Daily News 29 / 04 / 2024

Daily News 29 / 04 / 2024

Commission designates Apple's iPadOS under the Digital Markets Act

The European Commission has today designated Apple with respect to iPadOS, its operating system for tablets, as a gatekeeper under the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”). Apple now has six months to ensure full compliance of iPadOS with the DMA obligations.

On 5 September 2023, the Commission designated Apple as a gatekeeper for its operating system iOS, its browser Safari and its App Store. On the same day, the Commission opened a market investigation to assess whether Apple's iPadOS, despite not meeting the quantitative thresholds laid down in the DMA, constitutes an important gateway for business users to reach end users and therefore should be designated as a gatekeeper.

Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager in charge of competition policy said: “The Digital Markets Act is a dynamic tool which allows us to tackle the realities of digital markets. Today, we have brought Apple's iPadOS within the scope of the DMA obligations. Our market investigation showed that despite not meeting the thresholds, iPadOS constitutes an important gateway on which many companies rely to reach their customers. Today's decision will ensure that fairness and contestability are preserved also on this platform, in addition to the 22 other services we designated last September. Apple has six months to make iPadOS compliant with the DMA.”

Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton said: “Today we conclude the first market investigation for qualitative designation under the DMA finding that also iPadOS is an important gateway for businesses to reach consumers. Apple has now six months to comply with the DMA obligations. We continue monitoring market developments and will not hesitate to open new investigations should other services below the thresholds present characteristics to be considered important gateways for business users.”

A press release, with further details, is available online.

(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 15; Thomas Regnier – Tel.: +32 2 299 10 99)

Commission calls on Bulgaria and Poland to improve their National Energy and Climate Plans to ensure collective achievement of the EU's 2030 targets

The Commission has published on Friday its assessment of the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of Bulgaria and Poland, and issued recommendations for the two countries to raise their ambitions in line with the agreed targets for 2030. These follow the individual assessments and recommendations already delivered to 24 other Member States, which can be consulted here. Last week, the Commission has also closed the infringement procedures which had been opened against Bulgaria and Poland in December for their failure to present their Plans.

NECPs are key instruments to reach our 2030 energy and climate goals at national level and implement recently agreed legislation to achieve the European Green Deal. In December, in a Communication assessing the aggregated impact of the draft NECPs, the Commission found that the cumulative impact of the drafts is not yet sufficient to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, as is legally required by the so-called ‘Fit for 55' legislation. The Commission has presented recommendations to Member States on how to update and align their plans to meet our common objectives.

Member States are required to submit their final updated NECPs by 30 June 2024, taking into account the Commission's recommendations and individual assessments. The Commission reiterates its call on all Member States to enhance their efforts on greenhouse gas emissions reductions and better prepare for an increased uptake of renewables and improvement of energy efficiency measures. Additional measures are also encouraged to empower consumers, improve energy security and stimulate the competitiveness of European industry.

The Commission also calls on Austria to submit its draft updated NECP. An infringement procedure has already been opened against Austria for failing to submit its draft updated plan by the deadline, which was on 30 June 2023.

More information is available in this webnews.

(For more information: Tim McPhie – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 02; Giulia Bedini – Tel: +32 2 295 86 61; Ana Crespo Parrondo – Tel.: +32 2 298 13 25)

20 years of free movement and ‘Green Line' trade in Cyprus bring people and communities together

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the EU's Green Line Regulation for Cyprus. The Regulation has enabled Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to cross the ‘Green Line' and the United Nations' controlled buffer zone in Cyprus, helping to build trust between the two communities and pave the way to Cyprus' reunification.

Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira said: “By encouraging free movement and Green Line trade, the EU is not only allowing both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to reap the benefits that both communities have to offer, but also enhancing everyday interactions. These exchanges have the potential to pave the way to Cyprus' reunification. The EU is committed to facilitating this reunification, and I am pleased to see that the Green Line Regulation has achieved so much in its 20-year lifetime.”

Since its entry into force in April 2004, the Green Line has been crossed in both directions more than 64 million times.

Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots cross the Green Line for a variety of reasons: to shop and eat in restaurants in the other community due to cheaper prices or a different range of products; to visit cultural monuments or different towns; or simply, to visit friends. Businesses engage in Green Line trade and cross to meet their partners from the other community. Some Turkish Cypriots also work and study in the government-controlled areas.

The Green Line has been critical to ensure that both communities can freely enjoy their day-to-day lives and reap the many benefits that both communities have to offer.

More details are available in the press release.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Laetitia Close – Tel.: +32 2 296 70 73)

Two new Galileo satellites for more robust and reliable space services

In the night between Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April 2024, at 2:34 CEST, two new Galileo satellites were successfully placed in orbit, as part of the completion of the deployment of the Galileo constellation.

