% 58 183.90 1 461.70 2.51%
30.11.1998 67 072.00 66 010.90 1 061.10 1.61% 58 691.90 8 380.10 14.28%
31.10.1998 66 010.90 63 549.80 2 461.10 3.87% 55 204.50 10 806.40 19.58%
30.09.1998 63 549.80 62 483.80 1 066.00 1.71% 57 031.40 6 518.40 11.43%
31.08.1998 62 483.80 59 629.40 2 854.40 4.79% 57 241.20 5 242.60 9.16%
31.07.1998 59 629.40 62 106.80 -2 477.40 -3.99% 58 922.90 706.50 1.20%
30.06.1998 62 106.80 60 444.10 1 662.70 2.75% 60 030.00 2 076.80 3.46%
31.05.1998 60 444.10 58 554.80 1 889.30 3.23% 63 765.70 -3 321.60 -5.21%
30.04.1998 58 554.80 56 290.00 2 264.80 4.02% 63 328.50 -4 773.70 -7.54%
31.03.1998 56 290.00 54 868.10 1 421.90 2.59% 60 069.30 -3 779.30 -6.29%
28.02.1998 54 868.10 57 044.00 -2 175.90 -3.81% 57 032.50 -2 164.40 -3.79%
31.01.1998 57 044.00 58 183.90 -1 139.90 -1.96% 54 077.50 2 966.50 5.49%
31.12.1997 58 183.90 58 691.90 - 508.00 -0.87% 33 757.00 24 426.90 72.36%
30.11.1997 58 691.90 55 204.50 3 487.40 6.32% 32 630.40 26 061.50 79.87%
31.10.1997 55 204.50 57 031.40 -1 826.90 -3.20% 33 816.00 21 388.50 63.25%
30.09.1997 57 031.40 57 241.20 - 209.80 -0.37% 30 654.50 26 376.90 86.05%
31.08.1997 57 241.20 58 922.90 -1 681.70 -2.85% 29 287.10 27 954.10 95.45%
31.07.1997 58 922.90 60 030.00 -1 107.10 -1.84% 28 433.90 30 489.00 107.23%
30.06.1997 60 030.00 63 765.70 -3 735.70 -5.86% 27 125.20 32 904.80 121.31%
31.05.1997 63 765.70 63 328.50 437.20 0.69% 25 131.40 38 634.30 153.73%
30.04.1997 63 328.50 60 069.30 3 259.20 5.43% 22 794.80 40 533.70 177.82%
31.03.1997 60 069.30 57 032.50 3 036.80 5.32% 24 861.40 35 207.90 141.62%
28.02.1997 57 032.50 54 077.50 2 955.00 5.46% 25 408.60 31 623.90 124.46%
31.01.1997 54 077.50 33 757.00 20 320.50 60.20% 24 779.40 29 298.10 118.24%
31.12.1996 33 757.00 32 630.40 1 126.60 3.45% 24 022.60 9 734.40 40.52%
30.11.1996 32 630.40 33 816.00 -1 185.60 -3.51% 20 267.10 12 363.30 61.00%
31.10.1996 33 816.00 30 654.50 3 161.50 10.31% 19 289.10 14 526.90 75.31%
30.09.1996 30 654.50 29 287.10 1 367.40 4.67% 20 213.00 10 441.50 51.66%
31.08.1996 29 287.10 28 433.90 853.20 3.00% 18 142.30 11 144.80 61.43%
31.07.1996 28 433.90 27 125.20 1 308.70 4.82% 19 198.50 9 235.40 48.10%
30.06.1996 27 125.20 25 131.40 1 993.80 7.93% 18 366.10 8 759.10 47.69%
31.05.1996 25 131.40 22 794.80 2 336.60 10.25% 17 940.00 7 191.40 40.09%
30.04.1996 22 794.80 24 861.40 -2 066.60 -8.31% 17 396.90 5 397.90 31.03%
31.03.1996 24 861.40 25 408.60 - 547.20 -2.15% 16 022.20 8 839.20 55.17%
29.02.1996 25 408.60 24 779.40 629.20 2.54% 15 353.50 10 055.10 65.49%
31.01.1996 24 779.40 24 022.60 756.80 3.15% 14 905.30 9 874.10 66.25%
31.12.1995 24 022.60 20 267.10 3 755.50 18.53% 14 745.40 9 277.20 62.92%
