Daily News 01 / 02 / 2023

Digital Services Act: Commission provides guidance for online platforms and search engines on publication of user numbers in the EU

Today, the Commission has published non-binding guidance to help online platforms and search engines within the scope of the Digital Services Act (DSA) to comply with their requirement to report user numbers in the EU, at the latest by 17 February 2023, and at least once every six months afterwards.

The Commission is issuing this guidance to assist online platforms and online search engines with practical questions on the provisions of the DSA concerning the requirement to publish the user numbers. If the published user numbers show that they reach more than 10% of the EU's population (45 million users), the Commission may designate them as very large online platforms (VLOPs) or very large online search engines (VLOSEs). This means that they would respectively be subject to additional obligations, such as making a risk assessment and taking corresponding risk mitigation measures, highlighted here.

The DSA, which entered into force on 16 November 2022, is the EU's landmark set of rules which aim to foster a safer and more accountable online environment which applies to all digital services that connect consumers to goods, services, or content. It creates comprehensive new obligations for online platforms to reduce harms and counter risks online, introduces strong protections for users' rights online, and places digital platforms under a unique new transparency and accountability framework.

(For more information: Johannes Bahrke - Tel: +32 2 295 86 15; Charles Manoury - Tel: +32 2 291 33 91)

EU and Singapore launch Digital Partnership

Today, the EU and Singapore are strengthening their cooperation as strategic partners. Following the announcement of a new Digital Partnership between the EU and Singapore by President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Lee at the EU-ASEAN summit in December 2022, Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, and Singapore Minister of Industry and Trade, S Iswaran, signed a Digital Partnership that will strengthen cooperation between the EU and Singapore on digital technology areas. Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Minister Iswaran also signed Digital Trade Principles. A key deliverable of the Digital Partnership, the Principles seek to facilitate the free flow of goods and services in the digital economy, while upholding privacy.

The EU-Singapore Digital Partnership reflects the dynamic relation the EU has built with an open and outward-oriented economy and a vibrant logistics and financial hub in South-East Asia. Both sides have agreed to work together on critical areas such as semiconductors, trusted data flows and data innovation, digital trust, standards, digital trade facilitation, digital skills for workers, and the digital transformation of businesses and public services. This Partnership is in line with the 2030 Digital Compass, the European way for the Digital Decade and represents another key step in the implementation of the EU's Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Following the signature of the Partnership, an inaugural Digital Partnership Council was held, which set the priority areas of cooperation for the year ahead. It was co-chaired by Commissioner Breton and Singapore Minister Iswaran.

The EU-Singapore Digital Partnership is the third signed with key partners in Asia. The first digital partnership was concluded in May 2022 with Japan during the 28th EU-Japan Summit, and the second with the Republic of Korea in November 2022.

More information is available in this press release.

(For more information: Johannes Bahrke - Tel.: +32 2 295 86 15; Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 2 298 35 83)

Plan européen pour vaincre le cancer : la Commission présente les premiers profils sur le cancer par pays

Aujourd'hui, dans le contexte de la Journée mondiale contre le cancer qui se déroule le 4 février, la Commission et l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) présentent les premiers profils sur le cancer dans le cadre du registre européen des inégalités face au cancer pour tous les États membres de l'UE, la Norvège et l'Islande.

Les profils montrent que les pays de l'UE ont dépensé un montant considérable, de près de 170 milliards d'euros, en soins contre le cancer (en 2018). Un autre fait important est que le cancer du poumon reste de loin le cancer qui cause le plus de décès. Il existe également de grandes inégalités quant aux taux de mortalité due au cancer entre les pays de l'UE et au sein de ceux-ci. Cela peut s'expliquer en partie par la diversité de l'exposition aux facteurs de risque de cancer, mais aussi par la capacité différente des systèmes de santé à fournir un accès gratuit et en temps utile à un diagnostic précoce, à des soins et à des traitements contre le cancer de haute qualité. Les profils montrent que le recensement des défis et le partage des bonnes pratiques entre les États membres peuvent aider les pays à lutter contre les inégalités en matière de cancer.