The two satellites will contribute to increasing the reliability of the system, and thus of the positioning information, to the benefit of the users. Currently, almost half of the world's population uses Galileo services. This launch expands the Galileo constellation already in orbit in view of reaching its full operational capability, with 24 operational satellites in nominal slots and spare satellites in orbit.

Since a decade, the EU has consistently been reinforcing its Galileo constellation to ensure continuity of its economic activity. Many strategic sectors, like agriculture, energy, aviation and defence, to name a few, depend on the availability of precise positioning and timing information. 10% of EU's yearly gross domestic product relies on satellite navigation, and this is set to increase.

This launch is taking place only a few days after the new Public Regulated Service (PRS) signals started to be broadcasted resulting in improved robustness and flexibility. This encrypted navigation service is specifically designed for authorised governmental users and sensitive applications.

Looking ahead, twelve satellites of the 2nd generation (G2G) are in production. The first launch of these G2G satellites is expected in 2026 with an Ariane-6 launcher, following successful completion of the maiden flight in 2024. The European Commission is in the process of ordering two supplementary Ariane-6 launches in the coming months.

(For more information: Johanna Bernsel — Tel.: + 32 2 298 66 99; Flore Boutier - Tel.: +32 2 296 60 43)

Un vin blanc autrichien de Vienne ajouté au registre des appellations d'origine protégées de l'UE

La Commission a approuvé l'ajout de « Wiener Gemischter Satz », un vin blanc traditionnel de Vienne en tant qu'appellation d'origine protégée (AOP).

Le « Wiener Gemischter Satz » est exclusivement consommé en tant que jeune vin blanc. Sa palette de couleurs va du jaune clair et presque transparent au jaune paille clair en passant par le vert doré. Le goût provient du mélange de variétés de maturation précoce et tardive et d'une multitude de saveurs, principalement de poires, de pommes, d'agrumes et, rarement, de fruits exotiques tels que la banane, l'ananas, figue.

Le nez du « Wiener Gemischter Satz » est le résultat de la récolte et de la transformation simultanées des raisins à différents niveaux de maturité issus de cépages à maturation précoce telles que des notes de fruits à pépins, en particulier de pomme, de poire et de coing, jusqu'aux cépages de maturation tardive telles que des notes d'herbe, de plantes herbacées, de fleurs, de foin et de paille.

En outre, contrairement à la pratique habituelle en Autriche, les raisins ne sont pas plantés par cépage à Vienne, mais plusieurs cépages sont cultivés dans un seul et même vignoble et récoltés simultanément, ce qui rend cette méthode production vinicole unique.

Cette nouvelle dénomination sera ajoutée à la liste des 1,644 vins déjà protégés. La liste de toutes les indications géographiques protégées figure dans la base de données eAmbrosia. De plus amples informations sont disponibles en ligne sur le site Quality Schemes et sur notre portail GIView.

(Pour plus d'informations : Olof Gill – Tél. : +32 2 296 59 66 ; Myrto-Amaryllis Lappa - Tél. : +32 2 299 70 98)

La Commission propose au Conseil un accord d'association avec Andorre et Saint-Marin

La Commission a adopté vendredi dernier des propositions de décisions du Conseil, respectivement à la signature et à l'application provisoire, ainsi qu'à la conclusion de l'accord d'association entre l'UE et Andorre et Saint-Marin. Cela représente une étape clé vers la ratification de l'accord, tout en marquant une avancée importante dans les efforts déployés par l'UE pour développer une relation privilégiée avec les pays du voisinage.

L'accord d'association permettra à Andorre et à Saint-Marin de participer au marché intérieur de l'UE et de renforcer leur coopération dans d'autres domaines politiques. Leur accès au marché intérieur deviendra comparable à celui dont bénéficient la Norvège, l'Islande et le Liechtenstein en vertu de l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen. Enfin, cela répond à leur ambition d'établir des relations plus étroites avec l'UE.

Conformément aux directives de négociation de 2014, l'accord d'association prend en compte la situation particulière d'Andorre et de Saint-Marin ainsi que leurs spécificités.

Le 16 décembre 2014, le Conseil Affaires générales a autorisé l'ouverture de négociations en vue d'un accord d'association avec Andorre, Monaco et Saint-Marin. La Commission a repris la responsabilité de ces négociations en janvier 2022.

Dans ses conclusions adoptées en juin 2022, le Conseil a invité la Commission à finaliser les négociations d'ici la fin de 2023. Entre mars 2022 et décembre 2023, 49 sessions de négociation ont eu lieu et des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés, conduisant, en décembre 2023, aux conclusions des négociations au niveau des négociateurs.

