Jiří Zendulka
Akcie ve světě  |  10.05.2021 12:10:05

Tento týden nabídne dividendy od Visa, Starbucks, Exxon, Honeywell a spousty dalších

Na Wall Street se současná v kontextu očekávání vlastně úspěšná výsledková sezóna z hlediska reportů nejvýznamnějších firem prakticky již uzavřela. V tomto týdnu stojí za zmínku ze známějších jmen snad jen až páteční report od poskytovatele ubytovacích služeb Airbnb, čínského internetového giganta Alibaba či zástupce indexu DJIA mediální Walt Disney. Květen však bude ve velmi aktivním trendu pokračovat z hlediska vstupu nových emisí na trh. Zatímco v minulém týdnu uskutečnilo primární emisi (IPO) na 8 společností, na tento týden obdobný krok plánuje jen o jednu méně. Vsouhrnném objemu si chtějí říci o 1,6 mld. USD. O nejvíce, téměř půl miliardy dolarů, v USA významný poskytovatel pojištění hypoték Enact Holdings. Naopak vlastně jen o nevýrazných 15 mil. USD pak kanadský vývojář produktů z konopí Flora Growth.

Z hlediska stanovených rozhodných dnů pro nárok na dividendu se bude jednat dokonce o nejživějších pět dnů za posledních několik týdnů. Díky i řadě fondů, tentokrát zejména od BlackRock či Nuveen, totiž termín stanovilo téměř 500 společností. Dojde také na tři zástupce prestižního indexu Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).

K vypořádání na akciovém trhu v USA dochází obdobně jako na pražské burze druhý pracovní den po obchodu (tzv. T+2). Z hlediska rozhodného dne pro nárok na dividendu se nicméně tradičně sleduje především tzv. ex-date. Jinými slovy první obchodní den, kdy se již akcie obchodují bez nároku na dividendu. Nakoupit akcie s nárokem na dividendu se tedy musí nejpozději den před „ex-date“.

Ze zmiňovaného indexu DJIA tento týden vlastně v absolutních číslech nejnižší dividendu a zároveň i dividendový výnos (aktuálně 0,5 %) nabízejí akcie Visa (V). Vydavatel platebních karet vyplatí požitek opět 0,32 USD. Čtvrtletní solidní výši dividendy 0,93 USD pak udržuje konglomerát Honeywell (HON). U jeho akcií to aktuálně indikuje také výraznější dividendový výnos 1,7 %. Z indexu DJIA jsou však v týdnu premiantem, co do absolutní výše dividendy i dividendového výnosu, akcie Amgen (AMGN). Biofarmaceutická společnost po roce v minulém čtvrtletí o dalších 10 % navýšila dividendu, vyplatí tak nyní opět 1,76 USD, což přesto indikuje výnos „jen“ okolo 3 %. Titul se s aktuálním nárokem bude obchodovat naposledy ve čtvrtek, zatímco zbylé dva zmiňované tituly o den méně.

Za zmínku stojí rovnou vlastně konkurenční farmaceutický gigant Eli Lilly (LLY), který rovněž po roce v minulém čtvrtletí výrazně navýšil dividendu. Vyplatí tak opět 0,85 USD.

Nejvýraznější dividendový výnos lze v týdnu hledat u velkých společností v energetickém sektoru. K 6 % u akcií Exxon Mobil (XOM), když ropný gigant již téměř dva roky pravidelně čtvrtletně rozděluje 0,87 USD. Valero Energy (VLO) pak udržuje dividendu na výraznějších 0,98 USD, u titulu to nicméně indikuje o něco slabší dividendový výnos. V obou směrech jsou na tom „nejhůře“ pak konkurenční akcie ConocoPhillips (COP) s požitkem 0,43 USD.

Za zmínku jistě stojí pojišťovna MetLife (MET), která dodržela každoroční tradici a dále navýšila dividendu. Opět o 2 centy na již 0,48 USD, což indikuje zhruba 3% dividendový výnos. Titul má nicméně již na dnešek stanoven ex-date, s aktuálním nárokem se tak obchodoval naposledy v pátek.

Naposledy ještě dnes se pak s aktuálním nárokem na dividendu 0,67 USD budou obchodovat akcie Seagate Technology (STX). Akcie tohoto zástupce technologického sektoru aktuálně indikují rovněž zhruba 3% dividendový výnos.

Do úterý včetně pak lze s aktuálním nárokem na požitek koupit akcie řetězce Starbucks (SBUX). Tento provozovatel kaváren již v předminulém čtvrtletí o zhruba desetinu navýšil dividendu, vyplatí tak opět 0,45 USD. Výrazná cena titulu držící se v blízkosti maxim, má za následek nyní jen nevýrazný dividendový výnos 1,6 %.

přehledu lze níže tradičně nalézt tituly i s dvouciferným dividendovým výnosem, tentokrát prakticky ale jen z řad fondů.

K vyhledávání v níže uvedeném přehledu doporučujeme příp. využít klávesovou zkratku Ctrl+F.

