US National Weather Service (
14.05.2024 22:00:00

We've been in a lull since this morning but watching 1-min satellite trends for possible redevelopment this afternoon

5/14/24 334PM ET 🛰️


We've been in a lull since this morning but watching 1-min satellite trends for possible redevelopment this afternoon. We're seeing signs across the parts of the FL Panhandle as shown on radar. Eastern areas (dark grey gap) less influenced by cirrus clouds fanning out from a Gulf storm complex stand a decent chance as well. Lightning flash extent density is highlighted by the warm colors.

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Data source

Weather forecast for is supplied by MET Norway Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.

Feels like

To calculate the perceived temperature, we use the Australian Apparent Temperature (AAT) model, which is designed for year-round calculations and takes air humidity into account in addition to temperature and wind speed.
°C / °F    

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