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you could install a small post from the ground outside of the receptacle and even mount your transformer to the post.Add a good weatherproof cover to protect the transformer from the weather.Keep this transformer put off or unplugged while installing a lights and wires.Arrange Equipment - Formulate the landscape designs lights and cable onto the terrain where you choose them added.Leave something like eight towards ten feet in the middle each lightweight and prevent the first light about fifteen feet from the transformer.Assemble the lights lamps and install the cables into the fixtures.Most lights incorporate quick fittings to streamline installation.Position the two main parts of the connector above the cable and snap the two main parts jointly.Strip any ends within the cable wire close transformer along with connect them to the transformer's terminals.Turn the device on to test the lights to guarantee they work properly before burying your cable.If one of these of the lights do not work, check the connections guaranteeing the connectors pierce typically the cable.Bury typically the cable - Running a small garden hand shovel, dig low trenches about 3 to 5 inches deep ?n which to bury the cable.Lay any cable towards the trenches leaving a modest amount of slack in each lightweight fixture to allow for light adjustment in cases where necessary.Carefully fill the ditches with terrain or mulch for the cable.Finishing Touches - Put the light source fixtures into the ground stakes using the manufactures instructions.Carefully touch the stake within the ground through to the light is the desired position while guaranteeing the gentle is immediately.If the garden soil is overly firm, slice the dirt by using a hand shovel first and next push that light into the slice created with the shovel.If established correctly, you will have a soft nightly glow in place of your yard lighting up like a football field.For higher installations, you can get a transformer that allows multiple contacts permitting you to install particular person cables to part ways zones.This supplies more mobility in lighting and improved illumination in some zones in cases where desired..

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