Daily News 17 / 05 / 2024

Daily News 17 / 05 / 2024

New EU rules criminalising the violation of EU sanctions enter into force

As from 19 May, new rules to harmonise criminal offences and penalties for the violation of EU restrictive measures enter into force. The new rules will ensure that such violations can be criminally investigated and prosecuted in all Member States. They include a list of criminal offences related to the violation and circumvention of EU sanctions, such as for example: failing to freeze assets; breaching travel bans and arms embargoes; providing prohibited or restricted economic and financial services, transferring funds that should be frozen to a third party or providing False information to conceal funds that should be frozen.

The new rules also establish common basic standards for penalties for both natural and legal persons in all Member States, closing existing legal loopholes and increasing the deterrent effect of violating EU sanctions in the first place. They will also include enhanced rules on freezing and confiscation of proceeds and assets subject to EU sanctions. Furthermore, the new rules will strengthen the cooperation and communication between the competent authorities in a Member State and among Member States in the Union.

Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, said: “With Putin continuing his illegal aggression against Ukraine, it is paramount that EU sanctions are fully implemented and the violation of those measures is punished. In addition, the new rules will also make it easier for Member States to confiscate some of the frozen assets of people and companies that support the war. Member States should now swiftly transpose the new rules and make them work in practice.”

In May 2022, the Commission proposed to add the violation of EU restrictive measures to the list of EU crimes. At the same time, the Commission proposed new reinforced rules on asset recovery and confiscation, which will also contribute to the implementation of EU restrictive measures. By strengthening the law enforcement's capacities to identify and confiscate illegal property, the Directive will limit the capacity of criminals to maintain and expand their criminal activities to corrupt authorities and infiltrate the economy. The two initiatives are linked to the activities of the ‘Freeze and Seize' Task Force, set up by the Commission in March 2022, and will contribute to the enforcement of EU sanctions.

Member States have until the 20 May 2025 to transpose the Directive into their national law. More information can be found here.

(For more information: Christian Wigand — Tel.: + 32 2 296 22 53; Cristina Torres Castillo — Tel.: + 32 2 299 06 79)

Renforcement de l'application du droit pénal en matière de protection de l'environnement grâce à l'entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle directive sur la criminalité environnementale

Ce lundi, la nouvelle directive sur la criminalité environnementale entrera en vigueur dans l'Union européenne. Ces nouvelles règles amélioreront l'efficacité de l'application du droit pénal, et contribueront à la lutte contre les infractions environnementales graves qui peuvent avoir des effets dévastateurs sur l'environnement et la santé humaine.

La nouvelle directive fournira notamment une liste exhaustive et actualisée d'infractions environnementales portant sur les violations les plus graves des obligations environnementales, que les États membres devront intégrer à leur droit pénal. Elle introduira plusieurs nouvelles catégories d'infractions, telles que le recyclage illicite de navires, le captage illégal d'eau, ainsi que les infractions graves à la législation sur les produits chimiques et le mercure. De plus, les États membres devront créer des infractions qualifiées, assorties de sanctions plus sévères, dans les cas où l'une des infractions définies dans la directive entraîne des dommages ou une destruction graves, étendus et substantiels de l'environnement.

Afin de lutter efficacement contre la criminalité environnementale dans l'ensemble de l'UE, la directive définit désormais des catégories et des niveaux précis de sanctions, ainsi que des dispositions permettant une application renforcée de la législation. Elle prévoit également un soutien et une assistance aux défenseurs de l'environnement dans le cadre des procédures pénales.

De plus amples détails sont disponibles en ligne.

(Pour plus d'informations: Adalbert Jahnz – Tél.: + 32 2 295 31 56; Christian Wigand - Tél : +32 2 296 22 53 ; Maëlys Dreux – Tél.: +32 2 295 46 73; Cristina Torres Castillo - Tel.: + 32 2 299 06 79)

Commission compels Microsoft to provide information under the Digital Services Act on generative AI risks on Bing

Today, the Commission steps up its enforcement actions against Microsoft: after not having received an answer to its request for information from 14 March regarding specific risks stemming from Bing's generative AI features, notably “Copilot in Bing” and “Image Creator by Designer”, the company now has until 27 May to provide the requested information to the Commission.

With today's legally binding request for information, the Commission is asking Bing to provide internal documents and data that were not disclosed in Bing's previous response. The request for information is based on the suspicion that Bing may have breached the DSA for risks linked to generative AI, such as so-called ‘hallucinations', the viral dissemination of deepfakes, as well as the automated manipulation of services that can mislead voters. Under the DSA, designates services, including Bing, must carry out an adequate risk assessment and adopt respective risk mitigation measures (Art 34 and 35 of the DSA). Generative AI is one of the risks identified by the Commission in its guidelines on the integrity of electoral processes, in particular for the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in June.

In case Bing fails to reply within the deadline, the Commission may impose fines up to 1% of the provider's total annual income or worldwide turnover and periodic penalties up to 5% of the provider's average daily income or worldwide annual turnover. The Commission can also impose fines up to 1% of the provider's total annual income or worldwide turnover for incorrect, incomplete, or misleading information in response to a request for information.

Following its designation as Very Large Online Search Engine, Bing is required to comply with the full set of provisions introduced by the DSA. In this particular case, the Commission considers that the suspected violations of the DSA may present risks linked to civic discourse and electoral processes. According to Article 67(3) of the DSA, the Commission is empowered to request, by decision, further information to Bing relating to suspected infringements.

A request for information is an investigatory act that does not prejudge potential further steps the Commission may or may not decide to take. Based on the assessment of the replies, the Commission will assess the next steps. This could entail the opening of formal proceedings, pursuant to Article 66 of the DSA.