Ticker/Společnost Periodicita dividendy Dividenda Dividendový výnos Ex-date
AWK  American Water Works   quarterly $0.6025 1.60% 05.10.2021
ANPDY  ANTA Sports Products  
$3.3492 0.74% 05.10.2021
ASTE  Astec Industries   quarterly $0.11 0.60% 05.10.2021
BSBR  Banco Santander (Brasil)  
$0.3419 4.64% 05.10.2021
DHF  BNY Mellon High Yield Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0220 8.41% 05.10.2021
BY  Byline Bancorp   quarterly $0.06 1.09% 05.10.2021
DCOM  Dime Community Bancshares   quarterly $0.24 2.89% 05.10.2021
ET  Energy Transfer   quarterly $0.1530 7.47% 05.10.2021
EBTC  Enterprise Bancorp   quarterly $0.1850 2.22% 05.10.2021
ETH  Ethan Allen Interiors   quarterly $0.25 3.20% 05.10.2021
FIBK  First Interstate BancSystem   quarterly $0.41 3.46% 05.10.2021
HBT  HBT Financial   quarterly $0.15 3.30% 05.10.2021
HMST  HomeStreet   quarterly $0.25 2.45% 05.10.2021
IVZ  Invesco   quarterly $0.17 2.57% 05.10.2021
INVH  Invitation Homes   quarterly $0.17 2.00% 05.10.2021
JHG  Janus Henderson Group   quarterly $0.38 4.40% 05.10.2021
KMT  Kennametal   quarterly $0.20 1.90% 05.10.2021
RDSMY  Koninklijke DSM  
$1.1771 2.58% 05.10.2021
PHG  Koninklijke Philips   annual $1.0331 1.60% 05.10.2021
LZAGY  Lonza Group   annual $0.0940 0.15% 05.10.2021
MET  MetLife   quarterly $0.48 3.03% 05.10.2021
NMM  Navios Maritime Partners   quarterly $0.05 0.62% 05.10.2021
PZZA  Papa John's International   quarterly $0.2250 0.93% 05.10.2021
PCCWY  PCCW   semi-annual $0.2770 6.73% 05.10.2021
PGC  Peapack-Gladstone Financial   quarterly $0.05 0.60% 05.10.2021
SCCO  Southern Copper   quarterly $0.70 3.90% 05.10.2021
SXI  Standex International   quarterly $0.24 0.98% 05.10.2021
SUN  Sunoco   quarterly $0.8255 9.81% 05.10.2021
CG  The Carlyle Group   quarterly $0.25 2.30% 05.10.2021
TMP  Tompkins Financial   quarterly $0.54 2.76% 05.10.2021
WELL  Welltower   quarterly $0.61 3.23% 05.10.2021
BFIN  BankFinancial   quarterly $0.10 3.90% 05.11.2021
DCF  BNY Mellon Alcentra Global Credit Income 2024 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.05 6.40% 05.11.2021
RA  Brookfield Real Assets Income Fund   monthly $0.1990 11.50% 05.11.2021
CSTR  Capstar Financial   quarterly $0.06 1.33% 05.11.2021
CRI  Carter's   quarterly $0.40 1.47% 05.11.2021
FOF  Cohen & Steers Closed-End Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0870 7.80% 05.11.2021
UTF  Cohen & Steers Infrastructure Fund   monthly $0.1550 6.80% 05.11.2021
LDP  Cohen & Steers Limited Duration Preferred and Income Fund   monthly $0.1430 6.60% 05.11.2021
MIE  Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0150 5.80% 05.11.2021
RQI  Cohen & Steers Quality Income Realty Fund   monthly $0.08 6.90% 05.11.2021
RNP  Cohen & Steers REIT and Preferred Income Fund   monthly $0.1240 6.20% 05.11.2021
PSF  Cohen & Steers Select Preferred and Income Fund   monthly $0.1570 6.80% 05.11.2021
RFI  Cohen & Steers Total Return Realty Fund   monthly $0.08 6.60% 05.11.2021
COLB  Columbia Banking System   quarterly $0.28 2.55% 05.11.2021
FNWB  First Northwest Bancorp   quarterly $0.06 1.46% 05.11.2021
HTGC  Hercules Capital   quarterly $0.39 8.99% 05.11.2021
HOMB  Home Bancshares, Inc. (Conway, AR)   quarterly $0.14 2.08% 05.11.2021
MDC  M.D.C.   quarterly $0.40 2.40% 05.11.2021
MCBC  Macatawa Bank   quarterly $0.08 3.28% 05.11.2021
MKTX  MarketAxess   quarterly $0.66 0.50% 05.11.2021
NFBK  Northfield Bancorp, Inc. (Staten Island, NY)   quarterly $0.13 3.20% 05.11.2021
PCAR  PACCAR   quarterly $0.34 1.50% 05.11.2021
PAYX  Paychex   quarterly $0.66 2.70% 05.11.2021
SASR  Sandy Spring Bancorp   quarterly $0.32 2.80% 05.11.2021
STX  Seagate Technology   quarterly $0.67 3.01% 05.11.2021
TTEK  Tetra Tech   quarterly $0.20 0.63% 05.11.2021
NTB  The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son   quarterly $0.44 4.52% 05.11.2021
EML  The Eastern   quarterly $0.11 1.47% 05.11.2021
JOE  The St. Joe   quarterly $0.08 0.70% 05.11.2021
UVSP  Univest Financial   quarterly $0.20 2.88% 05.11.2021
WCN  Waste Connections   quarterly $0.2050 0.70% 05.11.2021
WTBA  West Bancorporation   quarterly $0.24 3.68% 05.11.2021
WNEB  Western New England Bancorp   quarterly $0.05 2.37% 05.11.2021
WINA  Winmark   quarterly $0.45 0.90% 05.11.2021
WETF  WisdomTree Investments   quarterly $0.03 1.70% 05.11.2021
AMG  Affiliated Managers Group   quarterly $0.01 0.02% 05.12.2021
ACV  AllianzGI Diversified Income & Convertible Fund   monthly $0.1670 6.06% 05.12.2021
ARCB  ArcBest   quarterly $0.08 0.40% 05.12.2021
AEXAY  Atos   annual $0.15 1.09% 05.12.2021
COG  Cabot Oil & Gas   quarterly $0.11 2.58% 05.12.2021
EBR  Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. - Eletrobrás   annual $0.1551 10.00% 05.12.2021
EBR  Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. - Eletrobrás  
COLM  Columbia Sportswear   quarterly $0.26 0.92% 05.12.2021
SID  Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional   annual $0.1210 1.35% 05.12.2021