Les profils sont présentés aujourd'hui lors d'une conférence de haut niveau dans le cadre du plan européen pour vaincre le cancer coorganisée par la Commission et la présidence suédoise du Conseil de l'Union européenne.

Un communiqué de presse ainsi que le discours de la Commissaire Stella Kyriakides de ce matin sont disponibles en ligne.

(Pour plus d'informations : Stefan De Keersmaecker - Tél.: +32 2 298 46 80; Célia Dejond – Tél.: +32 2 298 81 99)

Health Union: the HERA laboratory network becomes operational

The Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) is establishing a network of laboratories, which starts its operations today. The network, called DURABLE, is funded with €25 million under the EU4Health programme. It will provide rapid and high-quality scientific information to support the EU in preparing for and responding to cross-border health threats and assessing the impact of medical countermeasures.

DURABLE will be coordinated by Institut Pasteur and include eighteen top-class laboratories within the EU. It will contribute to a swift, comprehensive, and effective testing, identification, and enhanced characterisation of pathogens that will inform the identification, development and purchase of appropriate medical countermeasures. DURABLE will complement existing networks, including those under the coordination of ECDC, to meet future challenges.

Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, said: “When health threats emerge, it is crucial to act quickly to reduce risks of outbreaks and protect our citizens. The HERA laboratory network will reinforce the EU's capacity to collect and share data, better assess emerging health threats and identify effective medical countermeasures, while enhancing collaboration at EU and global level. Its entry into operation marks an important step in HERA's work in ensuring that the EU is better prepared to meet future health challenges.”

The establishment of the DURABLE network is an important step in HERA's work to make Europe better prepared to pandemic and other large-scale health threats.

DURABLE will promote data exchange and inform decision making at global level. This will support countries in their efforts towards meeting Sustainable Development Goal 3 on good health and well-being and other health-related targets and Sustainable Development Goals.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker - Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Célia Dejond – Tel.: +32 2 298 81 99)

L'écoconception pour les produits durables : la Commission consulte sur les priorités en matière de nouveaux produits

La Commission a lancé une consultation publique en ligne sur les priorités potentielles concernant les nouveaux produits à réglementer dans le cadre du règlement sur l'écoconception des produits durables proposé récemment. Une fois ce règlement adopté, les nouvelles « exigences en matière d'écoconception » viseront à rendre une large gamme de produits commercialisés dans l'UE plus durables sur le plan environnemental. Tout au long de leur cycle de vie, leur efficacité en matière d'énergie et de ressources, leur circularité, notamment leur réutilisation, leur réparabilité, leur durabilité et leur recyclabilité seront augmentées, tout en veillant à ce que ces produits soient fabriqués à partir de plus de matériaux recyclés.

Les exigences en matière d'écoconception seront fixées pour des groupes de produits spécifiques ou pour des groupes de produits partageant un ensemble de caractéristiques communes. La Commission souhaite maintenant recueillir des avis sur les catégories de nouveaux produits et mesures à traiter d'abord, afin que les priorités puissent être fixées de manière transparente et inclusive.

La consultation durera 12 semaines à compter de la date de publication de toutes les versions linguistiques et peut être consultée ici. De plus amples informations sur les produits durables sont disponibles ici.

La Commission prévoit également d'organiser un événement en ligne dans les semaines à venir afin de présenter la consultation publique et l'analyse préliminaire du CCR (JRC) sur laquelle elle se fonde.

(Pour plus d'informations : Adalbert Jahnz – Tél.: +32 2 295 31 56; Daniela Stoycheva – Tél.: +32 2 295 36 64)

Humanitarian aid: EU releases over €43 million for Myanmar and Bangladesh

The EU has released over €43 million to address the humanitarian needs of people in Myanmar, as well as those of Rohingya refugees and their host communities in Bangladesh.

In Myanmar, the EU will provide over €18 million to respond to the dramatic escalation in needs following the military takeover of 2021. The funding will allow humanitarian partners to ensure the provision of life-saving support such as protection, food, shelter, healthcare and education.

