Address by Commissioner Lenarčič at the signing of the Canadair purchase agreement with Croatia

Address by Commissioner Lenarčič

Poštovani predsjedniče Vlade,

Poštovani ministre Božinović,

Čestitam Hrvatskoj, čestitam Kanadi, na ovom današnjem potpisu sporazuma.

We have come a long way since the European Commission started to talk with potential producers.

I thank Canada for facilitating this agreement, and the Canadian commercial corporation and de Havilland for its readiness to resume production.

Today we are signing into reality the first planes in a new generation of European aerial firefighting capacity.

Along with Greece, Croatia is one of the first countries to do this. I hope that your example will prompt others to sign contracts without delay so de Havilland can restart production.

These planes will help protect citizens, nature and property – not just in Croatia, but Europe-wide. They will be 100% funded by the European Commission as part of our strengthened rescEU European strategic reserve capacity.

This is one of many steps we have taken in recent years to keep Europeans safe as the impacts of climate breakdown intensify.

Ahead of last year's wildfire season, we have doubled the EU strategic reserve which now includes almost 30 firefighting planes and helicopters.

This preparation was most visibly proved right last summer, when we witnessed a record number of forest fires. Croatia was one of those that helped in putting them out.

In the last three summers alone, Croatia has helped to fight wildfires in Greece, Slovenia and Türkiye through our Union Civil Protection Mechanism.

Similarly, Croatia can count on solidarity from other EU Member States through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism when it needs support.

This was the case, you will remember, in the terrible earthquake that hit Croatia twice in 2020.

This is European solidarity at its best.

And it is needed now more than ever. Across our continent, wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense as climate breakdown continues.

We must be prepared for this reality. Both at a national and a European level.

Još jednom čestitam i zahvaljujem Hrvatskoj što je prihvatila tu važnu ulogu u europskim naporima, da se bolje pripremi na učinkovitije i brže reakcije na očekivane klimatske katastrofe.

And I look forward to seeing our strengthened rescEU firefighting fleet on European soil soon.

Thank you.

Zařazenoút 26.03.2024 11:03:00
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