SID  Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional   annual $0.1228 1.31% 05.12.2021
CSAN  Cosan   -- $0.1762
TACO  Del Taco Restaurants   quarterly $0.04 1.40% 05.12.2021
FANG  Diamondback Energy   quarterly $0.40 2.02% 05.12.2021
DSL  DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund   monthly $0.11 7.31% 05.12.2021
DBL  DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund   monthly $0.11 6.69% 05.12.2021
DLY  DoubleLine Yield Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1167 7.00% 05.12.2021
CEV  Eaton Vance California Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0471 4.20% 05.12.2021
EFL  Eaton Vance Floating-Rate 2022 Target Term Trust   monthly $0.0330 4.30% 05.12.2021
EVV  Eaton Vance Limited Duration Income Fund   monthly $0.10 9.30% 05.12.2021
EVN  Eaton Vance Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0477 4.10% 05.12.2021
EVF  Eaton Vance Senior Income Trust   monthly $0.0340 5.90% 05.12.2021
EDNMY  Edenred   annual $0.3290 1.15% 05.12.2021
ENBL  Enable Midstream Partners   quarterly $0.1650 9.15% 05.12.2021
XNGSY  ENN Energy   annual $1.1950 1.84% 05.12.2021
XNGSY  ENN Energy  
$1.2449 1.82% 05.12.2021
XOM  Exxon Mobil   quarterly $0.87 5.99% 05.12.2021
SUPV  Grupo Supervielle   annual $0.0266 1.80% 05.12.2021
HTBK  Heritage Commerce   quarterly $0.13 4.24% 05.12.2021
BOSSY  Hugo Boss  
$0.0095 0.10% 05.12.2021
JBGS  JBG SMITH Properties   quarterly $0.2250 2.76% 05.12.2021
HPI  John Hancock Preferred Income Fund   monthly $0.1230 7.12% 05.12.2021
HPF  John Hancock Preferred Income Fund II   monthly $0.1230 6.98% 05.12.2021
HPS  John Hancock Preferred Income Fund III   monthly $0.11 7.07% 05.12.2021
PDT  John Hancock Premium Dividend Fund   monthly $0.0975 7.30% 05.12.2021
HTD  John Hancock Tax-Advantaged Dividend Income Fund   monthly $0.1380 6.78% 05.12.2021
MTDR  Matador Resources   quarterly $0.0250 0.40% 05.12.2021
MTG  MGIC Investment   quarterly $0.06 1.60% 05.12.2021
NIDB  Northeast Indiana Bancorp  
$1.12 2.49% 05.12.2021
OVCHY  Oversea-Chinese Banking   semi-annual $0.2120 2.56% 05.12.2021
PBFX  PBF Logistics   quarterly $0.30 7.88% 05.12.2021
PCM  PCM Fund   monthly $0.08 8.10% 05.12.2021
PCQ  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0650 4.30% 05.12.2021
PCK  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.0320 4.21% 05.12.2021
PZC  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III   monthly $0.0380 4.15% 05.12.2021
PTY  PIMCO Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.13 8.12% 05.12.2021
PCN  PIMCO Corporate & Income Strategy Fund   monthly $0.1120 7.33% 05.12.2021
PCI  PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund   monthly $0.1740 9.06% 05.12.2021
PDI  PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund   monthly $0.2210 9.14% 05.12.2021
PDO  Pimco Dynamic Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1184 6.80% 05.12.2021
PGP  PIMCO Global StocksPLUS & Income Fund   monthly $0.0690 7.47% 05.12.2021
PHK  PIMCO High Income Fund   monthly $0.0480 8.40% 05.12.2021
PKO  PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.19 8.48% 05.12.2021
PFL  PIMCO Income Strategy Fund   monthly $0.09 8.60% 05.12.2021
PFN  PIMCO Income Strategy Fund II   monthly $0.08 9.03% 05.12.2021
PMF  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0540 4.41% 05.12.2021
PML  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.0590 4.75% 05.12.2021
PMX  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III   monthly $0.0460 4.43% 05.12.2021
PNI  PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.04 4.10% 05.12.2021
RCS  PIMCO Strategic Income Fund   monthly $0.0510 8.00% 05.12.2021
RMD  ResMed   quarterly $0.39 0.83% 05.12.2021
RGP  Resources Connection   quarterly $0.14 3.95% 05.12.2021
REYN  Reynolds Consumer Products   quarterly $0.23 3.14% 05.12.2021
RNMBY  Rheinmetall  
$1.0075 4.87% 05.12.2021
SBUX  Starbucks   quarterly $0.45 1.63% 05.12.2021
TPX  Tempur Sealy International   quarterly $0.07 0.73% 05.12.2021
TBNK  Territorial Bancorp   quarterly $0.23 3.66% 05.12.2021
TJX  The TJX Companies   quarterly $0.26 1.58% 05.12.2021
TMRAY  Tomra Systems ASA   annual $0.2510 0.52% 05.12.2021
VNOM  Viper Energy Partners   quarterly $0.25 5.55% 05.12.2021
AIO  Virtus AllianzGI Artificial Intelligence & Technology Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1250 5.60% 05.12.2021
NCV  Virtus AllianzGI Convertible & Income Fund   monthly $0.0430 9.01% 05.12.2021
NCZ  Virtus AllianzGI Convertible & Income Fund II   monthly $0.0380 8.99% 05.12.2021
VGI  Virtus Global Multi-Sector Income Fund   monthly $0.10 10.10% 05.12.2021
ZTR  Virtus Total Return Fund   monthly $0.08 10.50% 05.12.2021
WLKP  Westlake Chemical Partners   quarterly $0.4710 6.98% 05.12.2021
WBK  Westpac Banking   semi-annual $0.4497 3.30% 05.12.2021
ZION  Zions Bancorporation, National Association   quarterly $0.34 2.40% 05.12.2021