The EU will also continue to support the efforts of Bangladesh in responding to the Rohingya refugee crisis by providing over €23 million, part of which will also contribute to implement disaster preparedness programmes in the country. A further dedicated allocation of €2 million will help address the needs of Rohingya and other refugees in neighbouring countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: "Myanmar has seen a dramatic increase in humanitarian needs since the military takeover. Meanwhile the situation of Rohingya refugees requires continued life-saving assistance in Bangladesh and neighbouring countries. The EU reaffirms its commitment to stand by their side and support refugees and their host communities, as well as people affected by conflict and natural hazards in the region.”

The press release is available online.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.: +32 2 296 91 40)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Emerson by Blackstone

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of Emerald JV Holdings L.P. (‘Emerson') by Blackstone Inc., both of the US.

Emerson holds the standalone commercial-and-residential climate technologies business of Emerson Electric Co., comprising a portfolio of products and services in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning and refrigeration technology sectors. Blackstone is a global asset manager headquartered in the US with offices in Europe and Asia.

The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, given the absence of horizontal overlaps and vertical links between the companies' activities in the European Economic Area. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10989.

(For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 2 298 70 24; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 2 299 05 26)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of ERS by Trafigura

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of Ecobat Resources Stolberg GmbH (‘ERS') of Germany, by Trafigura Group Pte Limited (‘Trafigura') of Singapore.

ERS is a lead smelting facility. Trafigura is an independent commodity trader specialising in the oil, minerals and metals markets.

The Commission concluded that, although there are vertical links between the companies' activities, the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, given that the companies would have no incentive to engage in foreclosure practices. The transaction was examined under the normal merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10859.

(For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 2 298 70 24; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 2 299 05 26)


Pacte européen pour le climat : le vice-président exécutif Timmermans et les ambassadeurs du Pacte discutent de l'action au niveau local

Aujourd'hui, deux ans après le lancement du Pacte européen pour le climat, les ambassadeurs du Pacte en provenance de toute l'Europe se réuniront autour d'un événement intitulé ‘Le Pacte européen pour le climat : Ensemble dans l'action', organisé par la Commission à Bruxelles. Frans Timmermans, vice-président exécutif chargé du Pacte vert pour l'Europe, rencontrera les ambassadeurs du Pacte en faveur du climat pour échanger sur l'action pour le climat et les moyens permettant de construire une Europe plus durable pour l'avenir.

Avec plus de 400 participants sur place et un bon nombre en ligne, plusieurs ambassadeurs du Pacte et militants présenteront leurs activités et projets autour de deux tables rondes. Ils montreront comment les citoyens, les communautés, les villes et les régions sont en train de se connecter et d'intensifier leur action pour le climat. Citons entre autres : Filip Koprcina de Croatie, qui présentera sa plateforme rendant les citoyens copropriétaires de fermes solaires ; Rada Boneva de Bulgarie, qui parlera de la mode lente (slow fashion) et de la mode de seconde main ; et Anu Harkki de Finlande, qui promouvra ses actions en tant que « grand-mère militante » dans le but de sensibiliser au changement climatique. Morten Thorsby, footballeur professionnel et fondateur de l'organisation à but non lucratif « We Play Green », fait lui aussi partie des ambassadeurs du Pacte qui partageront leur expérience.

Le Pacte européen pour le climat est ouvert à tous les Européens. Plus de quatre millions de citoyens européens ont déjà pris des engagements concrets dans le cadre du Pacte et 750 ambassadeurs engagés sont déjà à l'origine de changements dans leurs communautés.

Vous pouvez encore vous inscrire en ligne pour suivre l'événement en direct (à partir de 14 heures, heure de Bruxelles) et participer aux questions et réponses du public, ou suivre l'événement en direct sur les médias sociaux.