(For more information: Johannes Bahrke — Tel.: +32 2 295 86 15; Thomas Regnier — Tel.: +32 2 299 10 99)

Unsustainable exports of waste from the EU to stop as new regulation enters into force

On Monday, the new Waste Shipments Regulation will enter into force, setting out stricter rules on the export of waste to non-EU countries. The new regulation will support the circular economy and ensure that waste exported from the European Union is treated in an environmentally sustainable way. It will increase traceability and facilitate the shipments of waste for recycling in the EU and beyond.

Under the new Regulation, as of May 2027, exports of EU waste to non-OECD countries will for instance only be allowed if these countries inform the European Commission that they are willing to import waste and demonstrate that they have the ability to manage it in a sustainable manner. The Commission will also monitor waste exports to OECD countries and take action if such exports create environmental problems in the country of destination.

The new Regulation also provides for stronger enforcement and cooperation in fighting waste trafficking, one of the most serious types of environmental crime. It will complement the new Environmental Crime Directive, which will also enter into force on Monday.

Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, said: “The new regulation on waste shipments will ensure that when the EU exports waste, this waste arrives at destinations where it can be managed sustainably and support a clean and circular economy. The new regulation is an important part of the green transition in which waste will be more and more turned into valuable resources. It will make shipments smooth, easier and digital, facilitating the growth of the recycling industry and reducing pollution from bad management and illegal trafficking of waste.”

More information is available online.

(For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: + 32 2 295 31 56; Maëlys Dreux – Tel.: +32 2 295 46 73)

La Finlande soumet une demande de révision ciblée de son plan de relance

La Finlande a soumis hier une demande de révision ciblée de son plan pour la reprise et la résilience à la Commission. Les modifications proposées concernent des circonstances objectives, conformément à l'article 21 du règlement sur la Facilité pour la reprise et la résilience (FRR).

Le plan pour la reprise et la résilience de la Finlande représente au total 1,95 milliard d'euros de subventions. Il inclut 144 jalons et objectifs, 19 réformes et 40 investissements. À ce jour, la Commission a versé environ 24 % des fonds alloués à la Finlande dans le cadre de la Facilité pour la reprise et la résilience, soit 473 millions d'euros, préfinancement compris.

Davantage d'informations sur le plan pour la reprises et la résilience finlandais sont disponibles en ligne. Pour plus de détails sur le processus de révision des plans de relance et de résilience, consultez notre page de questions-réponses.

(Pour plus d'informations : Veerle Nuyts — Tél. : +32 2 299 63 02 ; Quentin Cortès — Tél. : +32 2 291 32 83)

Commission clears acquisition of Nordic Seed Germany by Agravis Pflanzenbau Holding and Nordic Seed

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Nordic Seed Germany GmbH by Agravis Pflanzenbau Holding GmbH, both of Germany, and Nordic Seed A/S of Denmark.

The transaction relates primarily to the breeding and distribution of hybrid rye seeds.

The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that the target company has negligible activities in the European Economic Area. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10921.

(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tel.: +32 2 298 33 67)

EU mobilises assistance for Gaza via Cyprus Maritime Corridor

A new aid shipment from Cyprus to Gaza via the Maritime Corridor and the newly constructed US pier is taking place today, carrying EU supplies. Through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Romania is sending more than 88,000 cans of food to Palestinians in need. The Commission covers the transport costs of this delivery. An EU logistics hub in Cyprus has also been set up to help handle the further flow of assistance to Gaza.

The EU's Emergency Response Coordination Centre remains in close contact with Member States and humanitarian partners to mobilise offers of assistance via the Maritime Corridor with a view to increasing aid supplies.

This new maritime aid delivery comes on top of the over 2,000 metric tonnes channelled already by EU Humanitarian Air Bridge flights and the €193 million in EU humanitarian funding allocated for Palestinians in need this year.

The maritime corridor is complementary to, and not intended to replace, existing land routes to Gaza, such as through the Kerem Shalom and Rafah crossings. The EU calls on Israel to grant sustained access using new routes such as through the Erez crossing and through use of the port of Ashdod.

The press release is available online.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.: +32 2 296 91 40)


Statement of President von der Leyen, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioner Simson on the second anniversary of the REPowerEU Plan

Ahead of the secondary anniversary of the REPowerEU Plan tomorrow, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, Maroš Šefčovič and Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, issued the following statement:

“When Russia invaded Ukraine, and turned its energy resources into an economic weapon against Europe, our reaction was rapid and robust. We adopted the REPowerEU Plan to end Europe's dependency on Russian fossil fuels.

Two years later, the results of our collective efforts are clear to all. We have made a massive cut in Russian energy imports, squeezing the Kremlin's war economy and standing in solidarity with our Ukrainian friends. We have worked with reliable international partners to replace Russian imports where needed, including through joint purchasing under the EU Energy Platform. We have strived together as Europeans to reduce our energy demand, and we have invested to accelerate the replacement of imported fossil fuels with home-grown renewable energy. These efforts have resulted in an unprecedented roll-out of renewable energy and a historic realignment of our energy supplies.

When Russia's actions drove a sharp increase in energy prices in the summer of 2022, we agreed a wide range of measures to secure our energy supply and to stabilise the markets. Prices are now back around pre-war levels.

We have broken our energy dependency on Russia, and Putin's pipelines are no longer a tool of blackmail against Europe.”

You can find the full statement online and further information on the progress achieved so far under the REPowerEU Plan on this new webpage and in the country-specific factsheets available online.

(For more information: Tim McPhie – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 02; Giulia Bedini – Tel: +32 2 295 86 61; Ana Crespo Parrondo – Tel.: +32 2 298 13 25)

Calendar – Commissioners' weekly activities

Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings

Note that these items can be subject to changes.

Upcoming events of the European Commission

Eurostat press releases

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