FCCY  1st Constitution Bancorp   quarterly $0.10 2.13% 5/13/2021
AHC  A.H. Belo   quarterly $0.04 6.69% 5/13/2021
ABST  Absolute Software   quarterly $0.0639 1.80% 5/13/2021
ADDYY  adidas  
$1.7749 1.13% 5/13/2021
AVK  Advent Convertible and Income Fund   monthly $0.1170 7.64% 5/13/2021
AGCO  AGCO   quarterly $0.20 0.50% 5/13/2021
ALE  ALLETE   quarterly $0.63 3.63% 5/13/2021
ADS  Alliance Data Systems   quarterly $0.21 0.71% 5/13/2021
AMAL  Amalgamated Financial   quarterly $0.08 1.95% 5/13/2021
FINS  Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust   monthly $0.1080 7.12% 5/13/2021
AIRC  Apartment Income REIT   quarterly $0.43 3.82% 5/13/2021
AIT  Applied Industrial Technologies   quarterly $0.33 1.36% 5/13/2021
APAM  Artisan Partners Asset Management   quarterly $0.88 6.40% 5/13/2021
BCTF  Bancorp 34  
$0.20 1.59% 5/13/2021
BWFG  Bankwell Financial Group   quarterly $0.14 2.03% 5/13/2021
BSET  Bassett Furniture Industries   quarterly $0.1250 2.10% 5/13/2021
BSM  Black Stone Minerals   quarterly $0.1750 6.92% 5/13/2021
BGIO  BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity Trust   monthly $0.05 6.51% 5/13/2021
BHK  BlackRock Core Bond Trust   monthly $0.0750 5.66% 5/13/2021
HYT  BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund   monthly $0.0780 7.77% 5/13/2021
BTZ  BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust   monthly $0.0840 6.79% 5/13/2021
DSU  BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0605 6.60% 5/13/2021
BGR  BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust   monthly $0.0380 5.00% 5/13/2021
CII  BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund   monthly $0.0870 5.11% 5/13/2021
BDJ  BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust   monthly $0.05 6.01% 5/13/2021
BOE  BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust   monthly $0.0630 6.29% 5/13/2021
EGF  BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund   monthly $0.0410 3.78% 5/13/2021
BGY  BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust   monthly $0.0340 6.56% 5/13/2021
FRA  BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0670 6.18% 5/13/2021
BGT  BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust   monthly $0.0650 6.16% 5/13/2021
BME  BlackRock Health Sciences Trust   monthly $0.20 4.89% 5/13/2021
BKT  BlackRock Income Trust   monthly $0.0344 6.70% 5/13/2021
BKN  BlackRock Investment Quality Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0680 4.20% 5/13/2021
BLW  BlackRock Limited Duration Income Trust   monthly $0.0980 6.93% 5/13/2021
BTA  BlackRock Long-Term Municipal Advantage Trust   monthly $0.0510 4.62% 5/13/2021
BIT  BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust   monthly $0.1240 7.96% 5/13/2021
MUI  BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund   monthly $0.0540 4.25% 5/13/2021
MUA  BlackRock MuniAssets Fund   monthly $0.0525 4.10% 5/13/2021
BTT  Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust   monthly $0.0620 2.86% 5/13/2021
BYM  BlackRock Municipal Income Quality Trust   monthly $0.0580 4.43% 5/13/2021
BFK  BlackRock Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0580 4.62% 5/13/2021
BLE  BlackRock Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.0620 4.80% 5/13/2021
MUC  BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund   monthly $0.0550 4.30% 5/13/2021
MHD  BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund   monthly $0.06 4.39% 5/13/2021
MFL  BlackRock MuniHoldings Investment Quality Fund   monthly $0.0485 4.00% 5/13/2021
MUJ  BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund   monthly $0.0630 4.90% 5/13/2021
MHN  BlackRock MuniHoldings New York Quality Fund   monthly $0.0545 4.50% 5/13/2021
MUE  BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II   monthly $0.0510 4.48% 5/13/2021
MVT  BlackRock MuniVest Fund II   monthly $0.0585 4.40% 5/13/2021
MVF  BlackRock MuniVest Fund   monthly $0.0335 4.20% 5/13/2021
MYC  Blackrock MuniYield California Fund   monthly $0.0430 3.40% 5/13/2021
MCA  BlackRock MuniYield California Quality Fund   monthly $0.0530 4.21% 5/13/2021
MYD  BlackRock MuniYield Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.50% 5/13/2021
MIY  BlackRock MuniYield Michigan Quality Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.40% 5/13/2021
MYJ  BlackRock MuniYield New Jersey Fund   monthly $0.0625 4.80% 5/13/2021
MYN  BlackRock MuniYield New York Quality Fund   monthly $0.0515 4.50% 5/13/2021
MPA  BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Quality Fund   monthly $0.0550 4.30% 5/13/2021
MQT  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund II   monthly $0.0540 4.60% 5/13/2021
MYI  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund III   monthly $0.0515 4.30% 5/13/2021
MQY  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund   monthly $0.0630 4.70% 5/13/2021
BNY  BlackRock New York Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0560 4.62% 5/13/2021
