Speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira (by video message) for the 8th Forum of EU Strategy for the Adriatic Ionian Region

Dear participants,

dear Europeans,

Two weeks ago, at the celebrations of Europe's day, we took stock of all that Europe means for our Member States and citizens. Democracy. Prosperity. And most of all, with many challenges ahead of us, the guarantee that we face them together, in solidarity, as part of the same family.

And this journey continues, also on the Adriatic-Ionian region, where five candidate countries from the Western Balkans are in the process of joining this European family. Of course I'm referring to Albania, to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Since 2014, through the Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, these countries have been taking steps forward towards Europe.

Collaborating on an equal footing with four Member States to achieve joint milestones in at least 3 significant areas.

First, milestones in terms of shared prosperity. Economic development has been a key goal for this strategy, since its launch.

Cohesion Policy resources have been put at your disposal to promote economic integration. For example, Cohesion has supported your investments in transport networks, including roads, railways, ports, and airports. These investments are creating connections and promoting integration in the wider region.

Secondly, through this strategy you are achieving milestones in terms of sustainable development.

The Strategy recognises environmental challenges, including pollution, climate change risks, and the use of natural resources. For example, you have shown a strong commitment to address marine litter and plastic pollution, through initiatives such as the “Pilot Project on Marine Litter”, and the “Clean Adriatic Sea Initiative For Future Generations”.

Moreover, the Strategy promotes a just transition to the low carbon economy, with a focus on renewable energy, sustainable transport, and energy efficiency.

You are also promoting sustainable tourism, which has a double benefit: environmental protection, and local prosperity.

Third, through this strategy you are achieving milestones in terms of a key European value which is cooperation.

Our Europe is built on this value. It is not for nothing that our motto is “United in Diversity”.

Because we are countries, regions and people who have set aside past differences, to work together for our common good.

And through Interreg, you have invested in collaboration, not just within the Adriatic-Ionian region, but also beyond.

In so doing, you have not only exchanged expertise and good practices, you also built ties with your neighbours.

And this is the spirit of Europe. And these have been the achievements of the Strategy so far: economic development, environmental protection, cultural exchange and above all, cooperation.

My appreciation in particular to the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina for your work in promoting this cooperation, and in promoting joint priorities, such as what we call the twin transition.

But the journey continues. As we look to the future, and the revision of the Strategy, there are 3 future milestones, that I would propose for your reflection.

First, the challenge of brain drain. The first initiative from the European Commission this year was on Harnessing Talent in European regions. The objective is to help those regions that have fallen into a talent development trap, or risk doing so.

We must create opportunities, to keep highly skilled individuals in their regions of origin so that they can be a driver of growth and convergence across Europe.

Second, the challenge of funding. The sustainability of the Strategy depends on the support it gets from the national and regional authorities. Alignment of funding programmes with the priorities of the Strategy is essential to achieve its objectives and to ensure that its benefits are felt across the region.

My third suggestion for reflection is the youth council. This is an important initiative, and it is essential that we hear the voice of young people. We should not just work for them, we must also work with them.

I would like to close with the words of Robert Schuman on that first Europe day, at the foundation of the European Community. He said: “Europe will not be built all at once, but step by step, by concrete acts of solidarity”.

With this Strategy, you are taking those most European steps, of cooperation, and solidarity. I urge you to continue. And the European Commission is committed to walking this road with you.

I wish you a productive annual forum.

Thank you very much.

Zařazenost 24.05.2023 11:05:00
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