(Pour plus d'informations : Tim McPhie – Tél.: +32 2 295 86 02; Ana Crespo Parrondo – Tél.: +32 2 298 13 25

Commissioner Ferreira in Latvia and Estonia to launch Cohesion Policy investment programmes

Tomorrow and on Friday, 3 February, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, will be in Latvia and Estonia to launch the €4.6 billion Partnership Agreement with Latvia and the €3.5 billion Partnership Agreement with Estonia, as well as the start of the Cohesion Policy programmes' implementation for 2021-2027. The funding will support the countries' green and digital transitions, finance innovation, and strengthen healthcare and social services.

Tomorrow, in Latvia, she will hold a press point with Minister of Finance, Arvils Ašeradens at 9:15 CET. Then, she will meet the Latvian Prime Minister, Krišjanis Karinš and with parliament members. She will also visit the EU-funded multi-functional social services centre in the Latvian city of Cesis.

On Friday, Commissioner Ferreira will be in Tartu, Estonia, where she will be visiting the city's sustainable urban site in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus. Later on Friday, in Tallinn, she will meet the Estonian Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas, and participate in a press point together with the Minister of Finance, Anneli Akkermann, and the Minister of Public Administration, Riina Solman, at 14:30 CET.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker - Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)


COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission appoints a new Director-General for its Directorate-General for Budget

The European Commission has decided today to appoint Stéphanie Riso as Director-General for its Directorate-General for Budget (DG BUDG). This Commission department is responsible for managing the budget of the European Union. This includes proposing and implementing the financial framework, as well as collecting the resources that EU countries have agreed to contribute, and undertaking all market operations on behalf of the Union budget. The decision will take effect on 16 February 2023.

Stéphanie Riso, a French national, has over 20 years of first-hand experience in dealing with EU budgetary and financial matters in the Commission. Her thorough knowledge of the mechanics and structure of the EU budget together with her deep understanding of financial market operations will be key in her new position. She is also equipped with remarkably advanced negotiation skills acquired through a variety of high-stake negotiations where she represented the European Commission, including in the context of Brexit. Throughout her career, she demonstrated her capacity to think creatively and strategically when facing policy challenges and to provide a clear vision and leadership on strategic matters, including on the long-term EU budget and NextGenerationEU over the previous years.

Stéphanie Riso is currently Deputy Head of Cabinet of President von der Leyen, responsible for the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework, the coordination of economic policy and the relations with the United Kingdom and Switzerland. From 2016 until 2019, she was Director in charge of the strategy, coordination and communication of the Task Force for the negotiations with the UK, providing strategic and operational advice to Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier. Prior to that, she was Head of Unit in charge of the Multiannual Financial Framework in DG BUDG and before Head of unit ‘Fiscal policy and surveillance' in the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN). She served as Deputy Head of Cabinet and Cabinet Member of two Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioners Rehn and Almunia. Before joining DG ECFIN in 2000 as an economist, she worked as a market analyst in the banking sector.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 2 295 68 59)

COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission transfers in the interests of the service a new Director-General for its Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

The European Commission has decided to transfer in the interests of the service Marc Lemaître to the function of Director-General in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD). This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on research, science and innovation, with a view to help create growth and jobs and tackle our biggest societal challenges. The decision will take effect on 16 February 2023.

In his new position, Marc Lemaître, a Luxembourgish national, will draw on his extensive experience of over 25 years in devising and implementing various EU policies, including through 15 years of management experience at the European Commission. He will also benefit from his excellent communication and leadership skills as well as his aptness to conceive innovative solutions in the face of complex policy challenges.

Since 2016, Marc Lemaître has been the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). He played a key role in developing policies intended to reduce disparities across European regions. More recently, he also oversaw the formulation of several EU policies, such as the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative or React-EU, to spur the recovery of regions from the COVID-19 pandemic and support them in catering for the reception of refugees from Ukraine and in cushioning off the effects of high energy prices on vulnerable households and SMEs.