BCX  Blackrock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust   monthly $0.04 4.97% 5/13/2021
BST  BlackRock Science and Technology Trust   monthly $0.2260 4.77% 5/13/2021
BSTZ  BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II   monthly $0.1710 5.60% 5/13/2021
BBN  BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.1170 5.59% 5/13/2021
BUI  BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust   monthly $0.1210 5.55% 5/13/2021
BHV  BlackRock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.0455 3.10% 5/13/2021
DMF  BNY Mellon Municipal Income   monthly $0.0350 4.70% 5/13/2021
DSM  BNY Mellon Strategic Municipal Bond Fund   monthly $0.03 4.50% 5/13/2021
LEO  BNY Mellon Strategic Municipals   monthly $0.0350 4.84% 5/13/2021
BRKL  Brookline Bancorp   quarterly $0.12 3.04% 5/13/2021
BFST  Business First Bancshares   quarterly $0.12 2.10% 5/13/2021
CHY  Calamos Convertible and High Income Fund   monthly $0.10 7.60% 5/13/2021
CHI  Calamos Convertible Opportunities and Income Fund   monthly $0.0950 7.62% 5/13/2021
CCD  Calamos Dynamic Convertible and Income Fund   monthly $0.1950 7.23% 5/13/2021
CHW  Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund   monthly $0.07 8.04% 5/13/2021
CGO  Calamos Global Total Return Fund   monthly $0.10 7.48% 5/13/2021
CPZ  Calamos Long/Short Equity & Dynamic Income Term Trust   monthly $0.13 7.57% 5/13/2021
CSQ  Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund   monthly $0.1020 6.79% 5/13/2021
CPTP  Capital Properties   quarterly $0.07 2.07% 5/13/2021
CNBA  Chester Bancorp   quarterly $0.20 1.48% 5/13/2021
CHD  Church & Dwight   quarterly $0.2525 1.20% 5/13/2021
XEC  Cimarex Energy   quarterly $0.27 2.19% 5/13/2021
CTAS  Cintas   quarterly $0.75 0.84% 5/13/2021
CCOI  Cogent Communications   quarterly $0.78 4.29% 5/13/2021
FIX  Comfort Systems USA   quarterly $0.1150 0.56% 5/13/2021
CHCT  Community Healthcare Trust   quarterly $0.43 3.38% 5/13/2021
COP  ConocoPhillips   quarterly $0.43 3.26% 5/13/2021
CORR  CorEnergy Infrastructure Trust   quarterly $0.05 3.30% 5/13/2021
CLM  Cornerstone Strategic Value Fund   monthly $0.1602 14.60% 5/13/2021
CRF  Cornerstone Total Return Fund   monthly $0.1537 14.40% 5/13/2021
CTVA  Corteva   quarterly $0.13 1.07% 5/13/2021
CRT  Cross Timbers Royalty Trust  
CURO  CURO Group   quarterly $0.11 2.94% 5/13/2021
DVN  Devon Energy   quarterly $0.34 5.80% 5/13/2021
DUK  Duke Energy   quarterly $0.9650 3.84% 5/13/2021
DRE  Duke Realty   quarterly $0.2550 2.23% 5/13/2021
EBMT  Eagle Bancorp Montana   quarterly $0.0975 1.70% 5/13/2021
EFBI  Eagle Financial Bancorp   quarterly $0.05 1.08% 5/13/2021
DEA  Easterly Government Properties   quarterly $0.26 4.85% 5/13/2021
ETN  Eaton   quarterly $0.76 2.09% 5/13/2021
LLY  Eli Lilly and   quarterly $0.85 1.83% 5/13/2021
EMR  Emerson Electric   quarterly $0.5050 2.22% 5/13/2021
ENB  Enbridge   quarterly $0.6778 6.80% 5/13/2021
EVA  Enviva Partners   quarterly $0.7850 6.28% 5/13/2021
EQNR  Equinor ASA   quarterly $0.12 1.50% 5/13/2021
WTRG  Essential Utilities   quarterly $0.2510 2.14% 5/13/2021
EXC  Exelon   quarterly $0.3825 3.44% 5/13/2021
FMO  Fiduciary/Claymore Energy Infrastructure Fund   quarterly $0.2450 9.07% 5/13/2021
FCNCA  First Citizens BancShares   quarterly $0.47 0.22% 5/13/2021
FNWB  First Northwest Bancorp   quarterly $0.06 1.42% 5/13/2021
FCFS  FirstCash   quarterly $0.30 1.80% 5/13/2021
FTAI  Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors   quarterly $0.33 4.67% 5/13/2021
GGN  GAMCO Global Gold, Natural Resources & Income Trust   monthly $0.03 10.50% 5/13/2021
GNT  GAMCO Natural Resources, Gold & Income Trust   monthly $0.03 7.30% 5/13/2021
GWRS  Global Water Resources   monthly $0.0243 1.70% 5/13/2021
GSBD  Goldman Sachs BDC  
$0.05 9.17% 5/13/2021
GWB  Great Western Bancorp   quarterly $0.01 0.12% 5/13/2021
GCBC  Greene County Bancorp   quarterly $0.12 1.90% 5/13/2021
GGM  Guggenheim Credit Allocation Fund   monthly $0.1810 10.12% 5/13/2021
GOF  Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1820 10.41% 5/13/2021
GBAB  Guggenheim Taxable Municipal Bond & Investment Grade Debt Trust   monthly $0.1260 6.31% 5/13/2021
HTH  Hilltop   quarterly $0.12 1.40% 5/13/2021
HON  Honeywell International   quarterly $0.93 1.68% 5/13/2021
IVH  Ivy Funds - Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0750 6.47% 5/13/2021
JBL  Jabil   quarterly $0.08 0.60% 5/13/2021
KIO  KKR Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1050 7.84% 5/13/2021
AIQUY  L'Air Liquide   annual $0.5090 1.56% 5/13/2021
LNN  Lindsay   quarterly $0.33 0.78% 5/13/2021
MHNC  Maiden Holdings North America   quarterly $0.4844 8.20% 5/13/2021
MMS  Maximus   quarterly $0.28 1.18% 5/13/2021
MSEX  Middlesex Water   quarterly $0.2725 1.30% 5/13/2021
MSBI  Midland States Bancorp   quarterly $0.28 3.99% 5/13/2021
MSVB  Mid-Southern Bancorp   quarterly $0.03 0.79% 5/13/2021
MOG.B  Moog   quarterly $0.25 1.20% 5/13/2021
MOG/A  Moog  