30.11.1995 20 267.10 19 289.10 978.00 5.07% 17 712.10 2 555.00 14.43%
31.10.1995 19 289.10 20 213.00 - 923.90 -4.57% 17 465.40 1 823.70 10.44%
30.09.1995 20 213.00 18 142.30 2 070.70 11.41% 15 081.80 5 131.20 34.02%
31.08.1995 18 142.30 19 198.50 -1 056.20 -5.50% 14 745.10 3 397.20 23.04%
31.07.1995 19 198.50 18 366.10 832.40 4.53% 14 555.00 4 643.50 31.90%
30.06.1995 18 366.10 17 940.00 426.10 2.38% 12 442.70 5 923.40 47.61%
31.05.1995 17 940.00 17 396.90 543.10 3.12% 13 317.30 4 622.70 34.71%
30.04.1995 17 396.90 16 022.20 1 374.70 8.58% 10 873.50 6 523.40 59.99%
31.03.1995 16 022.20 15 353.50 668.70 4.36% 9 517.00 6 505.20 68.35%
28.02.1995 15 353.50 14 905.30 448.20 3.01% 6 966.20 8 387.30 120.40%
31.01.1995 14 905.30 14 745.40 159.90 1.08% 6 224.80 8 680.50 139.45%
31.12.1994 14 745.40 17 712.10 -2 966.70 -16.75% 5 531.00 9 214.40 166.60%
30.11.1994 17 712.10 17 465.40 246.70 1.41% 4 895.80 12 816.30 261.78%
31.10.1994 17 465.40 15 081.80 2 383.60 15.80% 4 369.20 13 096.20 299.74%
30.09.1994 15 081.80 14 745.10 336.70 2.28% 1 577.20 13 504.60 856.24%
31.08.1994 14 745.10 14 555.00 190.10 1.31% 1 188.30 13 556.80 1 140.86%
31.07.1994 14 555.00 12 442.70 2 112.30 16.98% 1 408.30 13 146.70 933.52%
30.06.1994 12 442.70 13 317.30 - 874.60 -6.57% 1 124.30 11 318.40 1 006.71%
31.05.1994 13 317.30 10 873.50 2 443.80 22.47% 1 093.00 12 224.30 1 118.42%
30.04.1994 10 873.50 9 517.00 1 356.50 14.25% 1 019.30 9 854.20 966.76%
31.03.1994 9 517.00 6 966.20 2 550.80 36.62% 932.50 8 584.50 920.59%
28.02.1994 6 966.20 6 224.80 741.40 11.91% 611.10 6 355.10 1 039.94%
31.01.1994 6 224.80 5 531.00 693.80 12.54% 591.40 5 633.40 952.55%
31.12.1993 5 531.00 4 895.80 635.20 12.97% - - -
30.11.1993 4 895.80 4 369.20 526.60 12.05% - - -
31.10.1993 4 369.20 1 577.20 2 792.00 177.02% - - -
30.09.1993 1 577.20 1 188.30 388.90 32.73% - - -
31.08.1993 1 188.30 1 408.30 - 220.00 -15.62% - - -
31.07.1993 1 408.30 1 124.30 284.00 25.26% - - -
30.06.1993 1 124.30 1 093.00 31.30 2.86% - - -
31.05.1993 1 093.00 1 019.30 73.70 7.23% - - -
30.04.1993 1 019.30 932.50 86.80 9.31% - - -
31.03.1993 932.50 611.10 321.40 52.59% - - -
28.02.1993 611.10 591.40 19.70 3.33% - - -
31.01.1993 591.40 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Statistics on other financial institutions (Monetary statistics)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (levels) (Levels)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels) (Levels)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Capital and reserves (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))
Credit to government (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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