Vice-President Suica delivers concluding remarks in the European Parliament plenary debate on "International day for the elimination of violence against women"

VP Suica delivers concluding remarks in the EP plenary

Honourable Members,

This International Day is an important occasion to take stock of what has been done, to end such violence, but more importantly, it gives us the opportunity to assess what still needs to be done.

The immediate and long-term physical, sexual, and mental consequences of violence for women and girls are devastating and can limit women and girls' active participation in society from employment to education and politics.

Now more than ever we need the support of all players to ensure the quick adoption of our main proposal – the Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence.

We have a duty of care to the people living in our Union, and a responsibility to ensure that they can live freely and safely, without fear of violence, in a Union of Equality.

Let us demonstrate that with our actions in the months ahead.

Zařazenočt 23.11.2023 18:11:00
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