Previously, he was the Head of Cabinet for the Commissioner for Budget and Financial programming Janusz Lewandowski and for two Commissioners in charge of regional policy Pawel Samecki and Danuta Hübner. Before joining the Commission in 2007, he was Deputy Director for Development Cooperation in the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Prior to that, he served for ten years in the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the European Union and was notably in charge of the negotiations on the EU long-term budget 2007-2013.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 2 295 68 59)

COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission appoints a new Deputy Director-General for its Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security

The European Commission has decided today to appoint Christian Roques as Deputy Director-General for its Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security (DG HR). The Human Resources and Security department oversees recruitment policy, training and career management, social policies and working conditions for Commission staff. It is responsible for keeping buildings and employees safe, and online security. The decision will take effect on 16 February 2023.

Christian Roques, a French national, brings with him a profound knowledge of a wide range of human resources matters in the European Commission along with his advanced communication and negotiations skills acquired through various complex stakeholder engagements and outreach efforts. He will continue to benefit from the robust and trusted relationships he has built with a plethora of actors in the administration realm and from his proven capacity to steer and coordinate large-scale projects, processes, and operations with a tangible impact on the workforce of the Commission.

Since 2019, he has been Director in DG HR, where he is now in charge of finance, legal and partnerships, after previously being responsible for working conditions, well-being and the Medical Services. He notably assumed a leading role in managing the principal human resources, medical and business continuity aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and was also instrumental in the design of the Commission's new HR Strategy. He also played a central role in developing the Greening Strategy of the European Commission in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal.

Earlier in his career, he headed a number of units in DG HR. He also worked for several years in the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) as acting Head of Unit, and before as Case manager and Case Handler. He joined the Commission in 1997 in the European Statistical Office, after having worked in private law firms.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 2 295 68 59)

La Commission nomme une nouvelle coordinatrice chargée de la lutte contre l'islamophobie

La Commission européenne a nommé Marion Lalisse nouvelle coordinatrice pour la lutte contre l'islamophobie. Mme Lalisse collaborera avec les États membres, les institutions européennes, la société civile et le monde universitaire afin de renforcer les mesures prises pour lutter contre l'islamophobie. Dans le cadre de ses nouvelles fonctions, la coordinatrice sera le principal point de contact pour les organisations actives dans ce domaine au sein de l'UE.

Helena Dalli, commissaire à l'Égalité, a déclaré à cet égard : « Je me réjouis de la nomination de Mme Lalisse, nouvelle coordinatrice pour la lutte contre l'islamophobie qui, dans ses nouvelles fonctions, veillera à ce que des mesures soient prises pour lutter contre la haine, ainsi que contre la discrimination structurelle et individuelle à l'égard des musulmans. Nous devons combattre l'islamophobie dans tous les domaines, notamment dans le cadre de l'éducation, de l'emploi et de la politique sociale. Nous devons également recueillir les données concernant tous les cas d'islamophobie et de discrimination à l'égard des musulmans, surveiller et combattre toute manifestation de ce type. »

Mme Lalisse est diplômée de la School of Oriental and African Studies (Université de Londres), du Collège d'Europe et de l'Université de Toulouse-Mirail. Elle a été chargée d'affaire a.i. et ambassadrice adjointe de l'UE au Yémen, et a occupé diverses fonctions dans les délégations de l'UE au Ghana, en Mauritanie, au Maroc et dans le cadre du programme d'aide de l'UE en faveur de la communauté chypriote turque. Fonctionnaire expérimentée de l'Union européenne, elle a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec un large éventail d'organisations de la société civile au sein de l'UE et dans le monde musulman, où elle a acquis une précieuse expérience.

De plus amples informations sur les activités de la coordinatrice de la Commission européenne en matière de lutte contre l'islamophobie sont disponibles ici.

(Pour plus d'informations : Christian Wigand - Tél.: +32 2 296 22 53 ; Katarzyna Kolanko - Tél.: +32 2 296 34 44 ; Cristina Torres Castillo - Tél.: +32 2 299 06 79)

Liste des points prévus à l'ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission

Veuillez noter que ces informations sont données sous réserve de modifications.

Prochains événements de la Commission européenne

Eurostat: communiqués de presse

Zařazenost 01.02.2023 13:02:00
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