MSCI  MSCI   quarterly $0.78 0.64% 5/13/2021
NP  Neenah   quarterly $0.47 3.35% 5/13/2021
NXST  Nexstar Media Group   quarterly $0.70 1.85% 5/13/2021
NRT  North European Oil Royalty Trust   quarterly $0.14 5.30% 5/13/2021
NVG  Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund   monthly $0.0680 4.73% 5/13/2021
NUW  Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0390 2.76% 5/13/2021
NEA  Nuveen AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 4.61% 5/13/2021
NAZ  Nuveen Arizona Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.05 3.80% 5/13/2021
NCA  Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0265 2.60% 5/13/2021
NAC  Nuveen California Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0545 4.30% 5/13/2021
NXC  Nuveen California Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio  
$0.04 2.95% 5/13/2021
JHAA  Nuveen Corporate Income 2023 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.04 4.75% 5/13/2021
JHB  Nuveen Corporate Income November 2021 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0210 2.68% 5/13/2021
JCO  Nuveen Credit Opportunities 2022 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0470 6.50% 5/13/2021
JQC  Nuveen Credit Strategies Income Fund   monthly $0.06 10.81% 5/13/2021
JEMD  Nuveen Emerging Markets Debt 2022 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0305 4.50% 5/13/2021
NEV  Nuveen Enhanced Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0610 4.38% 5/13/2021
JFR  Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 7.18% 5/13/2021
JRO  Nuveen Floating Rate Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0580 7.29% 5/13/2021
NKG  Nuveen Georgia Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0450 4.04% 5/13/2021
JGH  Nuveen Global High Income Fund   monthly $0.1130 8.55% 5/13/2021
NID  Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Term Fund   monthly $0.0440 3.67% 5/13/2021
NIQ  Nuveen Intermediate Duration Quality Municipal Term Fund   monthly $0.0430 3.51% 5/13/2021
NMT  Nuveen Massachusetts Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0460 3.70% 5/13/2021
NMS  Nuveen Minnesota Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0520 3.78% 5/13/2021
NOM  Nuveen Missouri Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0440 3.60% 5/13/2021
JLS  Nuveen Mortgage and Income Fund   monthly $0.0830 4.70% 5/13/2021
JMM  Nuveen Multi-Market Income Fund   monthly $0.03 4.40% 5/13/2021
NZF  Nuveen Municipal Credit Income Fund   monthly $0.0660 4.73% 5/13/2021
NMCO  Nuveen Municipal Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0620 4.99% 5/13/2021
NMZ  Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0650 5.22% 5/13/2021
NUV  Nuveen Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0310 3.28% 5/13/2021
NXJ  Nuveen New Jersey Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 4.66% 5/13/2021
NRK  Nuveen New York AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0480 4.15% 5/13/2021
NNY  Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0255 3.20% 5/13/2021
NAN  Nuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0520 4.30% 5/13/2021
NXN  Nuveen New York Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio   monthly $0.0345 3.30% 5/13/2021
NUO  Nuveen Ohio Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0490 3.70% 5/13/2021
NQP  Nuveen Pennsylvania Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.60% 5/13/2021
JPC  Nuveen Preferred & Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0530 6.50% 5/13/2021
JPT  Nuveen Preferred and Income 2022 Term Fund   monthly $0.1190 5.76% 5/13/2021
JPS  Nuveen Preferred Securities Income Fund   monthly $0.0510 6.20% 5/13/2021
NAD  Nuveen Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.06 4.68% 5/13/2021
JRI  Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth Fund   monthly $0.0970 7.47% 5/13/2021
NIM  Nuveen Select Maturities Municipal Fund   monthly $0.0240 2.70% 5/13/2021
NXP  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio   monthly $0.0455 3.20% 5/13/2021
NXQ  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio 2   monthly $0.0420 3.20% 5/13/2021
NXR  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio 3   monthly $0.0470 3.30% 5/13/2021
NSL  Nuveen Senior Income Fund   monthly $0.0340 7.21% 5/13/2021
JSD  Nuveen Short Duration Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0860 7.17% 5/13/2021
NBB  Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.10 5.28% 5/13/2021
NPV  Nuveen Virginia Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0485 3.50% 5/13/2021
ODC  Oil-Dri Co. of America   quarterly $0.26 2.80% 5/13/2021
OPY  Oppenheimer   quarterly $0.12 0.90% 5/13/2021
OBNK  Origin Bancorp   quarterly $0.13 1.22% 5/13/2021
OSK  Oshkosh   quarterly $0.33 1.03% 5/13/2021
OTTR  Otter Tail   quarterly $0.39 3.24% 5/13/2021
OXLC  Oxford Lane Capital   monthly $0.0675 11.90% 5/13/2021
OXSQ  Oxford Square Capital   monthly $0.0350 9.80% 5/13/2021