Plus de détails figurent dans le communiqué de presse.

(Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari tél.: +32 2 295 45 78; Veronica Favalli – Tél.: +32 2 295 68 59)

Commission sends Statement of Objections over proposed acquisition of Air Europa by IAG

The European Commission has informed International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.A. (‘IAG') of the Commission's preliminary view that IAG's proposed acquisition of sole control of Air Europa Holding, S.L. (‘Air Europa') may restrict competition in the market for passenger air transport services, in particular for routes within, to and from Spain. The Commission is concerned that customers may face increased prices and/or decreased quality of services after the transaction.

On 24 January 2024, the Commission opened an in-depth investigation to assess if IAG's acquisition of Air Europa may reduce competition in the provision of passenger air transport services.

The Commission conducted a wide-ranging investigation to understand the potential impact of the deal. This investigation included, among others, gathering and analysing information and internal documents provided by the parties, and views from competing airlines, airports, slot coordinators and customers as well as from individual consumers and consumer representative organisations.

A press release is available online.

(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98)

Commission approves amendment to 2022-2027 regional State aid map for Sweden

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, an amendment to Sweden's map for granting regional aid until 31 December 2027, within the framework of the revised Regional aid Guidelines.

On 15 December 2021, the Commission approved the 2022-2027 regional aid map for Sweden, including Sweden's possibility to designate further areas eligible for regional aid under the derogation of Article 107(3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ('c' areas). In order to further address regional disparities, the amendment to Sweden's regional aid map approved today enlarges one already designated predefined 'c' area by adding parts of the regions of Örebro, Västra Götalands and Värmlands and one already designated non-predefined 'c' area by adding a part of the region of Kronobergs. The maximum aid amount for large enterprises is 20% of the eligible investment costs for the predefined 'c' area and 15% for the non-predefined 'c' area.

The non-confidential version of today's decision will be made available under the case number SA.112034 in the State Aid Register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved.

(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98)


La vice-présidente exécutive Vestager et le commissaire Schmit célèbrent les réalisations de l'Année européenne des compétences

Demain, Margrethe Vestager, vice-présidente exécutive pour une Europe adaptée à l'ère du numérique, et Nicolas Schmit, commissaire à l'emploi et aux droits sociaux, participeront à l'événement de clôture de l'Année européenne des compétences.

Cet évènement sera l'occasion de faire le point sur les résultats de l'Année européenne, de présenter des expériences réussies en matière de compétences, et de débattre des prochaines étapes dans le domaine des politiques et initiatives en matière de compétences au niveau de l'UE et au niveau national. Les institutions nationales et européennes, les partenaires sociaux, les prestataires d'enseignement et de formation, les apprenants, les services publics de l'emploi, et les entreprises participeront tous au débat.

L'évènement sera également axé sur la promotion du développement des compétences en Europe, ainsi que sur l'importance d'investir dans les compétences des citoyens et dans l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Tout au long de l'année, l'UE a présenté quelque 190 initiatives axées sur les compétences et a contribué à l'organisation de plus de 2 000 manifestations et activités dans toute l'Europe, touchant des millions de personnes et promouvant une culture durable du perfectionnement et de la reconversion professionnels. Les actions de l'UE visant à renforcer les compétences se poursuivront, comme indiqué également dans le plan d'action visant à remédier aux pénuries de main-d'œuvre et de compétences, afin de promouvoir la compétitivité de l'Europe, et de renforcer sa résilience économique et sociale.

Par exemple, plus tard dans la journée, l'annonce de trois garanties du Fonds européen d'investissement (FEI) est attendue, au titre du programme InvestEU, et d'une valeur totale de plus de 100 millions d'euros, afin de soutenir le développement des compétences des étudiants défavorisés. Un communiqué de presse sera disponible en ligne ce soir.

La vice-présidente exécutive Vestager ouvrira l'évènement par un discours liminaire. Le commissaire Schmit participera au panel « La révolution des compétences : un impératif pour l'Europe d'aujourd'hui et de demain ». Le commissaire clôturera également la journée en prononçant un discours liminaire sur l'impact de l' Année européenne des compétences et sur les prochaines étapes.

Vous pouvez suivre l'événement en ligne de 9h00 à 12h30 et de 16h00 à 17h30 HAEC.

(Pour plus d'informations: Veerle Nuyts — Tél.: + 32 229 96302 ; Flora Matthaes — Tél.: + 32 229 83951)

Brussels VIII Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region starts tomorrow with the Day of Dialogue

Tomorrow, the European Union will host the Day of Dialogue of the VIII Brussels Conference on ‘Supporting the future of Syria and the region.' The Conference has become the main event to reaffirm the international community's support for the Syrian people, the Syrian refugees, and their host communities.

