Remarks via Video message by Commissioner Stella Kyriakides to Mark European Cancer Nursing Day


Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues,

This year's European Cancer Nursing Day is a special occasion:

We are celebrating the 40-year anniversary of the European Oncology Nursing Society.

This is a great achievement that underlines the importance and dedication of your organisation.

Organisations like yours are the backbone of the European cancer community and an important partner for cancer policy.

For 40 years, you have been providing leadership and expertise and giving a voice to cancer nurses across Europe.

You have truly shaped cancer care!

The theme of this event is “From Knowledge to Action”. This is a good opportunity to reflect on what we have already achieved and how to move forward.

In 2021, we launched Europe's Beating Cancer Plan - today one of the pillars of the European Health Union - to improve cancer control across Europe with several actions also addressing nursing professionals.

I know that the European Oncology Nursing Society is participating in many of these – thank you for your commitment!

As cancer nurses you know how important collaboration is for high-quality care. That's why building a stronger multidisciplinary cancer workforce is a goal of the Cancer Plan.

We have developed an inter-specialty cancer training program to educate healthcare professionals on patient-centred oncology.

And it includes specialised oncology nursing services emphasizing patient well-being and psychosocial and nutritional support.

Just a few months ago we began rolling it out in100 cancer centres across Europe.

Moving from knowledge to action is something that you as cancer nurses are doing every day.

I know very well that your work goes well beyond providing essential nursing care.

Your expertise is central to monitoring and evaluating treatment outcomes, to managing complications, and to providing palliative care.

You also lead and collaborate on clinical research and are drivers of innovation in cancer care.

Lastly, but crucially you offer crucial support to patients, their families,and communities.

The care that you provide to cancer patients with professionalism and empathy has a profound impact on people's lives.

Without you, cancer care in Europe would not be what it is today.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you, and my deepest respect for your work.

I wish you all a very happy European Cancer Nursing Day and am looking forward to another 40 years of collaboration!

Zařazenoso 18.05.2024 09:05:00
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