PCSB  PCSB Financial   quarterly $0.06 1.40% 5/13/2021
PETS  PetMed Express   quarterly $0.30 4.07% 5/13/2021
GHY  PGIM Global High Yield Fund   monthly $0.1050 8.50% 5/13/2021
ISD  PGIM High Yield Bond Fund   monthly $0.1050 8.00% 5/13/2021
PSTL  Postal Realty Trust   quarterly $0.22 4.52% 5/13/2021
FRST  Primis Financial   quarterly $0.10 2.79% 5/13/2021
PGZ  Principal Real Estate Income Fund   monthly $0.0825 7.20% 5/13/2021
PFS  Provident Financial Services   quarterly $0.23 3.80% 5/13/2021
RTLR  Rattler Midstream   quarterly $0.20 7.10% 5/13/2021
RFM  RiverNorth Flexible Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.1042 5.50% 5/13/2021
RMM  Rivernorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0917 5.80% 5/13/2021
RMI  RiverNorth Opportunistic Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0917 5.00% 5/13/2021
RIV  RiverNorth Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.17 11.80% 5/13/2021
OPP  RiverNorth/DoubleLine Strategic Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.1586 12.50% 5/13/2021
SAL  Salisbury Bancorp   quarterly $0.30 2.80% 5/13/2021
SDTTU  SandRidge Mississippian Trust I   quarterly $0.0110 20.95% 5/13/2021
PERS  SandRidge Permian Trust   quarterly $0.0280 24.34% 5/13/2021
SAP  SAP   annual $2.1890 2.10% 5/13/2021
SBFG  SB Financial Group   quarterly $0.11 2.46% 5/13/2021
SEB  Seaboard   quarterly $2.25 0.20% 5/13/2021
SIGI  Selective Insurance Group   quarterly $0.25 1.30% 5/13/2021
SJR  Shaw Communications   monthly $0.0776 5.10% 5/13/2021
SHBI  Shore Bancshares   quarterly $0.12 2.90% 5/13/2021
STWRY  Software Aktiengesellschaft  
$0.4432 4.11% 5/13/2021
SSB  South State   quarterly $0.47 2.22% 5/13/2021
SMBC  Southern Missouri Bancorp   quarterly $0.16 1.59% 5/13/2021
STBI  Sturgis Bancorp   quarterly $0.16 3.30% 5/13/2021
SSBI  Summit State Bank   quarterly $0.12 2.91% 5/13/2021
TAIT  Taitron Components   quarterly $0.04 3.88% 5/13/2021
TFX  Teleflex   quarterly $0.34 0.33% 5/13/2021
TDE  Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. SR NT 2059   quarterly $0.4297 6.70% 5/13/2021
SCHW  The Charles Schwab   quarterly $0.18 1.03% 5/13/2021
GDV  The Gabelli Dividend & Income Trust   monthly $0.11 5.70% 5/13/2021
GLU  The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust   monthly $0.10 6.40% 5/13/2021
GUT  The Gabelli Utility Trust   monthly $0.05 8.20% 5/13/2021
GRC  The Gorman-Rupp   quarterly $0.1550 1.82% 5/13/2021
SJM  The J. M. Smucker   quarterly $0.90 2.73% 5/13/2021
KR  The Kroger   quarterly $0.18 2.06% 5/13/2021
HYB  The New America High Income Fund  
$0.05 6.44% 5/13/2021
TSBK  Timberland Bancorp   quarterly $0.21 2.98% 5/13/2021
TANNL  TravelCenters of America LLC SR NT   quarterly $0.50 7.90% 5/13/2021
TFC  Truist Financial   quarterly $0.45 3.09% 5/13/2021
USPH  U.S. Physical Therapy   quarterly $0.35 1.25% 5/13/2021
UTL  Unitil   quarterly $0.38 2.63% 5/13/2021
UVE  Universal Insurance   quarterly $0.16 4.60% 5/13/2021
Visa   quarterly $0.32 0.50% 5/13/2021
WCFB  WCF Bancorp  
$0.20 2.22% 5/13/2021
WEC  WEC Energy Group   quarterly $0.6775 2.83% 5/13/2021
EAD  Wells Fargo Advantage Funds - Wells Fargo Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0567 7.80% 5/13/2021
ERC  Wells Fargo Advantage Multi-Sector Income Fund   monthly $0.0922 8.60% 5/13/2021
ERH  Wells Fargo Advantage Utilities and High Income Fund   monthly $0.0705 6.10% 5/13/2021
WAL  Western Alliance Bancorporation   quarterly $0.25 0.94% 5/13/2021
WING  Wingstop   quarterly $0.14 0.36% 5/13/2021
ALSN  Allison Transmission   quarterly $0.19 1.69% 5/14/2021
AWR  American States Water   quarterly $0.3350 1.69% 5/14/2021
ABC  AmerisourceBergen   quarterly $0.44 1.52% 5/14/2021
AMGN  Amgen   quarterly $1.76 3.15% 5/14/2021
AFT  Apollo Senior Floating Rate Fund   monthly $0.08 6.23% 5/14/2021
AIF  Apollo Tactical Income Fund   monthly $0.0790 6.18% 5/14/2021
ARR  ARMOUR Residential REIT   monthly $0.10 9.90% 5/14/2021
ANZBY  Australia and New Zealand Banking Group   semi-annual $0.5330
RILY  B. Riley Financial   quarterly $3.00 17.83% 5/14/2021
BLX  Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A   quarterly $0.25 6.41% 5/14/2021
BGSF  BGSF   quarterly $0.10 3.00% 5/14/2021
BGFV  Big 5 Sporting Goods   none $1.00
TECH  Bio-Techne   quarterly $0.32 0.31% 5/14/2021
BOKF  BOK Financial  
COF  Capital One Financial   quarterly $0.40 1.04% 5/14/2021
CSL  Carlisle Companies   quarterly $0.5250 1.11% 5/14/2021
CF  CF Industries   quarterly $0.30 2.42% 5/14/2021
CNA  CNA Financial   quarterly $0.38 3.19% 5/14/2021
CNS  Cohen & Steers   quarterly $0.45 2.54% 5/14/2021
CNOB  ConnectOne Bancorp   quarterly $0.11 1.64% 5/14/2021
CRARY  Crédit Agricole   annual $0.3530 4.50% 5/14/2021
DLB  Dolby Laboratories   quarterly $0.22 0.94% 5/14/2021
DTF  DTF Tax-Free Income   monthly $0.04 3.30% 5/14/2021
FTS  Fortis   quarterly $0.3962 3.90% 5/14/2021
GLOG  GasLog   quarterly $0.05 3.42% 5/14/2021
