Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, residents, Kvartální součty - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, residents v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Liabilities, main items, residents

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Kvartální součty

Zpět na základní časovou řadu Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, residents

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
01.07.2020 79 434.70 259 529.30 - 180 094.60 -69.39% 286 995.40 - 207 560.70 -72.32%
01.04.2020 259 529.30 269 821.00 -10 291.70 -3.81% 286 470.90 -26 941.60 -9.40%
01.01.2020 269 821.00 235 199.20 34 621.80 14.72% 296 415.90 -26 594.90 -8.97%
01.10.2019 235 199.20 286 995.40 -51 796.20 -18.05% 288 298.70 -53 099.50 -18.42%
01.07.2019 286 995.40 286 470.90 524.50 0.18% 351 675.20 -64 679.80 -18.39%
01.04.2019 286 470.90 296 415.90 -9 945.00 -3.35% 393 045.10 - 106 574.20 -27.11%
01.01.2019 296 415.90 288 298.70 8 117.20 2.82% 417 956.00 - 121 540.10 -29.08%
01.10.2018 288 298.70 351 675.20 -63 376.50 -18.02% 333 025.50 -44 726.80 -13.43%
01.07.2018 351 675.20 393 045.10 -41 369.90 -10.53% 369 834.00 -18 158.80 -4.91%
01.04.2018 393 045.10 417 956.00 -24 910.90 -5.96% 365 811.80 27 233.30 7.44%
01.01.2018 417 956.00 333 025.50 84 930.50 25.50% 369 334.30 48 621.70 13.16%
01.10.2017 333 025.50 369 834.00 -36 808.50 -9.95% 255 070.40 77 955.10 30.56%
01.07.2017 369 834.00 365 811.80 4 022.20 1.10% 285 020.70 84 813.30 29.76%
01.04.2017 365 811.80 369 334.30 -3 522.50 -0.95% 309 813.60 55 998.20 18.07%
01.01.2017 369 334.30 255 070.40 114 263.90 44.80% 315 045.50 54 288.80 17.23%
01.10.2016 255 070.40 285 020.70 -29 950.30 -10.51% 329 570.70 -74 500.30 -22.61%
01.07.2016 285 020.70 309 813.60 -24 792.90 -8.00% 432 161.40 - 147 140.70 -34.05%
01.04.2016 309 813.60 315 045.50 -5 231.90 -1.66% 429 491.60 - 119 678.00 -27.86%
01.01.2016 315 045.50 329 570.70 -14 525.20 -4.41% 472 813.50 - 157 768.00 -33.37%
01.10.2015 329 570.70 432 161.40 - 102 590.70 -23.74% 486 439.10 - 156 868.40 -32.25%
01.07.2015 432 161.40 429 491.60 2 669.80 0.62% 553 895.10 - 121 733.70 -21.98%
01.04.2015 429 491.60 472 813.50 -43 321.90 -9.16% 592 695.10 - 163 203.50 -27.54%
01.01.2015 472 813.50 486 439.10 -13 625.60 -2.80% 623 000.90 - 150 187.40 -24.11%
01.10.2014 486 439.10 553 895.10 -67 456.00 -12.18% 645 649.70 - 159 210.60 -24.66%
01.07.2014 553 895.10 592 695.10 -38 800.00 -6.55% 646 255.50 -92 360.40 -14.29%
01.04.2014 592 695.10 623 000.90 -30 305.80 -4.86% 639 503.90 -46 808.80 -7.32%
01.01.2014 623 000.90 645 649.70 -22 648.80 -3.51% 636 273.80 -13 272.90 -2.09%
01.10.2013 645 649.70 646 255.50 - 605.80 -0.09% 650 843.60 -5 193.90 -0.80%
01.07.2013 646 255.50 639 503.90 6 751.60 1.06% 734 621.20 -88 365.70 -12.03%
01.04.2013 639 503.90 636 273.80 3 230.10 0.51% 723 980.20 -84 476.30 -11.67%
01.01.2013 636 273.80 650 843.60 -14 569.80 -2.24% 749 482.10 - 113 208.30 -15.10%
01.10.2012 650 843.60 734 621.20 -83 777.60 -11.40% 679 190.70 -28 347.10 -4.17%
01.07.2012 734 621.20 723 980.20 10 641.00 1.47% 612 040.20 122 581.00 20.03%
01.04.2012 723 980.20 749 482.10 -25 501.90 -3.40% 595 819.50 128 160.70 21.51%
01.01.2012 749 482.10 679 190.70 70 291.40 10.35% 544 196.40 205 285.70 37.72%
