Speech by Commissioner Urpilainen at the EU Arctic Forum - Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue

Speech Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning.

I am honoured to welcome you to the 2024 edition of the Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue.

And special thanks to our Arctic Indigenous colleagues, for making the trip here to Brussels.

You know better than anyone how quickly the Arctic is changing. The area has warmed three, even four times faster than the globe.

Climate change is transforming the Arctic environment and impacting its flora and fauna.

These changes in turn affect Indigenous Peoples and their livelihoods.

For example, there is a risk that the impacts of climate change irreparably alter indigenous cultural heritage and traditional knowledge, as well as traditional food systems.

The changing Arctic also brings external economic interests that could infringe upon the rights and territories of Indigenous Peoples.

And beyond environmental concerns, younger generations are increasingly drawn to urban areas for education and employment. This heightens the risk of generational disconnect.

But along with challenges there are also many opportunities.

The opportunity to integrate indigenous ecological and economic knowledge with scientific research. To create a powerful synergy for understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

There is an opportunity to foster safe, resilient, and diverse societies. People are indeed the key to sustainable development, and the Arctic is rich in terms of ethnicities, cultures, identities, demographics, and social realities.

And there is an opportunity to engage in the global conversation and shape the future of the Arctic, including sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

In short, the challenges we face today offer opportunities – the chance for Arctic Indigenous Peoples to lead the way to create adaptable and resilient communities.

On that note, I commend the resumption of the work in the Arctic Council and congratulate Permanent Participants for their efforts.

As stated in the 2021 EU Arctic policy, the European Union believes climate change is the most pressing threat facing the Arctic and the world.

The EU Arctic policy also reaffirms the need for Indigenous voices to lead sustainable management of the Arctic.

This dialogue is important, and Indigenous voices will of course lead the conversation today.

The EU values its partnership with Arctic Indigenous Peoples, and I am proud of the progress we have made on sustainable development and inclusivity.

In March, President von der Leyen inaugurated the European Commission office in Nuuk, Greenland.

The office will facilitate dialogue between us and local authorities, ensuring that our policies are aligned with local needs.

Our work with Arctic Indigenous Peoples does not end there of course.

The European Union also supports the Sámi people and Sápmi.

For example, we support the Sámi Council strengthening its capacities, with a focus on younger generations.

We also encourage knowledge exchange between Sápmi and the EU, particularly in areas such as alternative approaches to the circular economy.

And we support youth in the Arctic through initiatives such as the EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues.

Launched in 2023, today the Arctic Youth Dialogues are a full-fledged project implemented through the Consortium Youth Together for Arctic Futures, with strong indigenous youth leadership and participation.

I hope the young people here will attend the EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues this afternoon.

Dear Friends,

Today we are not just discussing policies; we are weaving a tapestry of shared futures, where each thread is an Indigenous voice, each colour a diverse perspective, each pattern a story of tradition and change.

We are here to listen, learn, and act together, ensuring that the Arctic remains a place where the environment is protected, cultures flourish, and communities thrive.

So, let us move forward with purpose and passion, harnessing the collective power of our dialogue to ignite transformative action.

Let us pledge to forge a path where development is synonymous with sustainability, and where every decision is imbued with the spirit of dialogue, cooperation, and friendship.

Together, we will not only navigate the challenges before us. We will emerge stronger, setting a precedent for the world on the True meaning of partnership and respect.

Let us make this future together.

Zařazenost 15.05.2024 10:05:00
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