GNK  Genco Shipping & Trading   quarterly $0.05 1.23% 5/14/2021
GPRK  GeoPark   quarterly $0.0210 0.53% 5/14/2021
HR  Healthcare Realty Trust   quarterly $0.3025 3.90% 5/14/2021
HTLF  Heartland Financial USA   quarterly $0.22 1.74% 5/14/2021
HP  Helmerich & Payne   quarterly $0.25 3.39% 5/14/2021
HIW  Highwoods Properties   quarterly $0.48 4.39% 5/14/2021
IOSP  Innospec   semi-annual $0.57 1.10% 5/14/2021
VKI  Invesco Advantage Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.0485 4.80% 5/14/2021
VBF  Invesco Bond Fund   monthly $0.0560 3.38% 5/14/2021
VCV  Invesco California Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0475 4.30% 5/14/2021
VTA  Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0750 7.79% 5/14/2021
IHIT  Invesco High Income 2023 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.05 6.33% 5/14/2021
VLT  Invesco High Income Trust II   monthly $0.0964 8.20% 5/14/2021
OIA  Invesco Municipal Income Opportunities Trust   monthly $0.0316 4.70% 5/14/2021
VMO  Invesco Municipal Opportunity Trust   monthly $0.0540 4.80% 5/14/2021
VKQ  Invesco Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0535 4.70% 5/14/2021
IQI  Invesco Quality Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0520 4.70% 5/14/2021
VVR  Invesco Senior Income Trust   monthly $0.0210 5.94% 5/14/2021
VGM  Invesco Trust for Investment Grade Municipals   monthly $0.0550 4.70% 5/14/2021
VTN  Invesco Trust for Investment Grade New York Municipals   monthly $0.0478 4.30% 5/14/2021
IIM  Invesco Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0640 4.60% 5/14/2021
JEF  Jefferies Financial Group   quarterly $0.20 2.53% 5/14/2021
KMPR  Kemper   quarterly $0.31 1.60% 5/14/2021
KKR  KKR & Co. Inc.   quarterly $0.1450 1.03% 5/14/2021
KLAC  KLA   quarterly $0.90 1.14% 5/14/2021
LPX  Louisiana-Pacific   quarterly $0.16 0.97% 5/14/2021
MMD  MainStay MacKay DefinedTerm Municipal Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0850 4.60% 5/14/2021
MSA  MSA Safety   quarterly $0.44 1.07% 5/14/2021
MUR  Murphy Oil   quarterly $0.1250 2.93% 5/14/2021
MUSA  Murphy USA   quarterly $0.25 0.73% 5/14/2021
NRP  Natural Resource Partners   quarterly $0.45 9.97% 5/14/2021
NHS  Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0905 8.40% 5/14/2021
NML  Neuberger Berman MLP and Energy Income Fund   monthly $0.0148 3.90% 5/14/2021
NRO  Neuberger Berman Real Estate Securities Income Fund   monthly $0.0312 7.90% 5/14/2021
NVEC  NVE   quarterly $1.00 5.24% 5/14/2021
OMP  Oasis Midstream Partners   quarterly $0.55 9.70% 5/14/2021
OAS  Oasis Petroleum   quarterly $0.3750 1.96% 5/14/2021
OGS  ONE Gas   quarterly $0.58 2.91% 5/14/2021
PACW  PacWest Bancorp   quarterly $0.25 2.27% 5/14/2021
PFLT  PennantPark Floating Rate Capital   monthly $0.0950 9.08% 5/14/2021
PFSI  PennyMac Financial Services   quarterly $0.20 1.40% 5/14/2021
POOL  Pool   quarterly $0.80 0.73% 5/14/2021
ROK  Rockwell Automation   quarterly $1.07 1.65% 5/14/2021
SBRA  Sabra Health Care REIT   quarterly $0.30 6.90% 5/14/2021
SOR  Source Capital   monthly $0.1217 3.30% 5/14/2021
SWX  Southwest Gas   quarterly $0.5950 3.71% 5/14/2021
SII  Sprott   quarterly $0.25 2.20% 5/14/2021
SSRM  SSR Mining   quarterly $0.05 1.20% 5/14/2021
SMP  Standard Motor Products   quarterly $0.25 2.11% 5/14/2021
EDF  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fnd   monthly $0.07 10.18% 5/14/2021
EDI  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund   monthly $0.07 9.35% 5/14/2021
RGR  Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.   quarterly $0.86 4.95% 5/14/2021
SYX  Systemax   quarterly $0.16 1.95% 5/14/2021
TEI  Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund   monthly $0.0850 13.26% 5/14/2021
GIM  Templeton Global Income Fund   monthly $0.0370 8.15% 5/14/2021
BCO  The Brink's  
CC  The Chemours   quarterly $0.25 3.31% 5/14/2021
SRV  The Cushing MLP & Infrastructure Total Return Fund   monthly $0.12 5.45% 5/14/2021
SZC  The Cushing Renaissance Fund   monthly $0.2130 5.79% 5/14/2021
SO  The Southern   quarterly $0.66 4.00% 5/14/2021
SWGAY  The Swatch Group   annual $0.1110 0.76% 5/14/2021
TROX  Tronox   quarterly $0.08 1.38% 5/14/2021
UI  Ubiquiti   quarterly $0.40 0.57% 5/14/2021
UMH  UMH Properties   quarterly $0.19 3.90% 5/14/2021
UIHC  United Insurance   quarterly $0.06 4.08% 5/14/2021
VLO  Valero Energy   quarterly $0.98 5.41% 5/14/2021
WSTG  Wayside Technology Group   quarterly $0.17 2.74% 5/14/2021

Poznámka: dividendový výnos (na roční bázi) uveden ve vztahu ke kurzu titulu k 7.5.; datum uveden ve formátu mm/dd/rrrr či mm.dd.rrrr; zdroj dat marketbeat.com

Jako každý týden závěrem snad jen zopakovat, že akcionáři se od většiny výše uvedených firem dané dividendy dočkají obvykle do 2 týdnů po rozhodném dnu. Výše uvedená data je nutné brát jako orientační, resp. doporučujeme si je v případě „obchodování“ aktuálně ověřit u svého obchodníka s cennými papíry.

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