01.10.2011 679 190.70 612 040.20 67 150.50 10.97% 540 219.20 138 971.50 25.73%
01.07.2011 612 040.20 595 819.50 16 220.70 2.72% 497 072.10 114 968.10 23.13%
01.04.2011 595 819.50 544 196.40 51 623.10 9.49% 569 411.90 26 407.60 4.64%
01.01.2011 544 196.40 540 219.20 3 977.20 0.74% 548 212.30 -4 015.90 -0.73%
01.10.2010 540 219.20 497 072.10 43 147.10 8.68% 493 966.90 46 252.30 9.36%
01.07.2010 497 072.10 569 411.90 -72 339.80 -12.70% 445 800.50 51 271.60 11.50%
01.04.2010 569 411.90 548 212.30 21 199.60 3.87% 469 914.80 99 497.10 21.17%
01.01.2010 548 212.30 493 966.90 54 245.40 10.98% 437 191.40 111 020.90 25.39%
01.10.2009 493 966.90 445 800.50 48 166.40 10.80% 392 009.10 101 957.80 26.01%
01.07.2009 445 800.50 469 914.80 -24 114.30 -5.13% 466 102.70 -20 302.20 -4.36%
01.04.2009 469 914.80 437 191.40 32 723.40 7.48% 503 750.70 -33 835.90 -6.72%
01.01.2009 437 191.40 392 009.10 45 182.30 11.53% 408 995.10 28 196.30 6.89%
01.10.2008 392 009.10 466 102.70 -74 093.60 -15.90% 425 256.40 -33 247.30 -7.82%
01.07.2008 466 102.70 503 750.70 -37 648.00 -7.47% 456 647.60 9 455.10 2.07%
01.04.2008 503 750.70 408 995.10 94 755.60 23.17% 400 287.80 103 462.90 25.85%
01.01.2008 408 995.10 425 256.40 -16 261.30 -3.82% 316 310.00 92 685.10 29.30%
01.10.2007 425 256.40 456 647.60 -31 391.20 -6.87% 397 298.20 27 958.20 7.04%
01.07.2007 456 647.60 400 287.80 56 359.80 14.08% 356 483.40 100 164.20 28.10%
01.04.2007 400 287.80 316 310.00 83 977.80 26.55% 361 504.10 38 783.70 10.73%
01.01.2007 316 310.00 397 298.20 -80 988.20 -20.38% 326 275.30 -9 965.30 -3.05%
01.10.2006 397 298.20 356 483.40 40 814.80 11.45% 370 776.60 26 521.60 7.15%
01.07.2006 356 483.40 361 504.10 -5 020.70 -1.39% 346 500.20 9 983.20 2.88%
01.04.2006 361 504.10 326 275.30 35 228.80 10.80% 342 900.00 18 604.10 5.43%
01.01.2006 326 275.30 370 776.60 -44 501.30 -12.00% 331 373.00 -5 097.70 -1.54%
01.10.2005 370 776.60 346 500.20 24 276.40 7.01% 404 178.40 -33 401.80 -8.26%
01.07.2005 346 500.20 342 900.00 3 600.20 1.05% 365 142.70 -18 642.50 -5.11%
01.04.2005 342 900.00 331 373.00 11 527.00 3.48% 350 069.00 -7 169.00 -2.05%
01.01.2005 331 373.00 404 178.40 -72 805.40 -18.01% 302 764.60 28 608.40 9.45%
01.10.2004 404 178.40 365 142.70 39 035.70 10.69% 336 252.60 67 925.80 20.20%
01.07.2004 365 142.70 350 069.00 15 073.70 4.31% 340 090.10 25 052.60 7.37%
01.04.2004 350 069.00 302 764.60 47 304.40 15.62% 394 885.40 -44 816.40 -11.35%
01.01.2004 302 764.60 336 252.60 -33 488.00 -9.96% 453 670.70 - 150 906.10 -33.26%
01.10.2003 336 252.60 340 090.10 -3 837.50 -1.13% 501 742.70 - 165 490.10 -32.98%
01.07.2003 340 090.10 394 885.40 -54 795.30 -13.88% 510 718.00 - 170 627.90 -33.41%
01.04.2003 394 885.40 453 670.70 -58 785.30 -12.96% 509 815.60 - 114 930.20 -22.54%
01.01.2003 453 670.70 501 742.70 -48 072.00 -9.58% 568 600.10 - 114 929.40 -20.21%
01.10.2002 501 742.70 510 718.00 -8 975.30 -1.76% - - -
01.07.2002 510 718.00 509 815.60 902.40 0.18% - - -
01.04.2002 509 815.60 568 600.10 -58 784.50 -10.34% - - -
01.01.2002 568 600.10 - - - - - -

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, residents (Liabilities, main items, residents)
Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, residents (Liabilities, main items, residents)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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