President von der Leyen at Session VII of the G7, 'Common Endeavor for a Resilient and Sustainable Planet'

Quotes by President von der Leyen on 'Common Endeavor for a Resilient and Sustainable Planet'

We all witness record-breaking heat waves, devastating floods and wildfires on our continents. This should not become the new normal. We know the cause: global warming. And we also know that we can act upon it. Let's do it together!

Europe had to show that we can speed up the transition to a clean energy system. After Russia's brutal invasion in Ukraine, we had to diversify away from Russian fossil fuels in record time. We accelerated the build up of renewables. And we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions in industry or in heavy-duty transportation. It is do-able.

Decarbonisation and the fight against global warming is in everyone's interest. It should be a win-win. Renewable energies provide a strong business case for innovative cleantech leaders and for responsible investors. And it brings economic value to countries endowed with the clean energy resources of the future: sun, wind, hydropower. I want these countries to become reliable hubs of renewable hydrogen.

The EU is ready to cooperate closely with our global partners in the fight against climate change. Donor countries are well on track for the 100 billion dollars for climate financing. We must make it this year and I am confident that we will. But we equally need to deliver on our commitment to double the share for climate adaptation. And we have to intensify our work on mobilizing innovative sources of finance. The upcoming Paris Finance Summit, the G20 in Dehli and COP 28 can be important milestones.“

Zařazenoso 20.05.2023 11:05:00
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