During the Day of the Dialogue, the European Union and other actors, such as the operational partners involved in the Syria response, will engage with the Syrian civil society inside Syria, in the region and from the diaspora through six thematic panel discussions. This year, the event will focus on how to strengthen the humanitarian, financial and political support for the people of Syria and support civil society organizations' work.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, will deliver the opening remarks.

The Ministerial meeting, chaired by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell, will take place on 27 May, and brings together State actors – notably, EU Member States, Syria's neighbouring States, and third countries – as well as representatives from the United Nations and other international organisations, to mobilise vital financial support to address the most pressing needs of Syrians and their host communities in neighbouring countries. As every year, the event will conclude with the announcement of this year's pledges for the Syrian people and the region, and will also reaffirm the commitment of the EU and wider international community to a political transition in Syria, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

The EU and its Member States remain the largest donors supporting people in Syria and the region. Over €33 billion have been committed since the start of the crisis in 2011. During the Brussels VII Conference, held in June 2023, the international community pledged close to €5.6 billion for 2023 (and beyond), over €3.8 billion of which was contributed by the EU and its Member States. This funding is instrumental in aiding those in need within Syria and in neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees.

More information can be found in the Brussels VIII Conference website. The Day of Dialogue will be entirely livestreamed on the website.

(For more information: Peter Stano – Tel.: +32 2 295 45 53; Balazs Ujvari – Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78)

Commissioner Urpilainen discusses sustainable finance with IMF Managing Director Georgieva and receives expert group recommendations

Tomorrow, the Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, will meet with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva, to discuss ways to mobilise concessional finance in the face of increasing needs for partner countries, in particular low and middle income countries.

According to estimations by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), USD 3.9 trillion per annum are needed in global finance to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. To bridge the funding gap, more efforts are needed to crowd in private sector investments to drive forward the twin green and digital transitions.

In this context, the Commission will receive on Tuesday the final report of the High-Level Expert Group on sustainable finance (HLEG), which will be handed over by the Senior Director of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), representing the HLEG and in presence of the IMF´s Managing Director. The report is expected to provide concrete recommendations to the Commission on innovative solutions to mobilise private capital for sustainable investments in partner countries, as part of the Global Gateway. These recommendations will provide further impetus to the Global Green Bond Initiative and the one-stop-shop Sustainable Finance Advisory Hub providing technical assistance to partner countries to boost access to sustainable finance.

The event taking place in the Berlaymont (Hall 7) will be live streamed at 14:00 CEST here. Commissioner Urpilainen, Managing Director Georgieva, and the WWF´s Senior Director will deliver press statements. Journalists interested in attending in person are invited to express their interest here.

The final report of the HLEG will be available here.

(For more information: Peter Stano – Tel: +32 2 295 45 53; Jennifer Sánchez Da Silva – Tel: +32 460 76 18 04)

La commissaire Johansson participera à la conférence ministérielle sur le fonctionnement du pacte sur la migration et l'asile

Aujourd'hui et demain, Ylva Johansson, commissaire chargée des affaires intérieures, participera à la conférence ministérielle sur le fonctionnement du pacte sur la migration et l'asile à Gand, en Belgique. Parmi les participants figureront des ministres de l'intérieur et de hauts fonctionnaires des États membres de l'UE et des pays associés à l'espace Schengen, des représentants des agences de l'UE, telles que l'Agence de l'Union européenne pour l'asile (AUEA), Frontex et l'Agence de l'Union européenne pour la gestion opérationnelle des systèmes d'information à grande échelle au sein de l'espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice (eu-LISA), ainsi que des représentants du Parlement européen, de l'Agence des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) et de l'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM).

Organisée par la présidence belge du Conseil, la conférence ministérielle sera l'occasion de progresser sur la voie d'une compréhension commune des principales étapes de la mise en œuvre du pacte. La discussion portera en particulier sur l'élaboration des plans communs et nationaux de mise en œuvre, sur le rôle des agences de l'UE et des principales parties prenantes, ainsi que sur les bonnes pratiques dans les États membres.

Une conférence de presse avec la commissaire Johansson et la secrétaire d'État belge, Nicole de Moor, aura lieu mardi, vers 13h00 HAEC, et sera transmise en ligne sur EbS.

(Pour plus d'informations : Christian Wigand - Tél. : + 32 2 296 22 53; Yuliya Matsyk - Tél. : + 32 2 291 31 73)

Liste des points prévus à l'ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission

Veuillez noter que ces informations sont données sous réserve de modifications.

Prochains événements de la Commission européenne

Eurostat: communiqués de presse

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